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Top 3 Educational Apps to Be Used in a Digital Learning Environment

Dorobanțu Andreea Mădălina

Colegiul Național Mihai Viteazul, Ploiești

Students must be able to readily access and utilise information for personal and professional objectives in the
twenty-first century. Abilities such as the capacity to collect, analyse, and recognise data and information are
essential to the effectiveness of decision-making. When real-world problems are matched with real-world
instruments for problem-solving, learning is most successful. Given the significance of technology to the credibility
of 21st century students, these instruments must be digital to be suitable. To achieve this objective, the following
three applications can be utilised.
Menti is an easy-to-use, user-friendly, and free platform that allows you to create presentations, interactive polls,
quizzes, and word clouds that result in more engagement with reduced stress.
What is Mentimeter?
Menti is an app specifically developed to assist in the creation of interactive presentations using an easily accessible
web editor. You can add questions, polls, quizzes, slides, photos, and gifs to your work in order to make entertaining
and interesting presentations.
Your audience connects their smartphones to the presentations, where they can respond to questions. If you want,
you can create a lively and interactive experience by seeing their replies in real-time.
Upon completion of your Mentimeter presentation, you may share and export your results for future study, and even
compare data over time to determine the audience's development. Menti is advantageous and distinctive in that it
enables everyone to ask questions to obtain clarification or a better comprehension of topics, resulting in a more
satisfying learning experience.
Mentimeter can you give access to Word Cloud, also known as a Wordle, word collage, or tag cloud, which is a
graphical representation of words that gives greater prominence to terms that are used more frequently. For
Mentimeter Word Clouds, this refers to the terms that are added most frequently by smartphone-using audience
members. This sort of data visualisation can assist presenters in swiftly collecting data from their audience,
highlighting the most popular responses, and presenting the data in a manner that is easily understood by all. When
are Word Clouds the most effective? They can be mostly used as an icebreaker in a session of brainstorming, a
concept or a team reflection.
In addition, live and fast polling makes it easy to construct polls, regardless of the complexity of the question or the
number of available answers. As dynamic visualisations, audience responses will show in real time.Your audience
will be energised by the addition of both competitive and interactive components to your presentation. Regardless of
whether the content is formal or informal, it must be entertaining and fun.
Mentimeter is recommended to be used when you need to hold interesting Q&As, town halls, and "ask me anything"
sessions, and enable participants to submit questions via their mobile devices. Last but not least, this platform may
be connected with all live applications, like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Hopin, PowerPoint, and more.
Khan Academy
What does Khan Academy entail?
Salman Khan founded Khan Academy in 2008 as a non-profit educational institution in the United States. It aims to
develop a collection of online resources that aid students' education. Users of the website and application get access
to all free resources.
It provides practise problems, instructional videos, and a personalised learning dashboard that enable students to
study at their own speed outside of class. It addresses math, physics, computing, history, art history, economics, and
other topics, covering K–14 and test preparation (SAT, Praxis, LSAT) material. It also emphasises skill mastery to
help learners develop solid foundations, so there is no limit to what they can learn in the future!
Khan Academy enables various types of coaches to comprehend what their youngsters or students are doing and
how to finest assist them. At a look, it is possible to determine whether a child or student is struggling or if he or she
is now well ahead of the rest of the class. The teacher dashboard provides an overview of class performance as well
as complete student profiles.
Every single day, millions of students from all around the world—each with their own story—learn independently
on Khan Academy. In addition to the Spanish, French, and Brazilian Portuguese editions of the website, its
resources are being translated into over 36 languages.


Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that makes it simple to create, share, and play trivia quizzes and learning
games in minutes.
Instructors project multiple-choice questions for students to answer on a large classroom screen. Each question is
limited to 95 characters, can be displayed for up to 2 minutes, and has a maximum of four answer options. Students
respond to these questions utilising their own personal electronic devices (such as a laptop, smartphone, or tablet)
and are awarded points for both accuracy and promptness. They will be required to generate a unique username for
the duration of the semester.
After each question has been answered, the correct response and a list of the highest-scoring players will be
revealed. The instructor is always able to check the students' progress and performance.

Kahoot! can be used to:

1. Assess the students' knowledge of the subject
By way of Kahoot! before a class lecture, students might be polled to determine whether or not they comprehend the
content. In addition, it can serve as a guide for lecturers when selecting lecture material and identifying crucial
topics to emphasis.
2. Assist with vocabulary phrases and definitions
One of the main advantages of Kahoot! is that it can assist students acquire course-relevant vocabulary, terminology,
and concepts by focusing on questions with a high rate of speed.
3. Survey pupils about their opinions.
Kahoot! enables educators to present alternative ideas or perspectives on an issue or situation. This presentation is
appropriate for case study classes because there may be various solutions to the problem. Polling also saves valuable
class time that could have been used for student debate.
Game formats are an effective tool for motivating students to learn. Because it can measure students'
comprehension, repeat key concepts, and aid with remembering, this tool motivates and encourages their study. It
also affords teachers the opportunity to promote class discussion and student participation further.
To conclude, the influence of the quality of education provided by digital tools and the students' understanding of
these tools would be beneficial to society. Implementing Digital Tools in all phases of school can improve the
quality and standards of education. Learners will continue to gain knowledge and skills regarding the efficient use of
technology for learning.

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