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Sructure Type Reinforce Concerete

Sr. Structure Engineer - Signature

A.1 Data Material

1 Mutu Beton ( Quality Of Concerete ) fc' = 29.05 N/mm2
Modulus Elastisitas Beton ( Modulus Elasticity Of Concerete ) 4700 . √fc' = 25332.08 N/mm2
Value B1 in accordance SNI 2847-2019
For fc' ≤ 30 Mpa = 0.85
For 30 ≤ fc' ≤ 55 Mpa 0,85 - 0,008 * (fc' - 30 Mpa ) = 0.8576
For fc' ≥ 55 Mpa = 0.65

Modulus of elasticity 2.1.3 AS 3600

Ec = P 1.5 * 0.043 √ fc'
Water cement ratio Unreinforce concrete = 2400 Kg/m3
Reinforce concrete = 2500 Kg/m3
For a normal reinforce concrete up to fci = 40 Mpa
The formula reduces to Ec = 5055 √ fc'
Sample fc' P 1.5 * 0.043 √ fc' Mpa
Fc 20 24037.731 N/mm2 5375 √ fc'
Fc 25 26875 N/mm 5375 √ fc'
Fc 32 30405.592 N/mm2 5375 √ fc'
Fc 35 31798.929 N/mm 5375 √ fc'
Fc 40 33994.485 N/mm2 5375 √ fc'
Fc 45 36056.596 N/mm2 5375 √ fc'
Fc 50 38006.989 N/mm2 5375 √ fc'
Fc 55 39862.067 N/mm2 5375 √ fc'

Value a normal concrete formula if quality of concrete > 40 Mpa

Sample fc' 5055 √ fc' Mpa 5055 √ fc'
Fc 40 31970.627 N/mm 5055 √ fc'
Fc 45 33909.971 N/mm2 5055 √ fc'
Fc 50 35744.248 N/mm2 5055 √ fc'
Fc 55 37488.883 N/mm2 5055 √ fc'

in accordance AS 3600 4.1 Value of α2 and ɣ for varios concrete strength

Concrete quality
Sructure Type Reinforce Concerete

Sr. Structure Engineer - Signature

20 25 32 40 50 65 80 Limits
ɣ 0.91 0.875 0.826 0.77 0.7 0.595 0.49 0.85
α2 0.94 0.925 0.904 0.88 0.85 0.805 0.76 0.85

formula the above whithin the limits for ɣ 0.67 ≤ ɣ ≤ 0.85

formula the above whithin the limits for α2 0.67 ≤ α2 ≤ 0.85

2 Quality Of Rebar BJTP 24

For bars Ø < 10 mm fy = 240 N/mm2
fu = 370 N/mm2

Quality Of Rebar BJTS 420A

Untuk Tulangan Ø > 10 mm fy = 420 N/mm2
fu = 525 N/mm2

Modulus Elastisitas Baja Tulangan ( Modulus Elasticity Of Rebar ) E = 200000 N/mm2

3 Strength reduction factors SNI 2847-2002
Bending action = 0.8
Axian in tension = 0.8
Axial in compression - Ties = 0.65
Axial in compression - Spiral = 0.7
Shear = 0.75
Torsion = 0.75
Bearing = 0.95

4 Strength reduction SNI 2847-2019

Bending action = 0.9
Axian in tension = 0.9
Axial in compression - Ties = 0.75
Axial in compression - Spiral = 0.65
Shear = 0.75
Torsion = 0.75

5 Strength reduction factors in accordance AS 3600

Bending action = 0.8
Axian in tension = 0.8
Axian in compression = 0.6
Shear = 0.7
Torsion = 0.7

A.1 Slab
Structure length dir- Y Ly = 6000 mm
Structure length dir- X Lx = 18900 mm
Thickness Thk = 400 mm
D Rebbar Db = 16 mm
Cover Concerete layer 2 Ds = 40 + db + 0.5 d = 64 mm
Cover Concerete layer 1 Ds = 40 + db = 56 mm
Sructure Type Reinforce Concerete

Sr. Structure Engineer - Signature

High effectiv Layer 2 D = 336 mm
Layer 1 D = 344 mm
Moment coeficient Ly/Lx = 3.15 mm

Moment (Output ETABS) soil press

Moment Ultimate ( Positive Moment ) Mtx ( 0.L ) = 170000 Nmm/mm
Moment Ultimate ( Negative Moment ) Mlx ( 0.5.L ) = 14060 Nmm/mm
Moment Ultimate ( Negative Moment ) Mtx ( 1.L ) = 8892 Nmm/mm

