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Mc J Lloyd D.

BSE-Science 4

Even though I only briefly took this course, I can already say that the
lectures were some of the nicest I’ve ever been to. I appreciate how the teacher
puts us at ease and instills the notion that learning need not be dreaded. He doesn’t
place any pressure on us, which is why I enjoy the way he handled us.
Furthermore, I gained a lot of knowledge from our few exchanges with him. As the
most distinctly individual form of art, dance is how I convey my soul and joy. For
instance, I had no notion that if all the colors were blended, a painting would
become white. I also gained knowledge of the various social theories. The theories
of anomie, conflict, differential association, and subculture are listed below. The
subject of why norm violations are more obvious in some cultures or historical
periods than others is addressed by anomie theory, also known as strain theory.
The relationship between crime and societal structure is what is highlighted.
According to the conflict theory, society is constantly at odds with one another
over scarce resources. According to this theory, power and domination, as opposed
to agreement and compliance, are what keep social order in place. According to the
differential association theory, people pick up the attitudes, techniques, and
motivations for criminal behavior through their interactions with others. In our
second session I experience a lot of difficulties because the topics were kind of
hard for me, but I also learned a lot about that session like the economic and
agrarian reforms. A policy adopted by the state promotes small farm owner-
cultivatorship. This law also establishes a 5 acre retention cap for landowners. The
comprehensive agrarian reform program expressly states this. The principle of
equity in taxation, which states that taxpayers should be taxed in accordance with
their occupation and station in life, was another thing I was able to learn about. In
addition, I studied about monopolies in session 3. Entry obstacles in the market
lead to monopoly, either as a result of seller greed or lack of interest on the part of
potential rivals. Overall, the experience was excellent and thrilling. I reviewed
earlier knowledge that I would never have recalled if it weren’t for the class while
also learning a lot. The class was enjoyable, refreshing, and something we should
keep in mind anytime we are instructing in the future. I generally learnt in this
class that social studies, in terms of context, cover a lot of area.

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