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3. The capacity of the liquid 0, and act as an oil filter on the dis- 10.

dis- 10. Level recorders have been in-

pumps has been increased 25%to give charge of the booster compressor. stalled on the separator after
more liquid for flushing the vaporizer 7. An additional silica gel filter has auxiliary vaporizer and low pressure
hbes. been installed on the discharge of the column. Warning lights indicate ab-
4. The heaved foundation was re- liquid 0, pumps. normal levels.
placed with a ventilated slab to pre- 8. The cold box has been simpli-
vent frost heaving. 11. A derirning schedule of 9
fied with the removal of an argon months has been set for No. 1 and
5. M.S.A. catalytic filters have been column and the installation of stain- No. 2 plants, and 12 months for NO.
installed on all three plants, Figure 5. less steel purge lines instead of carbon 3 plant. The No. 3 plant can operate
6. Activated alumina driers were steel piping. longer safely because it has 100%
installed in place of the lump caustic 9. The cold box casing has been product purge and has consistently
desiccator. This will give a lower dew made air tight and continuously operated at a lower hydrocarbon level.
point going into tlie warm-exchangers purged with N,.

Questions and answers up the tubes, opening these holes

along the tubes until they reached
N. H, WALTON-SunOlin Chem. Co.,
Claymont,Del.: I am not quite certain
the interface level where, as you have as to what your conclusion was on
HEW-Sun Oil Co., Marcus Hook, indicated, there was no liquid wash- the initiator of the explosion. The
Pa.: I couldn't help but think of the ing. When it reached this point there reason I'm confused, perhaps, is be-
similarity between this explosion and was a large accumulation of hydro- cause you said that you never got a
our own of four years ago. The dam- carbons which erupted with the positive test for C,H, at that point,
age to the reboiler is remarkably major force of the blast. and yet it appears, that there was an
similar. We reached a little different We were able to conclude to our initiator there. The wind from the
conclusion, I believe, about these dam- satisfaction that there were two dis- coke oven battery makes me wonder
aged tubes. We found a lot of tubes tinct explosions, a small triggering whether oxides of nitrogen might be
that were split open, and in our case explosion followed by the main energy the initiator here.
where we had a long enough reboiler, release, and they were at entirely WRIGHT: That might be possible.
there were a number of tubes which separate places in the reboiler. The reason for blaming C,H, in spite
had more than one opening per tube. WRIGHT: We did notice one or two of the fact that we had no positive
These were very equally spaced (about tubes which had been broken in more test, was Ontario Research Founda-
14 in.) and it appeared to be a phe- than one place. tion's statement that this fracture was
nomenon of a pressure wave going KEZTH-Hydrocarbon Research, N. Y., definitely characteristic of C,H,. Cer-
through the tube which eventually N. Y.: I do not recall whether you tainly, we have no proof that there
exceeds the stress of the tube and mentioned at what pressure this sys- were not other contaminants in there
opens it up at these points. tem was operating. Also, I want to -in fact, we are fairly certain that
You perhaps might not have had know if there was any indication of there were.
enough length to observe this, but we any formation of acetylides of copper. J. E. HART-Dow Chemical Co., Mid-
found apparently the same mecha- WRIGHT: There was no indication of land, Mich.: What is the frequency
nism that you noted. There was a any acetylides formation. The system of your acetylene tests?
minor explosion in the bottom of the operates at 65 to 75 lb. in the vapor- WRIGHT: The vaporizer and low
reboiler under the tube sheet, which izer. In the O2 side there is a pressure pressure column are checked every 8
buckled the tube sheet. Then there of from 3 to 4 lb., outside the tubes hr, by the B.O.C. method and the
was a progressive pressure wave going N, is at 65 to 75 lb./sq. in. Ilosvay method.

L. G. MATTHEWSdispensary and released. A twelfth em-

ployee, who was outside the building,
Linde Co. received the most exposure and was
hospital-treated for minor bums. He
- plant expbsion was back at work the following morn-
Cause of explosion
Hydrocarbon concentrations in main It has been concluded that this
condenser believed cause of detonation. flash was probably caused by concen-
tration of a quantity of hydrocarbon
AN ExpLOslON Tm '
Linde's on-site oxygen plant serving
and compressors. Except for the con-
unit of denser and column of the No. 1 unit,
material in the main condenser. The
identity of the exact hydrocarbon or
hydrocarbons involved has not been
amage to production equipment was
DuPont at West Oc- not extensive. There was no damage ascertained, nor has the mechanism
curred at about 2:20 PSm. On to the No. 2 unit, though the flash of ignition been pin-pointed. The con-
20, 1960. The flash resulted in des- in N,, 1 resulted in its shutdown, ~h~ centration of hydrocarbon material in
truction of the main condenser (re- No. 2 unit was withheld from service the condenser was probably due to
boiler) and a portion of a fractionating until after a complete check. impaired circulation between the con-
column. Externallv. an insulation silo denser and a silica gel trap, designed
was severely damiged, and there was Eleven employees, who were in- to keep the hydrocarbon concentration
some damage to the transite-sheathed side the building, received minor in- in the condenser at an acceptable
building housing the operating panels juries and were treated at the plant level.


