Final Assignment-PHIL102

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Final Assignment

Philosophy of religion and the big question: Ultimate realities

The universe holds a number of mystifying complexities, however, it is the theory that

under all that exists, is an Ultimate Reality that surpasses the physical dimensions of the

universe. Hence, according to Neville, Ultimate reality is a manifestation that refers to the most

powerful, all-inclusive reality that exists, and from which is derived the source of all things.
Final Assignment

In the reading Philosophy of religion and the big questions, Robert Neville declared

religion to be “the human symbolic engagement of ultimate realities in cognitive, existential, and

practical ways." Neville believed that in order for religion to be, the different components of

religion must work together to engage ultimacy. The three engagement of ultimate realities in

Neville’s theory being cognitive, existential and practical suggest an experience on the highest

level of religious affirmation that transcend a person from earthly experiences to something

beyond. More so, he believes that the possibility of engaging with ultimate realities requires

establishing some necessary conditions. Similarly, Konigsberg, J. A., (2018) concurred, “any

attempt to compel an experience results in false spiritual encounters rather than permitting

authentic ones to occur”. The purpose of this essay is to provide an understanding of how the

different ultimate realities are experienced through different mediums on all three dimensions in

different religions.

According to Neville (2018), cognitive engagement means conceptualizing ultimate

realities. Further, it means that a person accumulate knowledge by way of perceiving,

recognizing, conceiving, and reasoning. It is a state or experience of knowing that can be

distinguished from an experience of feeling or willing (Britannica, 2022). In Western

Christianity this goal of cognitive ultimacy is achieved through the notion of Lectio Divina

which translate to "Divine Reading". It is a traditional practice of scriptural reading, meditation

and prayer intended to encourage unity with God and to increase the knowledge of God's word.

Christianity believe that scriptural reflection and interpretation in a form of meditative prayer

which when understood, leads to an increased knowledge of Christ. Lectio Divina involves

reading, meditating, praying and contemplating. First, a passage of Scripture is read, then its

meaning is reflected upon. This is followed by prayer and contemplation on the Word of God
Final Assignment

( It is believed that placing oneself in a prayerful or spiritual state and

actively reading and meditating on various traditions’ sacred texts would achieve the

potential for encountering ultimate reality. It is believed that this process calls on a person to

slow down, focus, respond with curiosity, and then simply succumb to the transformational

presence of an ultimate reality experience.

In the text, existential engagements is described as “engagements that define the

religious person’s or community’s own identity in relation to ultimacy”. In this type of

engagement one often have conversion or transformational feelings and is transcended to the

ultimate experience. Such an example of existential engagement of ultimate reality can be

achieved in Buddhism through the act of meditation. Buddhist believe that proper meditation

will quiet the mind and bring people into a deeper reality and, ultimately, enlightenment. Here,

the goal of meditation is to “see things as they are,” which is to see them as unsatisfactory,

impermanent, and not-self (Gowans 2003). In Buddhism, a person meditates to shed delusions

and attachments and the belief that they themselves is a self. Usually this enlightenment comes

from being able to see that there is no external soul and being able to extinguish the fires of

craving and other worldly desires. Moreover, it involves removing from the mind all the

delusions that stand in the way of such seeing. In the end, it is anticipated that at the instant of

that insight or enlightenment, nirvana is achieved. For Buddhism when a person achieves

Nirvana, their soul is finally blown out and is freed from suffering. Nirvana translates to “being

extinguished”, is usually the final path or destination in Buddhism. Therefore, it is the end of

suffering, and the end of cycles of reincarnations. Consequently, Enlightenment is necessary to

attain nirvana which is a state of complete understanding and empathy.

Final Assignment

The final engagement of Neville’s theory is the practical engagement of ultimate reality.

