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Copyright and Licensing


1. "Galacticraft" and "the Galacticraft project" means the plugin for

Forge-modified Minecraft (see section 10 below) which is distributed as a

compiled binary through the home page and whose source code is or

has been published on Github in the micdoodle8/Galacticraft and

micdoodle8/MicdoodleCore repositories. Galacticraft's "source code" means the

material, including Java code, other programming code, image, textures,

models, sound files and other binary files, published within the

micdoodle8/Galacticraft and micdoodle8/MicdoodleCore repositories on Github,

subject to section 18 below in relation to "dependencies", and any related

material including the text, design and artwork on the Wiki which is

published on or any other official Galacticraft website.

2. Galacticraft is a copyright work, and the copyright belongs to the

Galacticraft developers. The "Galacticraft developers" means the persons

known by the Github usernames micdoodle8, radfast and fishtaco567

and any additional person whom the Galacticraft developers deem to become

one of the Galacticraft developers in future. References herein to the

Galacticraft developers shall be construed jointly and severally.

3. The "overriding principle" is that Galacticraft is intended to be

open-source software with its source code distributed freely on Github (or

any similar technological means which allows for the distribution of source

code via the internet to any interested person), available to all on a free

for non-commercial use basis as detailed further below.

4. Nothing in this Licence shall interfere with that overriding principle

and no rights granted by this Licence shall interfere with the continuing ability

the Galacticraft developers to modify, supplement and publish Galacticraft's

source code on to Github and to distribute, through Github or elsewhere, any

compiled or binary code based thereon.


5. Contributions to Galacticraft in the form of code, code snippets,

pull requests, translations, artwork, sounds, music, or other similar

contributions are welcomed. Issue reports and comments, forum posts,

editing of the Wiki, and other user contributions are also welcomed

and are classed as "contributions" to the project for these purposes. Any

person contributing in that form (a "Contributor"), by the act of

contributing, (a) assigns the copyright in that contribution to the

Galacticraft developers; (b) in any event, authorises the distribution of

that contribution thereafter as a part of the Galacticraft project through

Github or otherwise; (c) consents to Galacticraft's developers licensing

that contribution as a part of the Galacticraft project as set out in

section 20 and following below.

6. No Contributor shall be entitled, by a claim to copyright relating to

their contribution or any other code or material in Galacticraft, or by any

other means, to interfere with the overriding principle. In particular, no

Contributor shall be entitled, by reason of that contribution or otherwise,

to attempt to prevent the continuing publication of Galacticraft's source code

on Github or any distribution or licensing of Galacticraft.

7. A Contributor does not become one of the Galacticraft developers by the

act of contribution, unless the Galacticraft developers deem otherwise in

their sole discretion (which would require a large scale, sustained and

substantial contribution to the project).

8. In the event of a Contributor making (whether deliberately or

inadvertently) a contribution which wholly or partly comprises material in

which a third party ("the original copyright holder") holds the copyright,

the Contributor shall (a) not seek to enforce or assist in the enforcement

of that copyright against Galacticraft nor by any other means prevent the
continuing publication of Galacticraft on Github whether by means of DMCA

notices or otherwise, which shall be a matter for the original copyright

holder only; (b) the Contributor shall indemnify and hold harmless the

Galacticraft developers against any loss or damage, consequential loss, or

costs arising out of the contribution of the said material to Galacticraft.

Interaction with Mojang's EULA


9. Mojang AB ("Mojang") holds the copyright in the game known as Minecraft

(herein, "vanilla" Minecraft).

10. Galacticraft is popularly referred to as a Minecraft "Mod", but more

accurately it is a plugin. A separate project known as Forge modifies the

code of vanilla Minecraft. Galacticraft does not itself modify the code of

Minecraft but it provides new original material (a "plugin") which is

interoperable with Forge-modified Minecraft. On this basis Galacticraft is

considered by the Galacticraft developers to be a plugin rather than a Mod,

but whether that is correct or not shall not affect the validity of this

document and the licence granted hereby, which shall apply in the same way in

either case.

11. The purpose of Galacticraft is to supplement the gameplay experience of

a player playing modified Minecraft through the use of Galacticraft's

original material which is contained in compiled binary versions of

Galacticraft (including code, graphics, textures, icons, models, sounds and

music). The player will need to be running Minecraft, together with the

Forge modifications, in order to enjoy the gameplay experience contained in

a compiled version of Galacticraft.

