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D: Good evening ….ladies and gentlemen! Good evening, Erica!

K: Good evening, too, Christian! You look so stunning tonight.

D: Thanks and I can return the favor to you right away for you look so gorgeous in time for
this occasion.

K: Well…. There are one hundred and one reasons of getting dressed up elegantly and
ravishingly tonight.

D: You bet, Erica. Tonight is one of the highlights of SPA co-curricular events in the
pantheon of social graces & gregariousness!


D: The much-awaited social gathering of the junior and senior students of our school as
they are poised for take-off to the world of fashion, fad & craze!

And tonight….to suffice the call of the occasion …..this year ’s JS Prom is geared towards the
Enchanted Garden as our thematic concept.

K: And without further ado…to kick the ball rolling, let ’s us witness the grand entrance of
juniors and seniors as they take a walk of fame.

D: Let’s give them a resonating applause!

 Presentation of Prom Attendees

There is nothing sweeter than love, as long as it is felt between couples. At this point, we will
witness our juniors and seniors as they make their entrance with their pairs. This will highlight
the couples, showcasing how lovely and beautiful they are, their fascinating looks, and their
majestic gentlemen.We will see different faces that possess charm and a vision of feminine
Let us welcome the torch bearer who serves as the light that guides the students of SPA in the
right direction and to a better destination.
Teachers of SPA. Let's give them resonating applause.The young and beautiful advisers
K: And… that wraps up the so-called SPA version of “Walk of Fame”. You guys are so hip and
D: And to formally commence this event, please rise and feel a few moments of solemnity for an
invocation to be led by Rylee Umengan Grade 10 student.

 Opening Prayer

K: Please remain standing and imbibe among ourselves the virtue of nationalism & patriotism
through the singing of Philippine National Anthem to be conducted by John Maynard D.

 National Anthem

D: You may now be seated.

 Welcome Address Juliet Pintucan

D: Thank you very much ma'am for your inspiring message to all the attendees tonight. May your
words of wisdom be our moving spirit as we enjoy the night here at Saint Philomene of Alcala
Inc. By the way, Erica, what do you think is the essence of this event?
Rd… in my own angle of vision, every JS Prom signifies the celebration of awards and achievements
of our senior students and these legacies should be handed over to the deserving and
trustworthy inheritors…..who else? The junior students!

D: Very good! Aside from that, all the scholastic emblems held by seniors for one school year
should be bequeathed to their honorable recipients----those symbols of academic victories, co-
curricular triumphs.

D: And such odyssey of service and leadership is about to end ….to entrust the light of wisdom to
the new breed of student-leaders in the service of the Philomenians. And to make it happen,
may we hand in the microphones to the predecessor and the successor of SPA leadership Mr.
James Andrew Cagurangan and Princess Anne Anciado

D: Thank you, We’re more than just halfway for this turnover stuff. Furthermore, no JS Prom is
considered memorable in the absence of candle-lighting ceremony. Such ceremony symbolizes
the hand-over of the candles to the next bearers so as to lead & guide our school and its
stakeholders in reaching their dreams and aspirations.
K:The flame at the top of every paraffin elucidates the road to success for the outgoing seniors
in the next chapter of their academic career. At this point, let's move onward and go forward to
the candle-lighting ceremony, singing the one little candle.
Everyone let us welcome our juniors and seniors forming the acronym JS singing the auld lang

D: Thank you guys for participating in that ceremony. I am keeping my fingers crossed that you
will be successful in whatever chosen field to be undertaken in the near future.

K: At this juncture, may I call on our Director for Academic Affairs Mrs. Myrna A. Calvo to give
her message.
Thank you ma'am, your words are all taken and will be inculcated.

D: That’s right, Erica! One of the most-awaited parts of this event is the traditional cotillion
"Cotillion de honor" serves as the prelude to the dancing portion of the Prom.

The Filipino Cotillion tradition is a throwback to the Spanish colonization era and is popular
among the upper class of Philippine society.

Historically, the Cotillion de Honor is an integral part of a grand celebration wherein Filipino
families introduce their daughter to young men of marrying age who belonged to the same
upper-class society.The “Cotillion de Honor,” is a choreographed dance, usually a classic waltz
and performed by young gentlemen and ladies.

With this, the Cotillion offers an opportunity for the participants to learn formal dance, ensuring
that these young ladies and gentlemen will be able to perform elegantly and stylishly.

K: And to showcase the gracefulness and the inclination of the Pholomeniams tonight, let’s now
welcome our first set, the cotillion de honor dancers . Let’s give them a big hand with grace and

D: Thank you, SET 1 for your awe-inspiring performance. You guys almost moved heaven and
earth in dancing!
K: Let us welcome our next set of cotillion dancers of SET 2, to perform the Lajota Balse
Contillion. Lets give them around of applause.
The Philippine Jota, adapted from the original Spanish folk dance, evolved into a formal
ballroom dance. This Jota named for the capital city Manila, complete with bamboo castanets,
celebrates the Filipinos' successful revolt for independence from Spain.
D. Thank you Dancers!
The performance will continue, let us witness another set of cotillion dancers, to perform the
Samarina Waltz.

The Cotillon is also evolving. Recently, a new feature has been added to make this dance
significantly more appealing to the younger generation, a modern cotillion.
Can I Have This Dance by: High School Musical Music can be a sign for love. Dancing shows a
way of affection without using words. Can I have this dance just shows that love can be shown in
many ways other than just saying it. The theme for this song is mainly about how strong the
character’s connection is and how you can show love in many ways.
Let us welcome the set 4 to perform the modern cotillion
"Can I have this Dance"

Today most cotillions are for young individuals as a chance to teach manners and etiquette, and
also as a way to socialize with friends and with the community.

So friends, with much anticipation, let us all welcome the young gentlemen and ladies of SPA as
they perform the Cotillon de Honor. Let us welcome the SET 5 cotillion dancers.

To complete the performance let us welcome the last set to perform the Samarina Waltz.
Everyone let us welcome them with round of applause.

Graciella pascual

D: Thank you T. Richard, guys and girls. And to test more our dancing shoes ’ strength and

K: And get into the dance to the ultimate & bring down the house, we are now signing off for

D: For us to cut a mean rug & shake our bodies. In short, to dance the night away! Guys & gals,
let’s get ready because it’s party-party time!
 Dance….Dance…Dance

K: Good evening once again, we would like to interrupt this dance party for a very special
D: While we were having fun throughout the night, our distinguished Board of Judges started to
pick its choices for this year’s Prom King & Queen.

K: And we have now the results! To announce the Prom King and Queen for this year, we would
like to call in our Activity Coordinator and Senior Class Adviser, Mr. Edwin Acierto , to do the
honor. Let’s clap our hands for him!

 Awarding Ceremony Mr. Edwin Acierto

Senior Class Adviser
Student Activities Coordinator


Masters of Ceremonies

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