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ae UPATI (AUTONOMOUS) aminations April/May 2022 r ject Code: 20AES0S05 eee OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCES: ANNAMACHARYA INSTITUTE Aa ‘Year I Semester (AK20) Regular “& Supplementary Ex: : [ATION TEC} Re (Common to CSE & CIC) NOLOGY AND NUMERICAL METHODS ‘Max. Marks: 70 PART - A G5M) (Compulsory Question) SECTION-I 1, Answer the following: (05 X 01 = 05 Marks) a tae the use interface features ofan operating system? b. What is visual programming? ¢._ State the usage of touch screen. 4. Which is called third generation language ¢. Define querying @ database. SECTION-II (Answer all five units, 3 X 10 = 30Marks) UNIT 2, (@) Disouss the functions of Joystick, track ball, touch screen. $c we L {by Deseribe 2 methods fr keping tack ofall the sector associated 5 tbh ros. U with a given file OR 3, Give a broad classification scheme of computers. Explain each type in brief 10 co oR ~~ UNIT eS ae 4, What is meant by ‘portability’ in computer languages 10 cm mon OR 5, (a)-Distinguish between third generation and fourth generation lingeages 5 cm ro (b). Explain briefly about ATM. % 5s cn me ‘UNIT-IIL ye 4 6. Describe the Standard Toolber of Office ~ 2000 10 co ron a OR 7. Explain: LAN, WAN oo mon PART-B (Compulsory Question) SECTION-1 1. Answer the following (5x1 =05 Marks) (@) Explain about Error propagation. (6) Waite the formula to find the root of equation by using Regula-falsi method. ~ © Define Forward difference table. (@) Write the formula of Trapezoidal rule. (@) Write the formula ‘of second order Runge-Kutta | method, SECTION-II (Answer all three units, 3X 10 =30 Marks) uNITAV ne oy me 2 (a) Solve the system of equations by Gauss-Seidel method 5M a Borelly_42=95, Tx-+S2y+132=104, 3x-+8y+292=71 = (6) Estimate the relative error in 2=x—y when fol se 0,1234x10" & y=0.1282x10" as stored ina system with four-digit a ‘mantissa. ‘ai ‘Subject Code: 20AES0S05 oD ‘5M. 43(@) Find areal oot of x+logiy~2=0_ using Newton —Raphson method. Correct to 4 decimals. é (© Find the trinéation error in the result of the function for Myvwhen 5M cos" 01 swe use (a) first three terms (b) first four terms and (c) first five terms. z “a5 UNIT-V : 4,(a) Using Newton’s forward interpolation formule, and the given table of SM values i Wi 13 Ls T7 19 wo O21 0.69. 1.25) 189 2.61 Obtain the value of £69) when x=14 : >) Using least square method ,Fit a parabola for the following table a [120 [105 [io0 [80 170 [80 [75 [85 [90 | SM (OR) 5.(a) Find the interpolation polynomial for the following 5M x oO 1 z 5 f(x) 2 a 12 147 (©) Evaluate [ 4s using Simpson’s 1/3" rule and Simpson's 3/8 rule. fie 5M. UNIT-VI 6 (@) Solve y'=y-x?,y(0)=1 by Picard’s method upto the third SM. approximation Hence find the value of (0.1) (0.2). (b)Using Shooting metnod, ~~ “solve the equation, com @ ‘ £2 6x, y@)=2, y(Q)=9 in the interval (1.2). a Wl) =2, ¥(2) . i (OR) 7 Using RK method find (02) & y(04) for the equation 10M with y(0)=1. Taking step size h=0.2, co PO END OF QUESTION PAPE! Course Outcomes: Information Technology + Usage of Digital World and Exploring Cyber space ‘+ Explain the needs of hardware and software required for a computation