3rd Meeting - Travel and Adventure Adventure Destination and Extreme Activities

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1Adventure - - - I

.- Before You Read

Destinations -.

' " Compl6lion. Look .at the s, and'cread about each pla~e.
Thm complete each description with a word from the box.
Top ~dienture
Travel Destinations
-, .-
camp cruise hike

. .
.- . . , . . --.
;<t===- .- :
_ + . -- - ,
a-- -
thmugh beautiful mount& villgges in the &xi&% . IT-.

. .'-
, .
- _ ...I r..,-:
*-. . .

- .. .. - .- - - .- - .- -- . --- ...-. . .... ..-- - - -- - --.

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a -. -
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. --


@. Scan. You are gdq:@ read about two friends' travel adventure.
Quickly scan the reading to answer the ,questians bdow. Then
read again taaheck your answers
1. Where did they start and end th@Mp@ W d i d they travel?
2 HOW many kilometer9 (or mile$ did they travefi.

I'ravel and Adventure

. .

Many people drear@Wgoing on a great travel adventure.

Most of us keep
. dreaming; others make it happen
. -
. ..
Gregg Bl&ey'@ dream wag to &el && Americas from tap
to bottom. He got the idea after he f35sh.d a 1,600 &meted ..
6 ;(1,000mile) bike ride. Gregg7ii Bmlr%men, was dso a, -
cyclist,l The two &ends talked and dow1'9; w.
a plan: t h e . . -
&dd ti"axl fim Alaska to Argentina-b~ bjh.
To pay for the q , Greg8 and' Braoks w&kd and saved a
rheir money for y m . Once t h q were on the read, they-
0 s i n camped ~utdaoraOT stayed in h o s g l ~In
. ~many plam,
local people opened their homes co the rwo friends &d gave
them food.
_.'I ,:
Duringtheiruip, &eggmdBrlo~ksqdedthaughdese&a,, . .-,i
jainftrrests, and mowtaing. They visited modern cities ad$.--.- -3' :. - 1'
: *.: '

15 d g a t r u i n s 3 such as Machu Picchu in Peru. And everywhere:i. - , 4

they went, they met other cydists from all over the world. t
' I

In May 2007-two yeus, twelve cg2mtries, and over

30,500 lm (19,000 mil&) later-Gregg mw- reached
Ushuaia, Argentina, the $~u&ernrnostcity in the world, (Near
2 G n a t l a , Brbaks had '%% E f l t;f ,the U,S., and Gregg
continued without himi, 9 - .-

The trip taught both men a lot about a a v d q i l

a p d d l y if you travel a h a d . What did the,y l e a d
Here is s k o f Gregg's &w
Travel light. The less
you'll worry a h t .
F ,yo u have, theless

Be polite. As on& travell& told *&lwq6.

rmmber that t:nhady vim= to B h t , cheat, ar
1 Reading Comprehension
A. Multiple Choice, Ghome thebest 'arlswgr for ewh question.
Gist 1. Amthwtitlebrtkis r ~ i n g c g u l d
.a. Cycling the Arnerims from Tbp to 6dtt~m
bnThe W~lthemrnost'City in 'tb$ World
c. Thiqgs to See md DO jn Alaska and Argentina
d. Argentina: The Land af Adventurs

Detail 2. Which sentence about G r q g and Brsok' trip ia NOT true?

a To pay for the trip, t h q saved #wir money and trwded
c h ~ q ~on
l ythe road.
'a, Only Gregg made The cdrnpbfe trip from Alas+@to kgdntina.
c, ohring thekaip, they ,metpeole tiam all a m the world.
d. In Guat~maka,G ~ g got g sick and want back to the U.S.A.

