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Chas. W. Gibbs* and K. H. White

Ingersoll-Rand Co.

Operators of synthetic ammonia and a i r sepa- LIQUID CARRYOVER from a process or from
ration plants have, quite rightly, included discussions interstage coolers i s apt to cause premature failure,
of valve failures in at l e a s t the l a s t two symposiums. particularly on intake valves. A slug i s particularly
Valve failures can cause overheating, some unbalance hard on valves and may even break a seat. Liquid also
of compressor interstage conditions, and compressor destroys lubrication, accelerating wear.
shutdown, requiring subsequent r e s t a r t . Overheating Carryover can result from poor separation of
has overtones of danger, particularly when a i r is being condensate ahead of the compressor, o r improperly
handled. Compressor internal unbalance can at times designed piping where low spots permit accumulation.
cause concern, but shutdown and subsequent r e s t a r t A sudden flow change can then cause a carryover.
result in disturbance of operation throughout the plant, It i s important that interstage separators be
a condition conducive to accidents. The fewer the drained regularly and we a r e of the opinion that manual
valve failures, the greater the safety of operation. drainage at specified intervals with the fact of drainage
The service required of a valve in the modern logged, i s the proper method, particularly at the higher
process compressor i s extremely severe, the severity levels. Automatic t r a p s , i f used, should have a bypass
being seldom fully appreciated. In an average process piped for visual observation and check on t r a p opera-
compressor in a i r and ammonia plants, each valve tion-the check to be made a t stated intervals and the
must open and close nearly 500,000 (1/2 million) results logged.
times every 24 hours. Considering the temperatures, Examination of the valve plate will sometimes
p r e s s u r e s and gas conditions under which many valves indicate liquid carryover o r momentary high p r e s s u r e
operate, everyone must concede that modern valves do damage, but liquid in a cylinder i s generally discern-
a good job. But no one is satisfied-least of all the ible otherwise.
manufacturers. Efforts a r e being made continuously
to improve valve life. This report will discuss only DIRTY GAScan cause all s o r t s of problems. It
reciprocating compressors. accelerates wear v e r y rapidly at all guiding points
since it i s usually a good grinding compound. Foreign
Valve failure and remedies m a t t e r between the coils of springs i s a frequent cause
of spring failure and subsequent failure of other parts.
Valve failures can be pretty well classified a s
resulting from three general causes:-
CARBON-proper valve action may be hindered
1. Wear and fatigue. by carbon o r sludge resulting from an unfortunate
2. Foreign materials. combination of a particular oil and the gas being
3 . Abnormal mechanical action. pumped. The additives i n an oil i n combination with a
certain gas can sometimes result in trouble. Such a
Before discussing any of these, it must be
thing a s this i s unpredictable but, in some c a s e s , sim-
pointed out that the final design of any piece of equip-
ply trying another oil has been successful. Too much
ment entails some compromises. It i s practically
oil can be a s undesirable a s too little oil. The r a t e of
never possible to build even a s small a part a s a valve feed must be determined from experience and should
assembly in the optimum design for any given job.
be no m o r e than i s necessary to lubricate a cylinder
Wear and fatigue
WEAR, a s such, cannot be 100% eliminated. It CORROSION can cause high localized s t r e s s
can be minimized by proper lubrication, design, and and subsequent failure. Springs a r e apt to fail first.
selection of materials. The solution to corrosion problems i s not always
Most valves require some means of guiding. simple, and i s r a r e l y inexpensive. Valve materials
Wear a t the guides-if severe-can result in sloppy can be changed. In some c a s e s , scrubbers or chemi-
action, cocking, poor seating and failure. Wear should cal washes can eliminate o r reduce contaminants be-
not be permitted to develop to this point. fore they enter the compressor. In a few c a s e s simply
increasing jacket water temperature o r preheating the
