Austrian NCS

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Austrian National Characteristics Sheet

Name Bases Sk Special Valeur Discipline

German Line Infantry Battalion 6 1 Grosse Batalion, Batalionmasse C D

Hungarian Line Infantry Battalion 6 1 Grosse Batalion, Batalionmasse B D

Grenzer Battalion 6 2 Grosse Batalion, Batalionmasse, Vertieigen Sie den Rand! C R

Jägers Battalion 6 2 Batalionmasse, Light Ifnatry, Jägers C E

Grenadier Battalion 6 1 Batalionmasse, Bestanding B E

Hussar Regiment 4 - Light Cavalry, Overstrength B D

Uhlan Regiment 4 - Light Cavalry,Overstrength Lancers C D

Chevauleger Regiment 4 - Light Cavalry, Overstrength C D

Dragoon Regiment 4 - Overstrength C D

Cuirassier Regiment 4 - Overstrength, Battle Cavalry B D

Guns Hw

6 Pdr Brigade Battery 4 - C D

3 Pdr Brigade Battery 4 - Light Artillery C D

6 Pdr Cavalry Battery 3 - Cavalry Battery C D

6 Pdr Position Battery 2 1 C D

12 Pdr Position Battery 2 1 Heavy Artillery C D

Units with this special rule eliminate an enemy General at 6” or less with a
Units with Batalionmasse rule and in column who are within 12” of enemy
roll for casualties of Generals of 10+ instead of 11+ for 2D6.
cavalry are considered in Batalionmasse. When in Batalionmasse (in column
and within 12”” of enemy cavalry) the following rules apply:
With each result of 6 in combat rolls, Lancers eliminate two bases instead
• Battalion always makes a favorable roll to form square, representing of one.
the ease with which the soldiers of the battalion face outward to form Light Artillery
a solid square. 12” Range.
Light Cavalry
• When targeted by artillery, the artillery re-roll misses, representing the Light Cavalry units may evade charges from any other units.
denseness of the formation and its susceptibility to shot, shell and canister. Light Infantry
Light Infantry units can deploy part of their bases as skirmishers. To do
• May only move up to 4” because of lack of flexibility that more open this, a Light Infantry unit can generate up to two skirmisher bases before
formations while on the move. deployment, and attach them to the different infantry units within the army,
Battle Cavalry as long as the units to which they are attached do not have more skirmishers
Any unit combating with the front of a Battle Cavalry unit must repeat than close order bases.
successful throws unless it itself is considered Battle Cavalry. A Light Infantry unit which deploys some of its soldiers as skirmishers
Bestanding becomes Understrength if it was previously of normal size, and normal if
(Steady) – Force containing units with this characteristic are not consider it was previously Overstrength. Light Infantry may not deploy skirmishers
EXHAUSTED until they lose more than half of the units that compose the if it is Understrength.
force. Overstrength
Cavalry Battery Units with this characteristic may recover all close order bases eliminated
Cavalry batteries move at the 12” rate, just like cavalry, but only get two during the battle. They can also repeat failed saving rolls as long as they
actions in each turn. And do not forget that they do not re-rolls failed DT for have all their close order bases on the table.
complex movement (they are not horse artillery). Vertieigen Sie den Rand!
Grosse Batalion (Defend the Border!) Grenzers are treated as Light Infantry for fighting in
Grosse Batalions always have favorable rolls when doing saving throws. terrain, but they cannot deploy skirmisher bases to other units. All Elan tests
Heavy Artillery are favorable if the Grenzers are in any terrain other than open.
A heavy artillery battery throws an additional firing dice for each result of
6 rolled when firing. Further results of 6 in the second or consequent rolls
permit additional throws.

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