task, ‘+ Familiarize peripheral devices, networking and intemet. Course Outcomes: Numerical Methods + Analyze the concepts of Errors, Relative and Percentage Errors * Analyze the concepts of Algebraic & Transcendental Equations to solve different Engineering problems * Analyze Interpolation using the concepts of the Numerical Methods * Apply the concepts of Integration in Numerical Methods * Apply the concepts of O.D.E on Numerical Methods Bloom's Levels: Ms Remember, L2: Understand, L3: Apply, LA: Analyze, LS: Evaluate, L6: Create Page 2 of 2 u 8-Tech Eyean I sem (Ax 20) Rega Soppte Examinations Apniy/May 208A Infosmettio¢n Technofog 4 and Numed tol Netwda (20AES0 505) of Evatt fon Numedcd Metals PART- B Section -L i (2) £59091 ‘opagettions— Suppore x t& an appanimation of dome Value Vv, fn which othe absotute exw fa bounded by 820. Ts eres Can propagate once a fndion ts appied Scheme toe to x. Example i— Sfx t muttphied by S, han He absolute tave ero with srespe to svand ox 00 58» 8 oe feamula ~fo Finding he Stoct Of que Cqustion Pi=0 UNG Reula- Rai mehod given by = Xe, FOG) — Xo £ Lup. nee e Qn Xo bry Fins) FC) Oe a dp bev yah Vaued of J Srvesponding te the Valves %o,%,, %a,----%y of % Stespectivelly- The -fomourd differences ear arnanged Pn ~tebulor? CoLomrs as shown in cue —Lllowin able > a Values of Valusrop Ft Second Fourth x g difference defence ie | ate % Reece. defferepoa | jo 44, — 2 = MMe ys 44, = 63-44, ea ee eat fs . . : : Bo S44, alg : i = aty -AU EL ' ae ui 2 oie penal = Yp~ Yop me Te Romute Bo TrpeZoidet Role ia given by [re dv= hb b | (som ap fed and ast) +2 (som ian ordinaterz ondinates, 0% = 2 Grup + 2 (44454 Bet - ~+%)| there “he aa On is dae no: of 4b Pte «5 © Sevond - onden ee ~kutta Method !— Tha Setond ondey Renge - kutta method ft defined by the Cquettion , IN §,= dot $ Chi thy) | whee k, =h £lt.,4d) k= hf Cath, Yot ki) + a | &@ Te Given System of Ryvations cou BBx +Y-YZ=9IS —S K= t; [4s -iy raz] —O FH tSry FBZ =H =D Ye Le [oy -Fx-132] 2 3x 4+8y +292=7) —» 2= dq [zI-3x- 34| —® a Solve cus above equations by Laing Geuis~ Seidel Hethod - Fret stenation 7— pt Y=o ¥ 2=0 in e4® wee x= 33 [95-040] = NIG ag Now we ano othe average, op | ond Ce, X= we 2% =I xy PUD = USHA 9 Est _apprenimation :— 7 = dha ' fOr = 19895 Ay = Ay - Feo) £0) xe ps EOD s peesye co esIR 2395 FO) = asin +g Gs ~Q=-01:0055 jo floo = 14 Le log © = 1 9u99- 7 i PeslL Clo Setend _approximettion ? ~ = g — POL S yotsin + SOOSS a presse Hy = % Fey ) © Q4F9 POG) = Ltsse+ by OFS) _ 9 - 6.000096 lo \ - 1 ero DAw ye wef £'UG) = + Se Sis = | QUFDF Y )QUFY IM Thivd appr mation ¢— A= %a~ on = bYyssé - Ae = btsssp Ce, Xa Xb tssg J, Te seo Moot of the equation 4 eX _ 9 =O hu, an. 5 drowned 9 by using cue Newton - Raphton method i Hse. ey Hence de derived soot ig | #556. Q. &® Etven thet % = 6+1234 xX Jot Y= 0+1832x Jot Now +o find que stetativa exon In Z=xX-¥ wih Roa digit mantissa. 