FATIGUE i s the result of repeated cyclic sttes gas has eliminated condensing-out of corrosive ele-
s t r e s s . The s t r e s s level a s well a s the s t r e s s range ments.
m u s t be considered in any design. However, barring Corrosion may not cause valve failure for sev-
abnormal action, well designed valves give a good ac- e r a l months. When i t does, i t i s best to change out and
count of themselves a s f a r as fatigue i s concerned. repair all the remaining valves, because they a r e
Abnormal conditions can and do increase the probably close to failure. When there i s a corrosive
effect of both wear and fatigue adversely. condition that cannot be eliminated, it i s best to have a
complete set of s p a r e valves. This will result in l e s s
down time and l e s s final expense.
Foreign Materials As a corollary note-when sending a valve with
These can be listed in the following categories. suspected corrosion failure to the manufacturer for
examination, send the valve exactly a s removed from
1. Liquid carryover. 3. Carbon formation. the cylinder-neither disassembled nor cleaned up.
2. Dirty g;ts. 4. Corrosive elements. Also send a sample of deposits from the cylinder pas-
sages. Pack it in a sealed bag a s rapidly a s possible
*Retired to prevent any change due to oxidation of deposits.
fully against its stop but p r e s s u r e drop may be insuf-
Abnormal mechanical action ficient to hold it there-consequently, it s t a r t s to
close again. Inertia may close it too f a r , even back to
In this category, detective work i s sometimes
the seat before flow forces s t a r t it opening again. By
necessary. There a r e four general causes of abnor-
the end of the piston stroke it may have oscillated
m a l operation, although there i s some inter-relation
several times. Furthermore, at the end of the stroke
between them.
inertia may be carrying the valve open instead of back
1. Slamming. toward the s e a t and when backwash finally closes the
2. Fluttering. valve it i s with a slam.
3 . Resonance o r Pulsation. Examination of the valve and seat may confirm
4. Flow Pattern. fluttering. If the stop plate shows no markings it may
indicate that the valve has not fully opened. Normally
SLAMMING can occur when a valve opens o r the back of the valve plate itself will have some s o r t
when it closes. We have seen that valves normally of pattern from the springs. In a circular o r plate
have little tendency to s l a m except possibly when the valve, i f there i s no definite pattern, and the plate
discharge valve i s opening. appears to spin, then fluttering i s a likely cause of
Valve opening can be cushioned either me- failure.
chanically (by springs) or by a gas cushion-or by The solution to a fluttering valve i s to lower
both. the lift and/or to use lighter springs.
If a valve should close late, whatever the rea-
son, backwash a i r flow rather than the springs will RESONANCE OR PULSATIONS-normal valve
close the valve and slamming i s certain to occur. action can be upset by pulsations. The amplitude of
Slamming is suspected i f the plate h a s a hammered pulsation i s of considerable l e s s consequence than the
o r mottled appearance where it contacts the seat. phase relation of the p r e s s u r e valve and crank angle.
Listening will often confirm slamming. A pulsation can cause late closing, thus slamming a s
Clearance pockets, used to give partial unload- previously mentioned.
ing, sometimes cause s lamming of discharge valves. Figure 2 diagrams on a time basis what hap-
Figure I will illustrate what happens. When clearance pens. The valve i s not only open at dead center but
is added to a cylinder, the discharge takes place l a t e r the r a t e of p r e s s u r e change i s high. The valve i s
in the stroke. Of course, with enough clearance, there slammed shut by backflow after dead center.
should be no gas discharged a t all.
Any valve requires a finite time to open o r
close due to its inertia. If the clearance i s such that
the valve i s opening near the end of the stroke, it may
happen that inertia of the valve i s carrying it open
even after it should be closing. Backflow, after dead
center i s reached will then s l a m the valve shut and
eventually cause it to fail.
This type of slamming failure can usually be
eliminated by decreasing the lift and/or using stiffer
springs to change the valve timing and a s s u r e that the CYLINDER
valve i s closed at the end of the stroke.