L. G. Matthews has C,H, was made approximately two reagent method, we got a heavy black
been employed with hours before the flash with negative precipitate. Since it was not the per-
Union Carbide since results. Hydrocarbons in the conden- manganate color usually associated
receiving B.S.Ch.E.
from Purdue Univ. ser are monitored on a continuous with C,H, there was some question
in 1935. From 1935 basis. They were indicated to be as to whether it was really C2H, or
to 1950 he has around 30 pprn total hydrocarbons. whether something else was interfering
been active in the ANONYMOUS: What do you consider with the analysis. The analysis was
field of production
and distribution of an acceptable maximum in that partic- repeated with the same result. Con-
compressed gases, ular operation? sultation with more experienced
)articularlyacetylene. ln 1950 he7rans- MATTHEWS: I do not recall at the people convinced us that the precipi-
erred to Linde's Safety Codes Depart- moment, but I think the shut down tate was due to C,H, and the black
nent, became Assistant Manager in
,953. and Manager in 1958. He has point on that plant is either 100 or 200 color indicated quantities in excess of
leen active in Gany organizations in- pprn total hydrocarbons. 15 to 20 ppm. We promptly shut
:luding A.1.Ch.E. ACS, CGA, ASA, Ameri- BOLLEN-Dow Chemical of Canada, down the plant and dumped the
:an Welding Society, American Society liquid 0,.
)f Safety Engineers, International Acet- Sarnia, Ont.: This discussion brings
flene Assoc. to mind a near miss at our plant due We believe that during the start up
to high C2H, concentration. Just prior we may have desorbed C2H2 from
Normal total hydrocarbons (around to this occurrence we had shut down the rich-liquid filters and swept it into
i ppm) and C,H2 (less than 0.2 the air plant for a period of 4 or 5 our vaporizer section. It raises the
~ p m )were indicated in the condenser hours as we have done several times question as to whether even short shut
quid just before the flash. It is in the past. On these occasions we do downs should be undertaken without
greed, however, that these analyses not dump the liquid 0, but try to dumping the liquid 0,.
)k condenser liquid are not represen- complete whatever work necessitated WEIGERS-American Cyanamid Co.,
ative of concentrations which could the shutdown and get back on stream New Orleans, La.: If we shut down
>e reached in localized areas of the as quickly as possible. and stay cold, i.e., retain our liquid,
mndenser passages with impaired The shutdown occurred on Friday we make it a practice of starting up
irculation. Samples taken and ana- and we did not analyze for C,H, with a fresh adsorber each time, be-
yzed after the flash showed nothing again until the following Monday cause we're afraid of this desorption
musual. morning. Analyzing by the Los Vey phenomenon.
All operations had been smooth
ind normal, and no unusual atrnos-
3heric conditions were noted. Air S. F. B O H L I ~ N
:ontamination surveys had been run N . 7.Melcog (Holland)
xior to plant erection, and checks
xere run at intervals during operation.
4fter the flash, new surveys failed to
lisclose any unusual situations. With
ninor exceptions, only CH, was de-
Heat exchanger explosion
.ectable, and it varied from 2.5 to
3.0 pprn with occasional peaks at 5.0
at a nitrogen-wash unit
The No. 1 unit had been in satis-
'actory operation for over 10 years
it the time of the occurrence. At the Stringent safety requirements are vital when
ime of the explosion, it had been in considering hazards of the oxides of nitrogen.
)peration 72 days since its last thaw.
Some two years before the incident,
h e unit had been enlarged and fitted
!or high purity N, production.
A N UNEXPECTED EXPLOSION I N THE fur compounds by means of scrubbing
VICINITY of the -130" to -145OC at 17 atm. abs., after which the CO
The rebuilt No. 1 unit was put section of the second heat exchanger is converted.
back in service about three months at the Mekog nitrogen-wash unit oc- A volume of 17,000 cu. m. of gas
after the date of the flash. In the cured on July 13, 1959, causing se- at 1 atm. and 15°C is then passed
rebuilding, a recirculation pump was vere damage. The explosion occurred to a H,O scrubbing circuit (Figure
included in the main condenser and while the unit was working under full 1 ) where CO, is removed. The quan-
silica gel trap assembly. # load after being in normal service for tity of H,O used is 1900 cu. m./hr.,
42 days. Prior to this, the unit had the quantity of make-up H,O every
Questions and answers been completely thawed and washed 24 hr. is about 40% of the H,O inven-
ANONYMOUS: Did you put in a with caustic solution. Despite the great tory. The gas is subsequently washed
cold end gel trap as part of the revi- damage, there were fortunately no with caustic solution after which
sions to this plant? personnel injuries. 10,500 standard cu. m. of gas/hr.
L. G . MATTHEWS: When this plant remains.
was rebuilt after the flash, we put in Process under consideration The gas thus obtained contains 0.1%
cold end and side bleed gel traps. The normal process in the produc- of 0,, less than 5 pprn of unsaturated
ANONYMOUS: Did you say that you tion unit concerned is as follows: A hydrocarbons (mainly C,H,), and 0.1
checked for hydrocarbons normally gaseous mixture is obtained by partial to 0.5 pprn of NO, while C2H2 and
during opertaion and did you find any oxidation of fuel oil using steam and dienes are only present in traces (less
contamination prior to the flash? 0,. Soot is removed by scrubbing with than 0.01 pprn of each). This gas
MATTHEWS: As I recall, a check for H,O, the gas is then purified of sul- passes into the nitrogen-wash unit


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