12. Galacticraft contains references to Forge-modified Minecraft (including

vanilla Minecraft code) for interoperability reasons only. Galacticraft -

in either its source code or its compiled binaries - does not contain a

vanilla or Forge-modified copy of Minecraft as such, and there is no intent,

in or through Galacticraft, to "distribute" any material in which Mojang

holds the copyright.

13. Galacticraft's source code can be read by anyone and Minecraft is not

required in order to read and enjoy the Galacticraft source code.

Galacticraft's compiled binaries, however, can provide a gameplay experience

only to a person who is running Minecraft.

14. Accordingly, the rights of Mojang AB as copyright owner in respect of

Minecraft do not and would not prevent the distribution of Galacticraft's

source code.

15. In any event, to the extent that it is relevant, the Galacticraft

developers are permitted by Mojang's EULA for Minecraft to distribute

Galacticraft. Specifically, that EULA provides (sic):

"If you've bought the Game, you may play around with it and modify it. ...

Basically, mods (or plugins, or tools) are cool (you can distribute



"Any tools you write for the Game from scratch belong to you. Modifications

to the Game ("Mods") (including pre-run Mods and in-memory Mods) and plugins

for the Game also belong to you and you can do whatever you want with them,

as long as you don't sell them for money / try to make money from them."

In quoting Mojang's EULA as aforesaid, no representation or admission is

made that Mojang's authorisation is in fact required to distribute

Galacticraft or its source code or as to the meaning of that EULA or

expressions within it, which shall be a question of law to be resolved in

any relevant jurisdiction where the question arises, but if and to the

extent that such authorisation is required, it is authorised.

Libraries etc

16. Galacticraft incorporates code snippets and libraries written by third

17. All such third party code is distributed within the Galacticraft

project subject to whichever licence was originally applicable to it and

subject also to the terms herein as set out below. Reference should be

made to the original third party code for licensing information.


18. The code of Galacticraft's dependencies (that is to say, anything in

the /dependencies folder in the Galacticraft Github project, which includes

other mod's APIs) is included on the Github for interoperability reasons

only. This is for the convenience of developers wishing to make use of the

Galacticraft source code in their own development environment without

compilation errors. The dependencies are not distributed within

Galacticraft's compiled binaries and are not part of the copyright work

known as Galacticraft which is licensed under this licence.

19. The code of all dependencies within the Galacticraft project is subject

to whichever licence was originally applicable to that code. Reference

should be made to the original code for licensing information.

Galacticraft: licence

20. Galacticraft is free for non-commercial use. The compiled

binaries in Galacticraft are made freely available to all players.

The Galacticraft project source code can be accessed and used

on an open-source basis by any person, except that (a) no person can

sell it or any derived work for money or try to make money from it,

(b) no person can interfere with the overriding principle. The

detailed terms and provisions set out below shall apply in all cases.

21. Where the Galacticraft project or its source code incorporates or

includes material ("the Part") which is subject to a third party copyright

or licence ("the original licence") then (a) to the maximum extent that

the law allows in every relevant jurisdiction, the terms of the licence
herein or any severable terms or provisions of this licence shall apply,

in addition to or in place of the terms of the original licence, to the

Part as incorporated in the Galacticraft project; and (b) where and to

the extent that that is not possible (for example because a term of the

original licence is not compatible with this licence and the law requires

the original licence to prevail) then to that extent the terms of the

original licence shall apply in relation to the Part only, and the

remainder of the Galacticraft project shall be licensed on the terms

herein both part by part and as an overall compilation.

22. "On an open-source basis" means that Galacticraft's source code is

published in accordance with the overriding principle. The Galacticraft

developers will use best endeavours to continue to make Galacticraft's

source code available in that way. This meets the Galacticraft developers'

obligations under the GPL or LGPL (where applicable) to provide access to

source code. The Galacticraft developers will not be liable in the event of

the discontinued operation of Github or other force majeure preventing

public access to the source code or any repository containing it.

23. The restriction on persons selling Galacticraft for money or "trying to

make money from it" does not prevent: (a) a person making money from an

advertisement which that person provides to a player who downloads, free of

charge, a modpack containing a compiled binary of Galacticraft together

with other mods, subject to the additional conditions in section 37 below;

(b) a server owner who charges a fee or receives donations from players

playing on a server which offers a Galacticraft gameplay experience to players

who have themselves installed Galacticraft in their clients, so long as the

server does not disable player access to critical (in contrast to cosmetic)

features, items or blocks in Galacticraft or make player access to parts or

stages of Galacticraft conditional on payment ("pay to win"); and (c) a person

from making a video recording of a Galacticraft gameplay experience and

distributing that video on Youtube, Twitch or similar internet video distribution

channels and making money in consequence of the video or related advertisements.