Shear (Output ETABS)

Shear at the 1/4 Length - X Mu = Ra * 0.5 L - Q * 0.5 L
Ra = Mu / 0.5 L - q / q' = -910.5820106 N
-910.5820106 N
Sructure Type Reinforce Concerete

Sr. Structure Engineer - Signature

Length 18900 mm
q 1077.3 N/mm' 20360970 N
Concrete 189 N/mm'
Check Live load 888.3 N/mm'

Shear at the 1/4 Length - Y Mu = Ra * 0.5 L - Q * 0.5 L

Ra = Mu / 0.5 L - q / q' = -3036 N
0 N

Length 6000 mm
q 342 N/mm' 2052000 N
Concrete 60 N/mm'
Check Live load 282 N/mm'

Vux at 1/4 length (x) Vux = -910.5820106 N

Vux at 1/4 length (y) Vuy = 0 N

B Calculation reinfoecement M22 at face column - 1/4L

M* = Mty - Vu / as * ( 0.7 * As / 2 ) 2 = 170019.5206 Nmm/mm

Section of coulmn area 0.35
As 1/2 Section of column 0.175 mm
0.7 * As = 0.1225 mm

Field Moment Mlx ( - ) M*Ty ( - ) = 170019.5206 Nmm/mm

Thickness = 400 mm
Use bar = 16 mm
Cover concrete Ds = 75 + db + 0.5 d = 99 mm
High effectiv = 301 mm

M*Ty ( - ) = 170019520.6 Nmm

1 Stiff Momen K = Mu / Ø * b * d 2 = 2.085082708 N/mm2
Maximum stiff factor K Maks = 382 * B1 * f'c * (600 + fy - 225 * b1) / ( 600 + fy ) 2 = 7.513661458 N/mm2
K < K Maks ( Dipakai Tulangan Tunggal )
2.0850827 < 7.513661 Status Tul Tunggal

K1 K1 = 0,85 * K Maks = 6.38661224 N/mm

2 Evective high stress of square concerete equivalent a = 1- √(1- ( 2K / 0,85 . F'c) x d = 26.59163493 mm
3 As reinforcement As = 0,85 x f'c x a x b / fy = 1563.366537 mm
Sructure Type Reinforce Concerete

Sr. Structure Engineer - Signature

Minimum as reinforcement if fc' < 31.3 MPA As_Min = pmin x b x d = 1003.333333 mm
Minimum as reinforcement if fc' > 31.3 MPA As_Min = √Fc' / ( 4 * fy ) x b x d = 965.6734301 mm
Selected As As = 1563.366537 mm

As reinforcement for a tension ( As 1 )

Use Bar D 16 As = 200.96 mm
Selected As As = 1563.366537 mm
Rebbars value / m N = 7.779491128 bh
N = 8 bh
Type Dimention Quantity As
Deformed Bars 16 200.96 7.779491128 1563.366537
Selected As 7.779491128 1563.366537

Use Bar 16 Rebbars value / m 7.77949113

Length area 1000
Distance of the reinforcement bar 128.5431

4 Distance of the reinforcement bar S = 1/4 x 3,14 x D2 x s / AS = 128.5431121 mm

Maximum distance for double reinforcement bar
s ≤ 2 * hf = 800 mm
128.54311 < 800 Status Ok
Use = 100 mm
Use D 16 100
Reinforcement ratio in balance condition
r b = b1* 0.85 * fc'/ fy * 600 / ( 600 + fy ) = 0.084953958
Nominal moment planning M n = Mu / ø = 188910578.4
R n = Mn / ( b * d2 ) = 2.085082708
Resistance factor moment maximum
R max = 0.75 * rb * fy * [ 1 – ½* 0.75 * rb * fy / ( 0.85 * fc') ] = 12.25965263

Rn < Rmax
2.0850827 < 12.25965 Status Balance

5 Area reinforcement As = 1/4 x 3,14 x D2 x s / S = 2009.6 mm2

As > Asu
2009.6 > 1563.367 Status Ok

6 Check Momen Ultimate

Mu < Ø Mn
Nominal Moment Resistance From Compressed Concrete ( Mnc = 0,85 * fc' * a * b * (d - a/2 ) = 188910578.4
Mnc )
Nominal Moment Resistance From Rebbars Tension ( Mns ) Mns = AS * fy * (d - a/2 ) = 242831536.6
Sructure Type Reinforce Concerete

