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1) Kudvenkat ASP.Net videos Part- 3 at the end.

ViewState restoration occurs even before Page_Load event

2) Techniques to send Data from one webform to another.

3) Global.asax file contains application level events. – Watch Part-4

4) What is a session and How to get new session-ID :-

5) ViewState is stored on the page in a Hidden Field called _ViewState. Because of this, the ViewState,
will be lost, if you navigate away from the page, or if the browser is closed.
6) Difference between ViewState, SessionState and Application State - Part 5

7) Events: - Application Level, Page level and Control Level.

8) Asp.Net Page Life Cycle Events: - What happens during Page Initialization Or When does ViewState
restoration happens in a Page Life Cycle ?
Init Event occurs after the Init Event of all the individual controls on the webform.
Load Event occurs before the Load event of all the Individual controls on the webform.
(Trick:- Only after page loading we will be able to display the controls.)

9) Remember:-

10) Events can occur at 3 levels: - Application Level, Page level and Control Level – Part - 7.
Control Events are further divided into 3 categories: - Postback, Cached and Validation Events.
Read Cached Events and Use of AutopostBack property.
Remember:- Validation events happen on the client even before the webform is submitted on the
11) Postback Property:-

12) Page.IsValid return true if all the validations applied are passed.

13) Compare Validator:- Syntax

14) Custom Validator properties

15) Use of Text and Error message property in Validators:- watch Validation Summary (Part 49)
16) Different Page navigation Techniques available in
Hyperlink control changes the URL and remembers the History and can be used to go to different
website present on different server.

17) Response.Redirect is similar to Hyperlink control but exposes a click event.

Response.Redirect causes 2 request/response cycles.
18) Server.Transfer :- Read about Page.PreviousPage and Request.Form – watch video to transfer
values from 1st webform to any other webform using this method.

19) Server.Execute : -
20) CrossPage Postback : -

21) How to move data from one webform to another ?

22) Cookies :- Syntax

23) Check if the cookies are enabled or disabled.

Way to check Enabling/Disabling of Cookies.

24) Session State : -

Points to remember regarding Session State variables : -

25) CookiLess Session in ASP.Net : -

26) Advantages/ Disadvantages of InProc Session State : -

27) Application State Variables : -

28) Tracing in ASP.Net : - Set PageOutput = true to display Trace message at the end of page.
Use “RequestLimit” attribute to control the no. of trace requests that are stored on the server.
Set “MostRecent” attribute to true to log new trace messages even after request limit has reached.

29) Use of Tracing :- Performance improvement.

30) IIS – Internet Information Services

Application pool Identities : -

31) Authentication Types in ASP.Net : -

When both anonymous and windows authentication are enabled :-

32) More than one Web.Config files in application: -

33) Difference between Webform(aspx) and WebUserControl (ascx) :- Part 104

Differences : -
Using the created WebUserControl : -
34) Cashing in ASP.Net:-

35) Cashing Multiple Responses :-

36) Fragment caching – caching only some part of the webform.

37) VaryByParam vs VaryByControl : -

38) Cache.Add Method parameters explained :-

39) Cache dependency on files on ASP.Net : -

40) AutoEvent WireUp – Interview Question

41) HTTP GET and HTTP POST method : -

42) Page life cycle of master page :-

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