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Type the Title of Your Paper Here (Capital Each Word)

[The title must be written accurately, clearly, and concisely to

reflect the emphasis and content of the paper; title must be brief
and grammatically correct]
List ALL author names here, the author’s name is written completely without abbreviations
and without titles

[List in the row everyone who has made a significant contribution to the work. Use the full
set consisting of first, middle, and last name (e.g., Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono). Do not use
only initials with last name (e.g., S. B. Yudhoyono) as this will cause difficulty in indexing
and interfere with the unique identification of an author. Don’t include professional or official
degrees or academic degrees. At least one author should be marked with an asterisk (*) as the
corresponding author who submitted this paper]

Type ALL author institution here. Simply write down the names of institutions, city and country. No need to
write street names
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia

Type ALL authors’ e-mail address here. Give special sign who is the corresponding author.

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Start your abstract here. The abstract content MUST contain a minimum of 100
words and a maximum of 300 words. All manuscripts must be accompanied by an abstract.
Abstract states the problem or the research objective, in brief, shows the theoretical or
experimental plan used, summarizes the main findings, and shows the main conclusions. The
abstract is written in one paragraph. Please do not use abbreviations and compound numbers
in abstracts. Do not include citations and references in abstracts.
Keywords: Start your keywords here. Provides 3-5 important keywords to help readers in
their literature search. Each keyword is separated by (;)

1. Introduction. The first sub section

The paragraphs are indented (Body text Indented style). Use a one-column format and
do not add any page numbers. Make sure you cite using the number format in parentheses [1]
in the order based on the citation sequence [2]. Not using the format name, year. Please do
not create sections, in this file there is only ONE section [3, 4, 5].

The introduction of the manuscript must be written in good language and grammar
checked. Documents can be written in Indonesian or English. State the work’s purpose and
provide an adequate background, avoiding too detailed literature reviews or summaries of
results. In the last paragraph, the author must clearly state the purpose of the work. Please
ensure that any references cited in the text are also in the list of references (and vice versa).
Please use reference managers such as Endnote (recommended), Mendeley, or Zotero.
Indicate references with numbers in square brackets in line with the text. The author can be
referred to but must be accompanied by a reference number—example: “..... as shown [4,5].
Rao and Rao [6] reveal that .............”. Remember, say the full form of the abbreviation when
it first appears in the text. For the next paragraph, the writer only needs to write the

2. Methodology. The first sub section

Write the sentence that connects this section to the sub-section below. Don’t leave it
blank. Provide sufficient detail so that the work can be reproduced. List a variety of things
that include materials, instrumentation, and procedures.

2.1. Equipment/ Tool/ Material. The second sub chapter

Another section of your paper. The paragraphs are indented (Body text Indented
style). Use a one-column format and do not add any page numbers.

Table 1. Caption of the Table 1. Above the figure and centred

Xxxxx Yyyyy
Xxxx 1111
Xxxx 2222
Xxxx 3333

[Providing a high image resolution is essential to ensure good script quality. Give the
image a more straightforward style and remove unnecessary background and lines (gridlines).
If the image has more than 1 part, then the different parts are labeled with letters: a, b, c, etc.
In the image legend, the letters in parentheses are placed at the beginning of the phrase that
describes the part in question. Image captions must follow the same lines as the image
numbers, and short description should be included under each image. The title must be
understandable without reference to the text. Make sure that the symbols and abbreviations
used in the text match those in the figures.]

Figure 1. Caption of the Figure 1. Below the figure and centred.

2.2. Experiment. The second sub chapter

Another section of your paper. The paragraphs are indented (Body text Indented
style). Use a one-column format and do not add any page numbers.

3. Results and Discussion

Another section of your paper. The paragraphs are indented (Body text Indented
style). Use a one-column format and do not add any page numbers.

3.1. Result and Discussion 3.1

Another section of your paper. The paragraphs are indented (Body text Indented
style). Use a one-column format and do not add any page numbers.

3.2. Result and Discussion 3.2

Another section of your paper. The paragraphs are indented (Body text Indented
style). Use a one-column format and do not add any page numbers.

3.2.1. Result and Discussion 3.2.1

Another section of your paper. The paragraphs are indented (Body text Indented
style). Use a one-column format and do not add any page numbers.

3.2.2. Result and Discussion 3.2.2

Another section of your paper. The paragraphs are indented (Body text Indented
style). Use a one-column format and do not add any page numbers.

4. Conclusion
Another section of your paper. The paragraphs are indented (Body text Indented
style). Use a one-column format and do not add any page numbers.

The paragraphs are indented (Body text Indented style). Make sure you list all the
names that deserve to be paid. Don’t forget to include the research contract number that
funded this research


Reference is placed at the end of the manuscript. The authors are responsible for the
accuracy and completeness of all references. References must be up-to-date, and it is
recommended that a minimum number of 20 pieces and current references (the last 10 years)
is 80% of the total references used. Please use references in the form of journal articles rather
than textbooks. Those used should have a DOI. Give the reference numbers (numbers in
square brackets) in the list in the order they appear in the text. This is exemplified explicitly
in the following examples:

[1] Friedrich Ruttner, Biogeography and Taxonomy of Honeybees, Springer Berlin

Heidelberg, Berlin, 2013 [book]
[2] Ruo-Yu Hong, Jian-Hua Li, Shi-Zhong Zhang, Hong-Zhong Li, Ying Zheng, Jian-min
Ding, Dong-Guang Wei, Preparation and characterization of silica-coated Fe3O4
nanoparticles used as precursor of ferrofluids, Applied Surface Science, 255, 6, (2009),
3485-3492 [journal article]
[3] J. A. Melero, A. García, M. Clavero, Production of biofuels via catalytic cracking, in: R.
Luque, J. Campelo, J. Clark (Eds.) Handbook of Biofuels Production, Woodhead
Publishing, Cambridge, 2011, [book
[4] Eka Muliaty, Pelapisan Magnetit dengan Hibrida Merkapto-Silika untuk Adsorpsi Selektif
Au (III) dari Sistem Multilogam Au (III)/Cu (II)/Ni (II), Departemen Kimia,
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, 2014 [thesis]
[5] Gita Citra Santi, Maya Rahmayanti, Effect of Solution pH to Indigosol Blue Adsorption
on Humic Acid Isolated from Kalimantan Peat Oil, Proceeding International
Conference on Science and Engineering, Yogyakarta, 2019 [conference proceeding]

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