FLUTTERING i s a result of insufficient p r e s -

s u r e drop through the valve. The p r e s s u r e drop i s a
function of velocity, density and flow coefficient. If
springs a r e too stiff, a valve may be unable to fully
open and instead of being held securely against its stop
i t remains somewhere between z e r o and full lift and FlGURE 2

oscillates. Springs usually suffer under t h e s e con-

ditions. In severe cases a valve may s t r i k e the seat The basic solution to this problem i s the elim-
o r stop plate several times during one s t r o k e of the ination of the pulsation through piping changes.
piston. The inertia of the valve may cause i t to open Sometimes the installation of an orifice will do the
trick. This i s a c a s e where the problem i s com-
pletely outside the valve designer's control.

FLOW PATTERN failures a r e few and f a r be-

tween but we cite them because they have happened.
There may be a disturbance within the cylinder pas-
sage leading to a valve which causes some type of e r -
ratic valve action.
The c u r e i s to change the lift and/or springing
(depending upon the type of failure) or even to change
' the valve type. The basic cause may not be immedi-
< ately discovered, but when it i s , steps can be taken to
improve the flow pattern itself in subsequent cylinders
In any case, we can eventually obtain normal life.

Valve records and case histories
So far we haven't even mentioned valve rec-
EFFECT OF HIGH ords, but the problems in the following c a s e histories
CLEARANCE were solved only after accurate records had been
flGURE I kept.
CASE 1 An analog computer verified a resonant condi-
tion a t this point and an orifice was installed. Pulsa-
F i r s t reports were that all valves were failing
\ tions w e r e eliminated and valve troubles ceased.
in all stages. No records w e r e kept in the beginning.
After records were kept and analyzed it was evident
that troubles were mostly discharge valves. Careful
checking indicated heavy carbon deposits resulted i n This was a pulsation problem.
fouling of valve action and subsequent failures. Chang- Trouble was confined to outer end discharge
ing to different oil cleared up the troubles. In some valve only on third stage cylinder. In this c a s e we
c a s e s valve failures in one stage caused trouble in the installed a new style valve which cleared up the
next higher stage because of small pieces being c a r - trouble. A pulsation bottle helped but did not origin-
ried over. ally c u r e the trouble.
However, the troubles on this job were not all
due to carbon buildup. Records showed where to con- CASE 6
centrate efforts and when the major problems w e r e
After considerable inlet valve trouble, records
cured the minor problems took c a r e of themselves.
finally indicated that only two ot the four inlet valves .
In some c a s e s discharge valve failures occur from
per cylinder end w e r e failing. The two inlet valves
broken pieces of inlet valve which c a r r y over. Curing
next to the horizontal centerline of the cylinder w e r e
inlet troubles thus solves discharge troubles.
i n trouble, but not the other two. This indicated that
there was something peculiar to this cylinder which
CASE 2 resulted i n the failures. Examination of the valve
Inlet valves failed. Examination of parts indi- parts showed that the valve did not-fully open and was
cated good valve action, no fluttering. The type of evidently fluttering. The trouble was eliminated by
failure indicated liquid carryover from process. Cus- putting in lighter springs which permitted the valve
tomer doubted it. Troubles were mostly in the sum- to fully open without fluttering.
m e r and r a r e l y in the winter. It was finally discovered A few months l a t e r we got a report of identical
that inlet gas temperature in summer was actually trouble at another plant. It turned out that the s a m e
lower than in winter because intake pipe was steam cylinder was used on this job and the same valves
traced in winter. In summer the steam was turned failed. Trouble was again corrected in the s a m e man-
off. ner. Incidentally, when we went to lighter springs we
Intake temperature of gas was increased about changed all inlet valves in order to prevent confusion.
20 degrees during the s u m m e r , and troubles ceased. The cylinder passage ribbing apparently r e -
F a i l u r e occurred because of condensate i n intake pipe sulted in a flow disturbance o r p r e s s u r e drop ahead of