Sr. Structure Engineer

Nominal Moment Resistance From Rebbars Tension ( Mns ) - Signature

Momen Nominal Mnc + Mns = 431742115

Planning Moment 0,8 * Mn = 345393692

Mu < Ø Mn
170019521 3.45E+08 Status Ok

7 Rebbars Ratio
Value P P = AS / ( b * d ) = 0.006676412
Value P Min P_Min = 0.00125
Value Pb Pb = 0,85 * B1 * f'c / fy ( 600 / ( 600 + fy ) = 0.084953958
Value P Maks P_Maks = 0,75 * Pb = 0.063715469

P < P Maks
0.0066764 < 0.063715 Status Ok

8 Area reinforcement-2
Accord to SNI Asb = 20 % x Asu = 312.6733074 mm
Use Use Asb = 312.6733074 mm
9 Distance of the reinforcement bar-2 S = 1/4 x 3,14 x D2 x s / AS = 642.7155604 mm
Maximum distance for double reinforcement bar
Use 200 mm
Use D 16 200

Area reinforcement As = 1/4 x 3,14 x D2 x s / S = 1004.8

As > Asu
1004.8 312.6733 Status Ok

10 Concrete strain Ey = Fy / Es = 0.0021

Cover Concerete Ds = 56 mm
High effectiv D = 301 mm
Evective high stress of square concerete equivalent a = 26.59163493 mm
Concrete strain 𝜀𝑐 ′ = 𝜀𝑦 = 0.000239413
𝐵1 ∗ 𝑑 − 𝑎

0.00023941 < 0.003 Ok

C Calculation reinfoecement M22 at face column - 1/4L

Australian Standart 3600 Negativ Moment at Critical Section

M* = Mty - Vu / as * ( 0.7 * As / 2 ) = 8892 Nmm/mm
Section of coulmn area 0.35
As 1/2 Section of column 0.175 mm
0.7 * As = 0.1225 mm
Sructure Type Reinforce Concerete

Sr. Structure Engineer - Signature

Field Moment Mly ( - ) Mty ( - ) = 8892 Nmm/mm

Thickness = 400 mm
Use bar = 16 mm
Cover concrete Ds = 75 + db + 0.5 d = 99 mm
High effectiv = 301 mm

Mty ( - ) = 8892000
1 Stiff Momen K = Mu / Ø * b * d = 0.109049569 N/mm2

Maximum stiff factor K Maks = 382 * B1 * f'c * (600 + fy - 225 * b1) / ( 600 + fy ) 2 = 7.513661458 N/mm2
K < K Maks ( Dipakai Tulangan Tunggal )
0.1090496 < 7.513661 Status Tul Tunggal

K1 K1 = 0,85 * K Maks = 6.38661224 N/mm

2 Evective high stress of square concerete equivalent a = 1- √(1- ( 2K / 0,85 . F'c) x d = 1.332255638 mm
3 As reinforcement As = 0,85 x f'c x a x b / fy = 78.32552936 mm

Minimum as reinforcement if fc' < 31.3 MPA As_Min = pmin x b x d = 1003.333333 mm
Minimum as reinforcement if fc' > 31.3 MPA As_Min = √Fc' / ( 4 * fy ) x b x d = 965.6734301 mm
Selected As As = 1003.333333 mm

As reinforcement for a tension ( As 1 )

Use Bar D 16 As = 200.96 mm2
Selected As As = 1003.333333 mm
Rebbars value / m N = 4.992701699 bh
N = 5 bh
Type Dimention Quantity As
Deformed Bars 16 200.96 4.992701699 1003.333333
Selected As 4.992701699 1003.333333

Use Bar 16 Rebbars value / m 4.9927017

Length area 1000
Distance of the reinforcement bar 200.2924

4 Distance of the reinforcement bar S = 1/4 x 3,14 x D2 x s / AS = 200.2923588 mm

Maximum distance for double reinforcement bar
s ≤ 2 * hf 800 mm
200.29236 < 800 Status Ok
Use 200 mm
Use D 16 200
Reinforcement ratio in balance condition
r b = b1* 0.85 * fc'/ fy * 600 / ( 600 + fy ) = 0.084953958
Sructure Type Reinforce Concerete