He proposed that this involves repeatable ways by which life can be organized in relation to

ultimate realities. In essence, this speaks of religious culture or the ways of a particular religion

that is guided by their teachings or sacred texts. One such example would be the Sawn or fasting

ritual of the Islamic religion. Swam is an Arabic term used to describe the act of fasting. After

the age of puberty, Muslims are required to fast during the month of Ramadan. This entails

abstaining from food, drink, sexual relations and displeasing speech or behavior from sunrise

until sunset ( The month of Ramadan requires special devotion from

Muslims since it symbolizes an important moment for mankind. Hence, it is the ninth month of

the Islamic calendar and includes the night in which the holy Qur’an was first revealed to

mankind known as the night of decree (Laylat al-Qadr). During this sacred time, Muslims

temporarily abstain from their needs and base desires that make up their human selves. It is the

belief of Muslims that fasting provides the opportunity to acquire a sense of control over their

needs, desires and distractions, thus, giving them room for a heightened sense of introspection

and their purpose in life, which is to worship Allah. Muslims believe that fasting for the sake of

Allah is a special act of commitment for which there is a reward. In a Hadith Qudsi, Allah says:

“All the actions of the children of Adam are for them except for fasting it is for me and I alone

will reward for it.”

In conclusion, all religions engage their beliefs, location, and their positions in historical

situations to create symbol systems, societies, and personal habits that allow them to engage in

the ultimate realities These religious phenomena provides incredible insights into the conditions

and context in which ultimacy can be achieved. Additionally, it shows the many variety among

the different religion modes of engagement with the ultimate realities.

Final Assignment

Paideia for philosophy of religion

In the reading Paideia for philosophy of religion which simply means educating ideal

citizens for a state, Robert Neville put forward the case that philosophy of religion faces a

daunting future since the population is not conversant enough about religion. Neville believes

that in order for philosophy of religion to have a future there must be cross-cultural religious

literacy across the board. Philosophy of religion must be taught at every educational level as a

part of the curricula in primary and secondary school, college programs and as an extension to

the academic philosophy departments that mainly prescribes to Western philosophy. Neville is

of the belief that with “Paideia for philosophy” all learners would be given the opportunity to

practice critical thinking, communication skills, and acquire the right attitudes necessary be an

active citizen, earn a living, and pursue a purposeful life. Further, Neville advocates that citizens

should be well round in their education in that they should not have to be trained in only their

chosen field of study but can still be given the opportunity to study philosophy of religion and be

at a point where they are knowledgeable enough so that comparative competence is produced.

While religion continues to be of an over-all importance for us, I believe that there is

valid justifications for compulsory religious education, though, it must be made on the basis of

reason rather than public consensus. We are living in a very diverse world with contrasting world

views and radical conflicting assumptions that compete for our attention. Therefore, I believe
Final Assignment

that our situation demands religious education that is capable of enabling pupils to achieve

appropriate levels of religious literacy. That being said, if philosophy of religions is to be a part

of the educational system by way of which students can be made to have a better understanding

of the world they live in, then cross-cultural religious literacy needs to be developed for this

reasons. I believe that having an understanding of foundations of religion will allow us to better

grasp what is built on those foundations. This can greatly help us to overcome divisive

differences in our global society. Moreover, teaching philosophy of religion in primary,

secondary and post-secondary educational system will raise the level of our awareness in such a

way that narrow thinking will be limited, if not avoided completed. Added to that I believe that

having a rich religious background can give us a broader, deeper and more integrative

perspective by which to facilitate meaningful conversations that can explore the nature of one

self, on ways of relating to others as others, and most importantly on the meaning and purpose of


As Neville wrote, religion is present in many aspect of our lives. It is part of our culture,

our belief system and most importantly it guides our moral compass. Therefore, I am of the firm

belief that cross-cultural literacy being a part of the primary, secondary and post-secondary

system is vital to our global society. Though a daunting task, philosophers of religion should not

limit themselves religious studies, they need to be educated to a literate level in all the disciplines

that have components religion.

Final Assignment

Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2022, September 5). consciousness. Encyclopedia


Cush, D. (nd). Ultimate reality, God and gods in Buddhism: Retrieved from:

Konigsburg, J, A. "Conditions for Encounters with Ultimacy Across Religious Boundaries"

Open Theology, vol. 4, no. 1, 2018, pp. 422-427.

Lectio Divina: Retrieved from:

Neville, R. Philosophy of religion and the big questions. Palgrave Commun 4, 126 (2018).

The Five Pillars of Islam: Retrived from:

Wright, A.(2004) The justification of compulsory religious education: a response to Professor

White, British Journal of Religious Education, 26:2, 165-174, DOI:

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