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Organizations and Reports

S. Report Organizations
1 Global Economic Prospect Report (GEP), World Bank
Ease of Doing Business Report,
Remittance Report,
Ease of Living Index,
India Development Update,
Universal Health Coverage Index,
Service Trade Restriction Index
2 World Development Report IBRD (World Bank)
3 World Economic Outlook, International Monetary Fund
Global Financial Stability Report
4 Global Competitiveness Report, World Economic Forum
Global Risk Report,
Global Information Technology Report,
Enabling Trade Report,
Global Energy Architecture Performance Index Report,
Global Environment Performance Index,
Human Capital Index,
Global Gender Gap Index,
Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report,
World Power Language Index,
Inclusive growth & Development Index,
Engaging Tomorrow Consumer Report,
Energy Transition Index
5 Gender Inequality Index United Nations Development Programme
Sustainable Development Goals (UNDP)
Human Development Index
6 World Trade Outlook Indicator World Trade Organization
Intellectual Property Rights
World Trade Report
7 Global Education Monitoring Report, UNESCO
Gender Parity Index
8 Report on Regular Resources United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund
The State of the World’s Children reports (UNICEF)
9 Global Environment Outlook United Nations Environment Programme
Emission Gap Report (UNEP)
Actions on Air Quality
Global Trend in Renewable Energy
10 World Drug Report UNODC
World Wildlife Crime Report
Global Report on Trafficking in Persons
11 World Investment Report United Nations Conference on Trade and
Trade & Development Report Development (UNCTAD)
Information Economy Report
Technology and Innovation Report
The Least Developed Countries Report
12 World Cities Report UN-Habitat
Habitat Commitment Index
13 World Happiness Report UN- Sustainable Development Solutions
14 World Social Protection Report International Labour Organization
World Employment and Social Outlook
World Work Report
Global Wage Report
15 Air pollution Report World Health Organization
World Health Statistics
World Tuberculosis Report
16 World Intellectual Property Report World Intellectual Property Organization
17 Global Corruption Report Transparency International
Corruption Perception Index
18 Global Innovation Index INSEAD, WIPO and Cornell University
19 India Innovation Index NITI Aayog , DIPP & CII
20 Interest Subvention Report Reserve Bank of India
Financial Stability Report
Handbook of Statistics on Indian Economy
Report on Trend and Progress of Banking in India
Quarterly Statistics on Deposits & Credit of Scheduled
Commercial Banks in India
21 Global Financial System Report Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
22 Global Food Price Index FAO
World State of Forest Report
23 Global Hunger Index International Food Policy Research Institute
24 Global Money Laundering report Financial Action Task Force
25 Trade and Development Report United Nations Conference on Trade and
Trade and Environment Review Development (UNCTAD)
The Technology and Innovation Report
26 World Press Freedom Index Reporters Without Borders
27 World Economic Situation and Prospects Report United Nations Organizations (UNO)
World Urbanization Prospects
28 World Migration Report International organization for Migration
29 World Energy Outlook International Energy Agency
30 Urban Transformation Index NITI Aayog
Health Index – States, Progressive India Report
31 United Nations World Water Index UNESCO
UNESCO Science Report
32 The Programme for International Student Assessment Organization of Economic Development and
Cooperation (OECD)
33 The Rise of Environmental Crime Report UNEP & INTERPOL
34 Internet Readiness Index Internet and Mobile Association of India

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