Sr. Structure Engineer - Signature

Nominal moment planning M n = Mu / ø = 9880000
-6 2
R n = Mn * 10 / ( b * d ) = 0.109049569
Resistance factor moment maximum
R max = 0.75 * rb * fy * [ 1 – ½* 0.75 * rb * fy / ( 0.85 * fc') ] = 12.25965263

Rn < Rmax
0.1090496 < 12.25965 Status Balanca

5 Area reinforcement As = 1/4 x 3,14 x D2 x s / S = 1004.8 mm

As > Asu
1004.8 > 1003.333 Status Ok

6 Check Momen Ultimate

Mu < Ø Mn
Nominal Moment Resistance From Compressed Concrete ( Mnc = 0,85 * fc' * a * b * (d - a/2 ) = 9880000
Mnc )
Nominal Moment Resistance From Rebbars Tension ( Mns ) Mns = AS * fy * (d - a/2 ) = 126745699.4

Momen Nominal Mnc + Mns = 136625699.4

Planning Moment 0,8 * Mn = 109300559.5

Mu < Ø Mn
8892000 1.09E+08 Status Ok

7 Rebbars Ratio
Value P P = AS / ( b * d ) = 0.003338206
Value P Min P_Min = 0.0025
Value Pb Pb = 0,85 * B1 * f'c / fy ( 600 / ( 600 + fy ) = 0.084953958
Value P Maks P_Maks = 0,75 * Pb = 0.063715469

P < P Maks
0.0033382 < 0.063715 Status Ok

8 Area reinforcement-2
Accord to SNI Asb = 20 % x Asu = 200.6666667 mm
Use Asb = 200.6666667 mm
9 Distance of the reinforcement bar-2 S = 1/4 x 3,14 x D2 x s / AS = 1001.461794 mm
Maximum distance for double reinforcement bar
Use 400 mm
Use D 16 400

Area reinforcement As = 1/4 x 3,14 x D2 x s / S = 502.4

As > Asu
502.4 200.6667 Status Ok
Sructure Type Reinforce Concerete

Sr. Structure Engineer - Signature

10 Concrete strain Ey = Fy / Es = 0.0021

Cover Concerete Ds = 64 mm
High effectiv D = 301 mm
Evective high stress of square concerete equivalent a = 1.332255638 mm
Concrete strain 𝜀𝑐 ′ = 𝜀𝑦 = 1.13028E-05
𝐵1 ∗ 𝑑 − 𝑎

1.1303E-05 < 0.003 Ok

D Calculation reinfoecement M22 at face column - 1/2L

Field Moment Mlx ( + ) Mly ( + ) = 14060 Nmm/mm
Thickness = 400 mm
Use bar = 16 mm
Cover concrete Ds = 75 + db + 0.5 d = 99 mm
High effectiv = 301 mm

Mly ( + ) = 14060000
1 Stiff Momen K = Mu / Ø * b * d = 0.172428806 N/mm2

Maximum stiff factor K Maks = 382 * B1 * f'c * (600 + fy - 225 * b1) / ( 600 + fy ) 2 = 7.513661458 N/mm2
K < K Maks ( Dipakai Tulangan Tunggal )
0.1724288 < 7.513661 Status Tul Tunggal

K1 K1 = 0,85 * K Maks = 6.38661224 N/mm

2 Evective high stress of square concerete equivalent a = 1- √(1- ( 2K/0,85 . F'c) x d = 2.109286658 mm
3 As reinforcement As = 0,85 x f'c x a x b / fy = 124.0084781 mm

Minimum as reinforcement if fc' < 31.3 MPA As_Min = pmin x b x d = 1003.333333 mm
Minimum as reinforcement if fc' > 31.3 MPA As_Min = √Fc' / ( 4 * fy ) x b x d = 965.6734301 mm
Selected As As = 1003.333333 mm

As reinforcement for a tension ( As 1 )

Use Bar D 16 As = 200.96 mm
Selected As As = 1003.333333 mm
Rebbars value / m N = 4.992701699 bh
N = 5 bh
Type Dimention Quantity As
Deformed Bars 16 200.96 4.992701699 1003.333333
Selected As 4.992701699 1003.333333

Use Bar 16 Rebbars value / m 4.9927017

Length area 1000
Distance of the reinforcement bar 200.2924
Sructure Type Reinforce Concerete