Re%rence 3. tn line'l2, them means

a. the local ptmple c. other cyclists
b. Gmgg and &Q&S d, their frjends
Vocabulary 4. Whikh ~ f t h ~ s ~ , w o .or
r dphrases
s is most similar in meaning to
flwible in line 27?
a. abl,e.to change &~iIy c. wgll-Dlmnael
b, camfu1 d, dlfFicUt
Inference 5 Which gtatement wbuld Gregg 'most likely agree with?
a. In <othercromtrcies, only stay in hotals or mh people y ~ kmw.
b. Plan wwy pad af yaur Wp so you can relax.
c. When abroad, learn how t~ say "thank you'' in the local
d, Bring a la? w i i you bn ybur XripV~d
you &n",Z; have z'a
buy anflhing.
B. Sequencing. Put the ev~ntsbelow in order fmm 1-8,
Than this story to a partner.
Gregg and Brooks ,start their trip in Pmdhoe
Gr egg reaches U~huaia,h g e m h ~ c d .
Greg&goes on a 1800-mile bike ride,
&egg a d hu friehd Brooks t& abmt biking
i?m Pilash to Argentina.
Brooks r e m a to 'the U.SA. &egg antinuts
withbut him.
Gregg md Brooks work to save inonq.
A, Definitions,?RWB thg NfiormWph bejie~(rw.T%@I
mat& & wad in &nwHlg ha&afiitan,
&-E ytiu UpImin& th ~ a v da s p IFpmlrileaking
fdg both h a a ~ t p n ~ , , & d v ethrnk
n m ~ahout
~ viiiting
F Y ~ ~It~IS an u arpa
. ii hared by bmh
~ . rhat
add k g e n ~ h a Here are nvo place8 you &~d&'r miss:

Gaveofthe Hands: These an&mc;t~epainthgsmre

done 9,5011-13,000 years a p m e of Pm@s I
e & a ~p p k e .

* Ghes Ma&d
munrain didhg. 2
&~tts s pplate fnr W g and
k blue l b dwhite f P L a ~ h e
huge rives ofke-rhar were b m d d r l a 5 of y w ago. iI

a@ce 9 p P ~ ! p $ pdtife VQ
bagjr$ge eveiltually relax
- -- -

A lot of smart paple make mist* when they go hilring.

Here's some L* that can help ygu
stay d e :
Before you start, tell someone where you are gahg and for
how long, 2. if y0.u are going done.
Nb one U e s to carry a lot OF 3.
But it's important ro take ceflaiil h g s on yaw Ad* R a nwn, 'We
4. : water, extra c1obthing,and a cbpmlmid~tha
ss in Ims; adwise tP &,W,
cell phone. and the s k~pmhoun-
If you get lost ar hurt, you should "S.T.6 .I?>' This means: . tiktkzrnifie:L$nqy
Wise$ABn net ~ giw
Stop: gt to 5.. md stay calm. pmp/e &&el
Think about yow: situation.
Observe: look around and notice where ygu are,
Plan what to do next.
Nso, it's important to stay in am place. S ~ m e o will
6. look for you.
2A Adveatwc Destinations 23
: *

- The South Pa8ciFic :


+ m

- ' q ~ l l l l r g . L ~ ~ k a t t h e m e p q n d rinforma@i@n:
t. Which countries are &&bed?
Ffmd and circle them on the mw.
2. Match the words inbi~e( a 4with the sport pictured.
kim for the WaFn Idea. On W - Mpage, look quickly at the title,
x photos, andcaptions. Which word best describes t h e
on Van.uatw? Circle a, b, or c. Then read the passage ts

b. dwamus c. relaxing
Tmna wgm? pint A
I dress
their C ~ ahd - Reading Compreheniion
in apeafal,ctahes for
A. Mulitpla choice=Ghmmthe b s ~mswer
t im qumi~n.
Purpose 1- what i'sthe ,g5.uipO& afthisW i n g ?
'to &hcoUmQepmple not to da dmgerou~sQort9
fi.to explain what volcqno '&,flno and land ilivinpat@
C. to talk abmt'ttle wa~U's b a t vol@nrj'sumr and [and divm
d, tb campam gdivitim in Vamtu with sports in New Zealand

Detail Z Whi'ch se@fiCs about Mount Y . q r is Wu,@

a l ~ t G . r ? o I b n g e r ~ h~~pl$Ra,v&h~gn.clifi~ngitr6r:algn~Vrn@.
b. It gets a lo7 of $now, d, I@ ~n PeMmst I$l,Wd..
Detail 3, Land djving
a. was first called "bungee jumping"
b. c m e to y ~ u a t ~u o t dother
n cauritry
k; islet!@ po,puta'YMd'iy' thgn in f he pwt
&B attra~monalactIdty in W U ~ U
R,eference Ir"llihe'2,,wh~~o.&th6S$t$f@~@?
fpeople .
b .Wntrim e. '@Mimi$ d. islands