8, Tove Value = 04/234 xIet— on. 32x10 1M = 0.0002. Appronimate valve = -0+]93xI04 — 0-123 04 = 0. — IN Reletive enna = | stove Value — appro mate Vela -toua Vela = | Suseea—0 | 010002 = V pa. Eat Sy [} Relative ener in z =], 3. © Given trot 9 Xt x9 =0 Nod 4o find sw ed stoot of sme equation ftx)=0 'y easing newton — Raphson metfed: det 7 ' FOOD = w+ le 9 = Soya tb loge. flo = 0+ Wage _ 5 = 22 26 £0) = I+ lglg Se fee's fla = Q+ tog’ _ Q = 030) SO Le, the sect ties tn betwen 1 and 2. ——— 2M ZB, ® Given that Ct tee wy at xe, --—o when He Yo =on 1, we have, Ce 14 rd 4 ON, C2 OH), OM Ir aaly No Fy, 31, us) —— aM ® Touncstion coon Br due Fst three tome :— "2 v ee j*2aly — | = |aay- 18% = 0: ooly ae ® Touncstion exw for aun frst Bur teimgy— on 1 =~ _ On >) (0-298 € I 2a) [i+ae+ee ad = \sQAy— 1699133 = 0100007 ——_ Jy © Town cation ese Rn the At fre terme t— 1 2- C= Vaalk- Cis ge+ eo SP ea) | \ = bay — baay =o. —_———— _IN 4 (a) Te = fomula Of Newtons Bovoced tntespo Ledion ts Os follows, Fd= £0 +ph) = Pep-h D (ps Sot P 445+ ae ay + PER pen where p= X= Ap Asie ——— 1 The fxword difference table &: oa Y= few A aw me At vy 0°28) ts 3:65 hs as ° VR j.8q J Bb) Qn det Ub 4ake EN, Yo=O16F Adyz0:56, Ayg= 0108, S407 0- » R= WBN) Ord and Ley Pe AoYe = MoS 2 oe -j v EU = Spt P d9or LED 4, al £UY) = 0169 + OF (or Sb) + — (0:08) 4uy The equation of He peverbo ra. he y= y+ 2,4 0,0 GZ) 2M and use normal equettions eee EYo = May + &, EXP Hy Sar” EN Yo = OU EXe 4 Ou, EX + S92 —@ ¥ EX Yo = a, Ex2- +4 a, sx34 oo, et ——_ IN = 7 sy y To” [oe ot ast bey AEH as eS tere : i 1 jos | I ' Henge | les a lo 4 8 it as oi 3 7 9 aF al 2u FQ 4 JH fap [é6u fase | 38 Me 5s ls as {iar fbas | uO a 6 js [se | aig |iae | 4s | eto y fas lad faus |aw | ses | aes : q by | sie yo | #2 S#6 jee 36] 24 -a0t 22 | FOP > | Sxk> [Zaye | wy a 4 aoy | i296 | 8a92 | 299 Mae any m=4 > Wot 36%, + 204%, = 80:5 — 0) Bar + Roy O, + 1296 Wy = 249 ——Lii) BOY A + 1296.0, + BFFQ Vy = 164 i) oy Johving WUD g§ WD we get A= IWWNBUS , c= —1BYbS | w, = 0+182q “. Tha mequined eguedtion Eg Y= ory t & 14 OX" Ce, Y= 1atays— ayes H+ 0:18.29 x —— ay Bay . @ oy te degranges tntexpotetion formula, £o) = 2) CH= xg) Cr-78) Gon) C90) Cog, 1% G Glo- m0) C#9=%8) Cra) Meas C49) 0,-%9) FPO OD CHD pres 4 OOH : 2) + R79 (xm) (4-8) Cg-¥9) 04-95) (g-96) e-7%) cennoey Griven tat FO) =2, fexy= 3, Pewerr FC) A Py oa 6%) (x=) C08) foxy 2 an =0, = OF Ky E1, Hya2, Kae InN = VD OD Cos) (ry 4 GED OOD HS) Cw #0 “o-) (0-2 Co-s) ie G9 a-D C-s & GED OED OED) Gry 4 CO CD OED -0) (8) Ca-s) (s-o(s-) Cs-D = -ue 3 yor 8) 4 (3207-1082 aes f= gh ues 1598 to + 4nd) +b (gaa 1est 424026 a2) + 4s (bax + 150% — Q00%+ 43%) WP) = P48 42: —— &Ny ; 2 Sw Gawen J ! ae t+ . ce, Lowe ver and = weo, b=2 we divide que Intent [0,2] into 8 8b inteswal hz bo . 2200 = Le ode n 3 4 The = Veulves of % any ao tabulated belew- ” 4 on A, My He. Ka Xe Me 0 ORS) os | o4s| | bas lps [Ptr \Q ere 1 | 0-986) 0-389 0° 4032] 0-S| ov aRe6) 0+-2985} o11572| O- NL % MoS, Sy Se Me a Stmpson\ a Powse — — IN ee Ea 2 ee bles Saat ot Sp) + 4 (Yt Lethe 4 Uy 2 ie 3 ?) " ‘s 3) late 3] = oer [rom + 4 (0:18U6 +0: F032 4 013386 01572) +2 (0-882 + 018 + 228s) | i Oar fi yy) 4+ 2-43yy 4 3:93n6 | =)0900- foyseee ah [Cot 48) + 3(4,4+My+ Sy +4, +43) Jol. 2 (44455) 7 se) [ Crem +3 (0:9846 + 0: 2883 40'S Forsseg r0r1eF2)42 (ota + 0.2085) | = 009345 [« IM + 8: 6ot6 + 3684) = |0353- Toe ANY, 6. © Gtven cat ghey o £0u4) = yu” ond Yloy=| €e, Xp=0 & Y4o=! BY the picaxds Method , we howe 3 me m “dot f FON du = 1+ fy’) dx— "4 Xo Fost appronimertion