Sr. Structure Engineer - Signature

4 Distance of the reinforcement bar S = 1/4 x 3,14 x D2 x s / AS = 200.2923588 mm
Maximum distance for double reinforcement bar
s ≤ 2 * hf 800 mm
200.29236 < 800 Status Ok
Use 200 mm
Use D 16 200
Reinforcement ratio in balance condition
rb = b1* 0.85 * fc'/ fy * 600 / ( 600 + fy ) = 0.084953958
Nominal moment planning M n = Mu / ø = 15622222.22
R n = Mn * 10-6 / ( b * d2 ) = 0.172428806
Resistance factor moment maximum
R max = 0.75 * rb * fy * [ 1 – ½* 0.75 * rb * fy / ( 0.85 * fc') ] = 12.25965263

Rn < Rmax
0.1724288 < 12.25965 Status Ok

5 Area reinforcement As = 1/4 x 3,14 x D2 x s / S = 1004.8 mm2

As > Asu
1004.8 > 1003.333 Status Ok

6 Check Momen Ultimate

Mu < Ø Mn
Nominal Moment Resistance From Compressed Concrete ( Mnc = 0,85 * fc' * a * b * (d - a/2 ) = 15622222.22
Mnc )
Nominal Moment Resistance From Rebbars Tension ( Mns ) Mns = AS * fy * (d - a/2 ) = 126581739.6

Momen Nominal Mnc + Mns = 142203961.9

Planning Moment 0,8 * Mn = 113763169.5

Mu < Ø Mn
14060000 1.14E+08 Status Ok

7 Rebbars Ratio
Value P P = AS / ( b * d ) = 0.003338206
Value P Min P_Min = 0.0025
Value Pb Pb = 0,85 * B1 * f'c / fy ( 600 / ( 600 + fy ) = 0.084953958
Value P Maks P_Maks = 0,75 * Pb = 0.063715469

P < P Maks
0.0033382 < 0.063715 Status Ok

8 Area reinforcement-2
Accord to SNI Asb = 20 % x Asu = 200.6666667 mm
Sructure Type Reinforce Concerete

Sr. Structure Engineer - Signature

Use Use Asb = 200.6666667 mm
9 Distance of the reinforcement bar-2 S = 1/4 x 3,14 x D2 x s / AS = 1001.461794 mm
Maximum distance for double reinforcement bar
Use 400 mm
Use D 16 400

Area reinforcement As = 1/4 x 3,14 x D2 x s / S = 502.4

As > Asu
502.4 200.6667 Status Ok

10 Concrete strain Ey = Fy / Es = 0.0021

Sructure Type Reinforce Concerete

Sr. Structure Engineer - Signature

Cover Concerete Ds = 64 mm
High effectiv D = 301 mm
Evective high stress of square concerete equivalent a = 2.109286658 mm
Concrete strain 𝜀𝑐 ′ = 𝜀𝑦 = 1.74351E-05
𝐵1 ∗ 𝑑 − 𝑎

1.7435E-05 < 0.003 Ok

F Shear Strength
SNI 2847-2019 pasal 11.5.5
Shear Strength

Shear strength nominal in one way / m wall

Vn = Vc + Vs
Limit of section area 𝑉𝑢 < 𝜙(𝑉𝑐 + 0,066 𝑓𝑐 ′ ∗ 𝑏𝑤 ∗ 𝑑
Vc to nonpresstres structure
Thickness = 350 mm Long of wall = 18900 mm
Use bar = 16 mm Axial force = 0 N
Cover concrete Ds = 75 + db + 0.5 d = 99 mm Vu = 2847551 N
High effectiv d= 251 mm

Vc to nonpresstres structure not axial force 𝑉𝑐 = 0.17 ∗ 𝜆 𝑓𝑐 ′ ∗ 𝑏𝑤 ∗ 𝑑 = 4346678.464 N

Vc to nonpresstres structure with axial force
𝑉𝑐 = 0.17 ∗ 1 + ∗ 𝜆 𝑓𝑐 ′ ∗ 𝑏𝑤 ∗ 𝑑 = 4346678.464 N
14 ∗ 𝐴𝑔
Vc to nonpresstres structure with tension
𝑉𝑐 = 0.17 ∗ 1 + ∗ 𝜆 𝑓𝑐 ′ ∗ 𝑏𝑤 ∗ 𝑑 = 4346678.464 N
3.5 ∗ 𝐴𝑔

Limit of section area

Vc to nonpresstres structure not axial force 𝑉𝑢 < 𝜙(𝑉𝑐 + 0,066 𝑓𝑐 ′ ∗ 𝑏𝑤 ∗ 𝑑 = 5024860.134 N
Sructure Type Reinforce Concerete