and because wet gas formed acids which attacked two of the valves and this resulted in fluttering. A
valve parts. The discharge valves, which run hotter, redesign of the cylinder was the ultimate answer.
were not attacked. Also, discharge valves normally do H e r e again, pinpointing the trouble by keeping good
not fail due to liquid slugs in cylinder. Records of records resulted i n the solution.
intake temperature gave the clue to solving this job.
Typical valve record systems
One of your authors visited a number of syn-
Records of valve troubles clearly pointed out thetic ammonia plants a few months ago and had an
that failures were confined to outer end discharge exceptional opportunity to review record systems. If
valves only. The outer end had a clearance ring the plants we called on provided a good cross-section,
under the head to give added clearance. The added then m o s t valve r e c o r d systems a r e of the somewhat
clearance was thus suspected as being the reason for informal "little black book" type. The information
trouble. is there, but it i s not generally tabulated o r charted.
When the clearance ring was l a t e r removed Valve failures may actually be occurring that could
because of changing conditions, failures disappeared. be reduced in frequency, but the possibility may not
On other jobs we have had discharge valve be recognized.
failures when the outer head clearance pocket was It has been our experience that a systematic
open but not when closed. It is important to have rec- study of valve problems i s necessary for the best
ords which verify that the opening of the pocket and results. We feel that records should be m o r e elabo-
failure went hand-in-hand. r a t e than just showing where failures occur. A pic-
Failures usually can be eliminated when the t u r e of some s o r t i s required.
pocket i s open by decreasing lift and/or using stiffer How far one goes into this i s to some degree
springs to make certain the valve i s being closed a t dependent upon the number of machines and valves
the end of the stroke. involved. A plant with one or two machines and maybe
50 to 70 valves may use a simpler system than a plant
with s i x to eight units and 500 to 600 valves.
The type of maintenance also plays a p a r t in
Reported valve troubles were finally boiled the need for elaborate valve records. It i s our opinion
down to discharge only. There were no clearance that those of you with some type of pool maintenance,
pockets involved and ratio was such that late closing where there a r e several individuals involved in valve
of discharge valve was eliminated a s a factor. Re- r e p a i r , will find good records of greater value.
turned parts showed some corrosion. Material was We have permission to show in this paper two
changed but did not help much. It was l a t e r reported adequate records systems. One is just the ultimate-
that valves r a n three months-then two failures oc- the other wholly adequate. We will show examples
c u r r e d within a couple of days. customer's records only-not necessarily the charts for every unit in a
, indicated discharge p r e s s u r e was not constant and plant. We will discuss the minimal plan f i r s t .
troubles seemed to occur above a certain p r e s s u r e , This plant has five trains, four of which a r e
but not below. Further quizzing of customer indi- substantial duplicates. Fig. 3 shows the record for
cated discharge pipe vibration when this value of dis- the principal cylinders (as far a s valves a r e con-
charge p r e s s u r e was approached. cerned) on one train.
PRIMARY CWRESSOR VALVE NUMBERING E v e r y valve location i s numbered consecu-
tively, starting with unit C-101 and up through unit
C-105. A l e t t e r i s added for the p a r t i c u l a r A, B o r C
unit, thus identifying exactly a given valve location.
F i g . 4 i s the valve number c h a r t for the multiple g a s
units. The outside n u m b e r s a r e for the outboard end
and the inside numbers for the inboard end.
When a valve h a s to be changed, the shift me-
chanic removes the valve and i n s t a l l s a reconditioned
valve immediately. The valve which failed i s then ex-
amined by the chief o p e r a t o r and the shift s u p e r v i s o r
who fill out the r e p o r t shown i n Fig. 5.
This identifies valve location and tabulates
i t e m s to be checked off to show what failed. Note that
cylinder lubrication i s a l s o checked while the cylinder
is open.