Vocabulary >5. In linQ 23, what .&BS the ~ p t hmeah?

a -mapeogle v . b grbund c;. the tower d. t h e W l l U

8. Cladfi~atkon,Matqh amwer -3l with the QctiviZyit dwrtribs.

Vblmna sWfI~lg Land diving

a.'is only done by men

i:- 3& b. is a new sport

d 3
G. is denger~usbecaum Bf flying racks
t$ 2jd2+ d. is a very old activity
'C, LJ e. was fir.st dohe on P6ntewst Idand

.:- 2-a f. is siPirilar tq a popular water spdrt
# - g.i~averyfestactNity
26 Upit 2 TraveI and Adventure
i w*-&&&-c@&,
' w ~- ~ i mt hm~

tA& [@.C#%@tlQ7$!$$@1


- - -,. ---
$h&$f?@$T Qaf ~

- esm&jie Tan11
- - thb kit rbtiQloui9:
. tk

- I:
T l i ~E a W gf ern P d
Wh&C;: the CQ ofhmplpna kt w@- S ~ & I
Whw July, far nbc day
What h a p e s : E v q day, there are sp-pd
wen.tg; music, dance$& and 1.
ceremonies. Bnr,the p<igt:ofthe fedvd 'that mrit
pople af: 3, Mrh is *the
rumkg of the bull's." Every mdrbhg, a goup d
Iialts rn$d m a ciq m e t . Hmdre& dp&ple
iri h n r of the animal#.h m we& whit%
they aiba 3. ,a red s mfumhd
their bodies. Thk run laas tbrer: min nu@^.
A wmser%4. is:'rn
6 6 &Gun the b d k wi&nux
-fdhgar ge* 6. by .tb=.
kxnnibg Y&& the b d a , m t ' ~h d S@ in the Pmk W n g fed g$in@Bt
run from the bulls jp Pm!qn@,
I3ih Fw md is $rill m y popular today Bp&n
Parn&~ 8, ~ and vidms:~b m all over tit* wwld
join in. T4e ran is wry d a r ~ o u sSo . w h do pe~pledo it?
Earsmwm,i~b a t ~ ~ f g . , ,Far @ t k m f .
the run q&a &m6 ~ alive 1
B. Definitions. b e the wards In the,box in A to Complete-the defininom.
1. A(n] is 700 years.
2. If you from samething, you run away fmm It.
3. A[n) is an a!m ar m e t h i n g you ate trying to do.
4. A(n) of $omwhere is fmm that plam.
5. If you touFh someone or somdhing vw k r d , you them.
6. A you are with something, you know or under-nd it well,
7. If you two things wether, you, bring t h ~ m tqdher
with a kflot.
~ QFV~WPUare lad by a fdhief.
u to be very brave to do it.
& & . d ~ n is~ very danq?mu~,$O y ~ need

'@a Sgmthafize. Watch the vidw,. f and Dhmi. Then complete the
sgfim'$ymbelW with tKe hr form of words from the btjx.
TND>wordsWe Gx&ra,,

Madern hmgee jumpbg star& in N m M m d , Ent this

c ,

1. sport actually started about a(n) ;Wm&

2, aga as a(n) 3, , ?&&w@;w;
I * .

cerenlony on Pcn~wa-s Islmd. h the lrxal l m p p , it is called 3:. "

Nagol. Thrs means "land divmg." One i i ~has~some r -. , I' I


for dryem: It's important to
when ysu we on the. tow= h d
can be very dangmus, 6. if y'nu axe
The last time a diver died -,in 1974. But every year,,
peoplga. k the $round hard and.they get
hurt. ~ m $ e&om other countria catl me&>but only Vmuatru
8. can join in Nagol. PUPa National
, chief ddwkd one brave. diver to
~ e o g r a ~ h & d & athe
a e m e m b h&leg. as
m.sto me the caM& to fhn
br0kij.but he > w a o rhurt.

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