Sr. Structure Engineer 𝑉𝑢 <- 𝜙(𝑉𝑐 + 0,066 𝑓𝑐 ∗ 𝑏𝑤 ∗ 𝑑 = Signature

Vu < 𝑉𝑢 < 𝜙(𝑉𝑐 + 0,066 𝑓𝑐 ′ ∗ 𝑏𝑤 ∗ 𝑑 =
2847551 < 5024860 Ok

Vc to nonpresstres structure with axial force 𝑉𝑢 < 𝜙(𝑉𝑐 + 0,066 𝑓𝑐 ′ ∗ 𝑏𝑤 ∗ 𝑑 = 5024860.134

Vu < 𝑉𝑢 < 𝜙(𝑉𝑐 + 0,066 𝑓𝑐 ′ ∗ 𝑏𝑤 ∗ 𝑑 =
2847551 < 5024860 Ok

Vc to nonpresstres structure with tension 𝑉𝑢 < 𝜙(𝑉𝑐 + 0,066 𝑓𝑐 ′ ∗ 𝑏𝑤 ∗ 𝑑 = 5024860.134

Vu < 𝑉𝑢 < 𝜙(𝑉𝑐 + 0,066 𝑓𝑐 ′ ∗ 𝑏𝑤 ∗ 𝑑 =
2847551 < 5024860

Used bar
Size 16 mm
Space bar 100 mm
Control Vs
Qtty 6.666667 Leak 16
Calculated distance of stirrup reinforce s = n * 1/4 * 3,14 * db 2 * S / Avu = 100 mm
Check Vs
D 16 150
Avs 1339.733 mm2
Vs2 Vs = ( Av * fy * d ) / s = 941564.5867 N
Ds Ds = 99 mm
Hight effective of concrete D = 251 mm

Vn = Vc + Vs
Vc to nonpresstres structure not axial force = 4346678.464 N
Vc to nonpresstres structure with axial force = 4346678.464 N
Vc to nonpresstres structure with tension = 4346678.464 N

nonpresstres structure not axial force

Vn = Vc + Vs = 3966182.288 N
Vu < Vn
2847551 < 3966182 Ok

nonpresstres structure with axial force

Vn = Vc + Vs = 3966182.288 N
Vu < Vn
2847551 < 3966182 Ok

nonpresstres structure with tension

Vn = Vc + Vs = 3966182.288 N
Sructure Type Reinforce Concerete

Sr. Structure Engineer - Signature

Vu < Vn
2847551 < 3966182 Ok

F Deflection slab
F.1 Direction - X
Modulus Elasticity Of Concerete in accordance AS 3600 P 1.5 * 0.043 √ fc' = 25332.08 N/mm
Modulus Elasticity Of Steel Bars Es= 200000 N/mm
Distribution load Q = Q D + QL = 0.094 N/mm
Length Lx= 6000 mm
Boundary Deflection L x / 240 = 25 mm
3 4
Inertia moment at slab I g = 1/12 * b * h = 5333333333 mm
Failure modulus of concrete f r = 0.7 * √ fc' = 3.772863634 N/mm2
Value n modulus n = E s / Ec = 7.895126072
As - x 2009.6 mm
distance center line on the top concrete c = n * A s / b = 15.86604535
Inertia moment crack concrete
I cr = 1/3 * b * c3 + n * As * ( d - c )2 = 1627374868 mm
yt=h/2= 200 mm
Momen crack M cr = fr * Ig / yt = 100609696.9 Nmm
Momen maximum load effect
M a = 1 / 8 * Q * L x2 = 423000 Nmm
Inertia moment effective fo deflection calculation
I e = ( Mcr / Ma )3 * Ig + [ 1 - ( Mcr / Ma )3 ] * Icr = 4.98654E+16 mm
Elasticity deflection
de = 5 / 384 * Q * Lx4 / ( Ec * Ie ) = 1.25575E-09 mm
Rebars ratio at the slab concrete P = As / ( b * d ) = 0.005980952
Time dependent factor for a dead load ( periode > 5 years )
z= 2
l = z / ( 1 + 50 * r ) = 6.556762833
Deflection continuous
dg = l * 5 / 384 * Q * Lx4 / ( Ec * Ie ) = 5.54786E-37 mm
Total deflection direction - x d tot = de + dg = 1.25575E-09 mm
Syarat :
dtot < Lx / 240
1.256E-09 < 25 Status Ok

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