08 FOR O ~ T B O I ~ENO
9 - 0


The other cylinders on this t r a i n had only one

inlet and one discharge valve p e r cylinder end and a
log on plain paper fastened to the other f o r m w a s u s e d
for valve changes i n these cylinders and for other
logged i t e m s of maintenance.
In one c a s e , this c h a r t had e n t r i e s for m o r e
than five y e a r s . It was quite c l e a r that t h e r e had been
m o r e trouble in the e a r l y y e a r s than i n r e c e n t t i m e s .
T h e influence of cooperative work between the plant COMPRESSORS. C-I01 A 8 C
personnel and the manufacturer was c l e a r l y shown. VALVE NUMBER
Adequate r e c o r d s show trends. GASKET LEAKING IJ BROKEN GOOD REPLACED U
No r e c o r d i s kept in this plant a s to c a u s e s of CONDITION

specific failures. The valve i s examined by the oper- VALVE CLEAN (7 DIRTY LOOSE BROI(EN
a t i n g personnel a f e r it i s removed by maintenance
and they satisfy themselves a s to the cause and take
appropriate steps if they feel i t i s w a r r a n t e d . CRAB


Complex system OF CYLINDER
T h e other plant i s much m o r e complex. Rec-
o r d s h e r e a r e kept i n considerable detail. Again, we TIME DOWN: FROM TO
will d i s c u s s in the main only a typical unit. REMARKS:
The plant consists of eight units of t h r e e dif-
f e r e n t types. The units a r e known as:-
C- 101-A-B-C
C- 104-A-B-C SHIFT
C- 105-A-B

This r e p o r t goes to h e a d q u a r t e r s where a c h a r t

log i s kept which shows when, where, and what failed.
The c h a r t c l a s s i f i e s type of failure by a n u m b e r , a s
follows :
1. Gasket failure 5. Foreign m a t e r i a l
2. Spring failure 6. No failure
3. Channel failure 7. Cocked
4. General failure 8. C r a b failure
An entry of a l e t t e r for the machine and a num-
b e r for the type of failure under a valve location nurn-
b e r tells the whole story. A portion of one of these
11" x 17" c h a r t s i s reproduced i n Fig. 6 with e n t r i e s
a s on the plant's 1959 chart.
Note that, f o r the two cylinders shown, unit A
had m o r e valve changes than B o r C. But, notice that
they w e r e all on one day and that five changes indi-
cated no valve failure. In other w o r d s , these changes
w e r e unnecessary.
T h e r e i s a further y e a r l y s u m m a r y of types of
f a i l u r e designed to show when c e r t a i n p a r t s a r e g
too often and also to spot poor maintenance (such a s
tioned here. I'd like your comment on it. After run-
ning for a year or a year and a half without too much
difficulty, we r a n into a r a s h of valve failures, and
eventually traced them to the fact that good valves
that a r e removed a t a valve change were being r e -
processed and re-lapped, and eventually, after several
relappings, were getting down too thin and failing due
just to the fact that the valve was too thin. I just won-
dered what your comments were on this practice of
lapping valves ?

cocked valves) or poor judgment in deciding on a shut-

C. W. GIBBS - Ingersoll-Rand Co.: I would say-
don't do it too much, because a valve i s a relatively
We asked many people in many plants recently
inexpensive piece of metal compared to a shutdown or
what they considered the most important factors in ob-
a changeout. We set minimum thicknesses for valve
taining best valve life. The following l i s t gives the
plates in our instruction books to t r y to eliminate the
answers in approximate order of frequency.
problem you encountered.
1. A limited number of well-trained men
on valve overhaul.
2. Clean gas. STOCKBRIDGE: Mr. Gibbs, I wonder i f you might be
3 . No liquid carryover. able to enlighten m e a s to why liquid i s so bad on
4. P r o p e r lubrication. valves ?
5. Systematic records.
6. Best materials. GIBBS: One of the reasons i s that i t helps destroy
The unanimity of opinion with regard to the lubrication. I've seen valves that have been handling
f i r s t three items was remarkable. liquid ammonia where the separation was inadequate
ahead of the compressor. I've seen those valves cut
a s i f you'd taken a file and cut a c r o s s them. You want
Questions to keep all the liquid out of a compressor cylinder you
E P : We had a little experience with valve failure can; i t not only damages valves, but it wears out lin-
somewhat differently than any of the failures you men- e r s , rings, and packing.

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