24. No undertaking or warranty is given that Galacticraft is suitable for

use on any computer system or in any modpack, that it is stable and

crash-free and interoperable with other "mods", or that there will be no

loss or corruption of data or internet connectivity through the use of

Galacticraft. Galacticraft is provided "as is". It is the responsibility

of every player, modpack maker and server owner to test and confirm

Galacticraft's suitability for the intended use. In any event, the

liability of the Galacticraft developers to any person using Galacticraft

shall be limited to such monetary amount, if any (and otherwise zero), as

that person has paid to the Galacticraft developers for the use of

Galacticraft. These exclusions and limitations of liability shall apply to

the maximum extent permitted by law in every relevant jurisdiction.

25. Galacticraft may be updated from time to time, but the Galacticraft

developers are not obliged to update Galacticraft and are not obliged to fix

bugs, crashes or issues which may be identified now or in future, which

shall be done at the sole discretion of the Galacticraft developers.

26. The Galacticraft project may be discontinued at any time, at the sole

discretion of the Galacticraft developers, in which case users of

Galacticraft may continue to use such source code or compiled versions as

they may have downloaded at that time on the terms applicable to them at

that time, but no further access to Galacticraft or its source code will be

provided by the Galacticraft developers.

27. Galacticraft may either now or in future contain or display code,

graphics or text which makes reference to, links to, communicates with or

advertises either Galacticraft or its associated website(s) or other projects

of the Galacticraft developers or any of them. In that event, as a condition

of the continued use of Galacticraft, no user of Galacticraft (and in

particular, no server owner or modpack maker) shall block, disable or

prevent such reference, link, communication or advertising.

28. (a) Any person may make free use of Galacticraft's API and may freely

copy and distribute the API to the extent required for interoperability reasons.

(b) Any person may study Galacticraft's source code and may copy it, modify it,

reverse engineer it or otherwise use it for that person's own personal use

or any non-commercial academic purpose (but this does not permit distribution

and this does not permit inclusion or copying of any part of Galacticraft

or any derivative works in any commercial work or for any commercial purpose).

(c) Licence is granted to all persons to copy, use and modify

non-substantial parts (as defined below) of the Galacticraft project (including its

source code) for any non-commercial purpose and to incorporate such non-substantial

parts as appropriate and reasonable in their own non-commercial projects, including

other Minecraft mods or plugins, provided that no person other than the

developers may present Galacticraft's source code as being their own work, and any

derived work must contain appropriate author attribution. Any commercial use of a

derived from Galacticraft shall continue to be prohibited.

(d) "Non-substantial parts" means any part other than the whole or a substantial

element of Galacticraft: for example a single Java method would be a non-

substantial part.

A "substantial part" includes anything which when compiled into playable form
(together with

any other code from any origin required to render it playable) replicates or

to any substantially similar extent the gameplay, graphics, sound or visual design

Galacticraft or any identifiable or material part or gameplay element of


(including for example the player experience of visiting any individual planet,

dimension or world which is represented in Galacticraft, the appearance of any


or entity in Galacticraft, and any game screen or GUI which is specific to

All textured models (for example rockets, landers, mobs and other entities)

in Galacticraft are individually deemed to be "substantial parts".

(e) Distribution of the whole of Galacticraft, in unaltered compiled binary form,

is permitted ONLY in modpacks as set out further in section 37 below. Apart from

distribution or copying of Galacticraft or any substantial part of it or any


work is PROHIBITED without permission from the developers. In particular,


of out-dated, altered, modified, converted or partial copies of Galacticraft or its

binaries is prohibited. Copies or ports to other versions of Minecraft or Forge

either in

Java or for non-Java gaming platforms including mobile or console versions are

without the written permission of the Galacticraft developers.

(f) All permissions in this section 28 are subject to the proviso that no other

may present Galacticraft's source code or any derived work or any compiled version

being their own work or take any action which denies the Galacticraft developers'

ownership of the copyright in Galacticraft and rights to licence it and continued

ability to publish the source code in accordance with the overriding principle.

(g) Incorporation of Galacticraft or parts of it (or any derived work) in any


project - including vanilla Minecraft itself or any installer, distribution, mod


website, downloadable content or other resource which is available to paying users,

subscribers or members only, or is otherwise conditional on a purchase, or which is

distributed only to viewers of an advertisement (for example through an link

or similar) - would violate section 20(a) above and is PROHIBITED.

