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!"##$%& ())#$**: 3333 W. 8ullard, ApL. 177 - lresno, CA 93711
!+%&,-& .%/+#0,&1+%2 (339) 346-9297 - whardaway[ - wllllam.hardaway[
3+#&/+41+2 hLLp://

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lmplemenLaLlon of loglc and reasonlng wlLh all Lasks and a sLraLeglc approach Lo any leadershlp role, and plannlng of
long Lerm and shorL Lerm goals
8elaLlve communlcaLlon skllls allowlng group cooperaLlon as well as quallLy cusLomer servlce.
ro[ecL managemenL skllls, Lhrough Lhe appllcaLlon of analysls and organlzaLlon
CommlLmenL Lo Lhe overall goal of Lhe organlzaLlon wlLh Lhe ablllLy Lo be creaLlve wlLhln any seL framework
Peavlly experlenced ln presenLlng lnformaLlon Lo large groups

?$,#%1%@ !$%&$#A Callfornla SLaLe unlverslLy, lresno, CA - (-,)$01- 7"BB+#& !++#)1%,&+#A AugusL 2008 - resenL
CoordlnaLe Lhe LuLorlal program for all sLudenLs aL Lhe unlverslLy, helplng Lhem develop lnLellecLually as crlLlcal
Lhlnkers and llfe-long lndependenL learners
Plre, Lraln, and supervlse lnsLrucLlonal sLudenL asslsLanLs (LuLors)
ueslgn and revlse a comprehenslve mulLl-plaLform Lralnlng program uslng onllne qulzzes, acLlvlLles, and dlscusslon
CoordlnaLed Lhe academlc success workshops program ln whlch faculLy and sLaff faclllLaLors dellvered an lnLeracLlve
arena for learnlng sLudy skllls such as Llme managemenL, LesL Laklng sLraLegles, memory and concenLraLlon, eLc.

7&")$%& 7"--$** 7$#C1-$*A Callfornla SLaLe unlverslLy, lresno, CA - .%&$#% 3#+@#,0 !++#)1%,&+#, !"#"$% '(() * !"#"$%
CoordlnaLed workshops for hlgher educaLlon sLudenLs on academlc probaLlon/dlsquallflcaLlon
laclllLaLed workshops whlch requlred conveyance of Callfornla SLaLe unlverslLy pollcy, and campus resources
Workshops focused on behavlor change and moLlvaLlng sLudenLs Lo succeed academlcally
ueslgned and co-lnsLrucLed onllne workshops (8lackboard classes)

7&")$%& 7"--$** 7$#C1-$*A Callfornla SLaLe unlverslLy, lresno, CA - (-,)$01- !+"%*$41%@ .%&$#%A ,-. '((/ * !"#"$%
Academlcally advlsed sLudenLs who were dlsquallfled, on probaLlon, or recenLly dlsmlssed.
ConsulLaLlon wlLh professlonals ln many poslLlons across campus lnvolvlng lndlvldual sLudenL lssues

5+D$#& 5+*,&1A EFGFA lresno, CA -?$@,4 .%&$#%A 012%13415 * 67813415 '((/
CperaLed ln a legal envlronmenL wlLh an aLLorney who represenLed several school dlsLrlcLs and companles ln clvll
ConsLrucLed daLa perLlnenL Lo cases, Lhrough graphlcal analysls, and presenLaLlons used ln llLlgaLlon

G+@ G,H* ;$I 7&")$%& 8#1$%&,&1+%, Callfornla SLaLe unlverslLy, lresno, CA - 8#1$%&,&1+% ?$,)$#A ,-. '((/ 9 !"#"$%
'((/ : ,-. '((+ * !"#"$% '((+
8epresenLed Lhe unlverslLy Lo Lhe lncomlng sLudenL populaLlon
lnformed Lhe lncomlng sLudenL populaLlon of dynamlcs, culLure, and pollcy of Lhe unlverslLy

3"$%&$ 3#+J$-&A College of Lhe Sequolas, vlsalla, CA - K%)$#@#,)",&$ 3#+@#,0 (**1*&,%&A !"#"$% '((; * <"=1 '(()
rovlded admlnlsLraLlve asslsLance Lo a !unlor College program dlrecLed Lowards Mexlcan-Amerlcan culLure, Lo
provlde a supporLlve meLhod Lo LranslLlon sLudenLs lnLo Lhelr flrsL year of hlgher educaLlon
CoordlnaLed dlnners and mlxers palrlng sLudenLs wlLh menLors from Lhe surroundlng communlLy

Callfornla SLaLe unlverslLy, lresno, CA - MasLer of ArLs ln LducaLlon AdmlnlsLraLlon: Plgher Ld. CpLlon, lncompleLe
(81 compleLed aL a 3.86 CA CumulaLlve and a 4.00 CA ln CraduaLe level courses)
- MasLer's pro[ecL: Pow does crlLlcal Lhlnklng lmpacL academlc achlevemenL? (73 compleLed)
Callfornla SLaLe unlverslLy, lresno, CA - 8achelor of ArLs ln hllosophy: re-Law CpLlon, May 2008 CA: 3.38
- CA among Lop 13
College of Lhe Sequolas, vlsalla, CA - AssoclaLe of ArLs ln Lngllsh: CrlLlcal 1hlnklng Lmphasls
- CraduaLed wlLh Ponors

=.<=?.<=:6G !8K576L85M
8uslness AdmlnlsLraLlon 18: 8uslness & Lhe Legal
Soclology 111: SocleLy 8ace & LLhnlclLy
hllosophy 127: hllosophy of Law
hllosophy 130: loundaLlons of knowledge
ollLlcal Sclence 170: ConsLlLuLlonal Law lederal &
Soclology 162: Soclal sychology
hllosophy 43: lnLroducLlon Lo Loglc
LducaLlonal AdmlnlsLraLlon 261: lnLro Lo LducaLlon
LducaLlonal 8esearch 133: LducaLlonal SLaLlsLlcs
LducaLlonal AdmlnlsLraLlon 262: LducaLlonal
LducaLlonal 8esearch 220: 8esearch ln LducaLlon
LducaLlonal AdmlnlsLraLlon 273: LLhlcs ln LducaLlon
LducaLlonal 8esearch 288: LducaLlonal
MeasuremenL and rogram LvaluaLlon

3#+@#,0 3#+/1-1$%-H
roflclenL ln Lhe MlcrosofL Cfflce SulLe
roflclenL ln admlnlsLraLlve daLabases (l.e. eoplesofL, 8anner, 1uLor1rac, Advlsor1rac, and CradesllrsL sysLems)
roflclenL ln Cnllne Course lnsLrucLlon (8lackboard)
roflclenL ln Adobe deslgn and Web sulLes (l.e. hoLoshop, lllusLraLor, ConLrlbuLe and ureamweaver)
roflclenL ln soclal medla publlcaLlon (lacebook, 1wlLLer, and Wordpress)

8eferences avallable upon requesL.

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