t— ij Pot Y=) in yw, “the have re ~ 14 fue) des 141-8 2 3 Second appoord motto + — pur Y= 14 x-8 fn yx, be howe © % a= + f+ a-2 ot) dx oD = 14 H+ 2% _ 3 _ ok i TR - 2N Tind appari mation oh hoy ay! we have 7 XL put gear a in J-*, ie) m 4 ~ 9d _ gt oY It 4 are) de nl fon ee ° I+ xt 2% 7. Bx ___@ 6 12 60 Hence due dala Value of JY Te 3 ts given by fie equation: vd ot BEd = bE IE SF i 2 which Putting X=o04 In 4®O, we get Ve te Olt 2%, EDF _ CODY _ OT Yoel) aT 3a 2 ~ “bo Sool) =}. 1048 Qy putting X= or in 2O, we gt 2) = 14024 CD OD? lod" Yon) = 14 02 + OD" on? fom” ont at 6. © auot metkaA TF attempt. the euestion. ne = << ties ~ f dy = Soe % fm oat Gm and Yl)=) &, %qz0 1 dom! size hao Step 4i ee ce tek f(x, ¥) = per BY othe Runge ~ Kutta foustth ode, we have B= dot E(k + kg KS + Ky) whoa k= h- £ C%e 40) Ko= h. f(%tth, Yothk)) K3=h F(xorth, Sot £R) aN ky = h £ (ath, Yo+ks) when Heod, _ Mer%th= oro =o. 1-0 kK, = 0 axf(o, D) = 08 [a3 |= Oe Kg = = OXF (04 ylorr), 14 C02) v mee mS sog f Gye Gd = 01969 ax Fle 1, W)=o0g Teas kg= oay ef (o+4@2), tb C1969 ~ oY = og x Flo 7 10983 von lt see) Toons My = ORF (opo2, 14001969) poe Reg Deerltniy oT eos 1982) + (0.2) Con19 69) 4901969) + 0-9454) an * Gh ey (oa) x 1 9)= S@2) I+ tfosa Yor2= P32] when M= ory 1— 2 =08 het ag = Hythe ore tO% uy & (a) = BRA) =D MED HB, = 1242) ky = he Pa, 8) = orn xF (ovr, 113223) > e = 0.2. [0127215 - } 011910- N+ 3221) + (o12)~ Kg= h F(x +h09, 83%) orx £ (240%) ; }.322)4 L(odaiy Lv a ' = 0 [Grulsy — ©) \_ 4, ornxf (03, 14l#6) = 0 -/¢ 5) i, onN2z kyo hh. FCG} h, 8,4 bh) YH) + © 2) Bir xf (oa, 1-202141@-1828) On *F (03, bui3s) = on -ulsst-O-ay =O ula) (o.3)% Ky = he P(m+h, y+k3 = O12 xf (o2t02 , }:322) +0:) 323 = 02% For, bs S048) = 012. iz epeenaa pale oatag *Soysy+ (o- i” He SOD ayy thy IF RKa + Bkst ky] Ylo-u) = y, ) 322) * ¢ [oN os228)4 200123) 40.486] un pur ye x2? ond Z=0 In ey® , weget ys” 2 a L [lew # (rays) 0] 2 8459 pe ye a ond Y= ¥ ty ev O, HOHE MO 1 FH BO yys)= 8 1-345} =F £206. 7 xl Ouydy = 8 C Setond Ateration +— pot y= 4? and z= 29 ty ey ®, weget Ww | % = 33 Pot ye ePand 222 ty HO, HGS fas- () B4sH)-+-4 (1208) = O1UBFF ye + vale #09099) ~18(1- 8206) \= hynny pet x= x” and §= 4? ft ey, weget a [x- 5 (09899) - a(runy}=has 66: Thad — dtesation $— pot y= y ond z= 2? Ya a, weget ay t eee + [a as (eyua) FAC: ased)]= ) 051 pot x2 > ond z=z z? tn, @®, \oarat yr ay[ieu- (posit) — 13 (rn 4s66)}= 3693 PE ne Wl and yo 4 tr ev ©, weet x (t- 3Crosly- 38, ‘3.698 |= 1696) F Foortty Stendtion ° ©, d v +4 , [a5- p (3692) 44 a aor) Q wy 4®, wage ys oS#é- Pees at ond 222 + 5 [teu- #036) - 130-468)) = 13672 por x= 0 e and y=y in @O, vege ot) Ale aC os36) - -2(- aeva) | qbiz Fifth Lexsion!— pe a 9 _ bac — ngesezd)+uCsaere) | = OSF4 33 [5-0 pot xa and ze 2 in eo @, vege fe S[ieu- #U-0544) -13. 1.9644) | = 1369) pot x= of and yo ye 1.3641 a 8 2°. [ F1-3Cros2— 2U-3691) = le Fist | second | third | Fowth | Fifth Valves Steration | Stexation | Steration | dteration | Seratio x W4uG jor98tt |losiz | hosze | posz9 Zbosg | ~ pose | a NB4sq | frying | h36qa |p sexe | 1367) PBF [we 3bF 2 18206 119566 |heqey | yqery | a6 Notes Alot Mexks fon Alterndle” methods ako:

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