28A. The copying or distribution of Galacticraft in mod "installers",

for example Skydaz, is PROHIBITED and no licence is granted to distribute

Galacticraft or its binaries in that way. An "installer" here means a program,

script or system which has the sole or main function of installing

Galacticraft for a player. A system for downloading, installing and launching

modpacks comprising multiple mods presented together (for example Technic

or FeedTheBeast launchers) is not an "installer" for these purposes and


of Galacticraft in modpacks is fully permitted in accordance with the modpack

permission in section 37 below.

28B. For the avoidance of doubt, the distribution or copying of Galacticraft

on mod download or re-distribution websites is PROHIBITED. (But bona fide

modpacks comprising multiple mods, distributed through CurseForge or FTB or

Technic platform or similar sites, are permitted in accordance with the modpack

permission in section 37 below.)

29. To the extent that Galacticraft uses parts of the code which are or have

previously been licensed on the LGPL or GPL basis or any other licensing

basis, that licence is to be applied subject to the above when such source

code or compiled binaries are distributed as part of the Galacticraft

project, and anything in the LGPL or GPL or other licence which is

inconsistent with the above shall not apply to Galacticraft as a whole.

In any event, users of Galacticraft are allowed to modify Galacticraft

code for their own use and to reverse engineer the distributed binaries

for the purpose of debugging such modifications.

30. A player playing Galacticraft within a Minecraft environment

may do so only if that player has a legitimately acquired copy of

Minecraft. Any other use of Galacticraft for a gameplay experience is

not authorised.

31. This copyright and licensing document itself is excluded from the

licence terms above. This is a copyright and proprietary legal document and

it must NOT be copied by any other person, in whole or in part, except for

purposes permitted by law.

Proper law, jurisdiction and updating


32. This document and the licence granted hereby are granted under the law

of Canada and should be interpreted accordingly.

33. The copyright in Galacticraft and the licence granted hereby are

applicable and enforceable in every jurisdiction where Galacticraft is used,

in accordance with these terms. References herein to "each relevant

jurisdiction" are to be read accordingly. "Copyright" includes to the

extent applicable also all the other intellectual property rights or equivalent

rights, as applicable in each relevant jurisdiction, which are held by the

author, writer, artist, designer, inventor, creator or other rights-holder of

the computer code, text, artwork, designs, technologies and sounds contained

in Galacticraft.

34. In the event that a part or provision of this document is ineffective

or not legally enforceable, that part or provision shall be severed from

and shall not affect the other parts and provisions of this document and

the licence granted hereby which shall continue to operate and to be

enforceable to the maximum extent that the law allows.

35. This document and the licence granted hereby may be updated from time

to time, in which case the updated terms apply to any person continuing to

use Galacticraft or its source code after the date of such update, as a

condition of that continuing use. This document and licence applies on

the same basis to persons who downloaded or obtained copies of Galacticraft

or its source code prior to the date this document first came into force

and who continue to use Galacticraft thereafter.

36. A person downloading or otherwise obtaining a copy of Galacticraft or

its source code does not thereby obtain ownership of Galacticraft, but

merely a copy of it which may be used only on the terms licenced by the

Galacticraft developers from time to time as set out herein.

Modpacks permission
37. Permission is hereby granted for Galacticraft (in its compiled, Java

version in the form of .jar binary files) to be incorporated in any

modpack without further authorisation from the Galacticraft developers, on

the basis set out in sections 1 to 36 above - note in particular the

prohibitions on commercial use - and subject to the following

additional points: (a) a modpack must not incorporate the word

"Galacticraft" in its name nor in any other way present itself as being an

"official" Galacticraft modpack; (b) modpacks are not required to provide

players with a link to Galacticraft's source code, but they must not attempt

to deny access to Galacticraft's source code nor otherwise interfere with

the overriding principle; (c) the Galacticraft code and other elements

in the compiled binary must not be altered and every copy of Galacticraft's

compiled binary code must include, within the relevant .jar or .zip or other

packaged file, a copy of this LICENSE.txt; (d) modpacks must so far as

reasonably possible distribute an up-to-date version of Galacticraft; (e)

a 'modpack' here means a compilation of Galacticraft with other mods to

create a bona fide pack of multiple mods playable in the Java versions of

Minecraft combined with Forge.

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