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What were the aims of each of the ”Big Three” at the Paris Peace

Conference ?

Who were the the so called “The Big Three” ? It consisted of the leaders of
three countries; France, USA and Great Britain. Georges Clemencau,
Thomas Woodrow Wilson and David Lloyd George. They were called The Big
Three because of how powerful they were, their popularity was immense,
worldwide and long. The Treaty of Versailles was settled to maintain peace
beneath the nations and negotiate the restrictions that were to be put on
Germany after they started the World War 1. Germany wasn’t invited to the
conference which the fate of their country was being discussed. Everything
was in the hands of The Big Three and others attending the conference of

The Big Three were three very different people. They all had very different
goals that they wanted to achieve by creating the Treaty of Versailles.

So what were their aims?

The prime minister of France wanted to get revenge. German army murdered
1,927,000 French soldiers during the war which was around 5% of France's
population. France took great damage from the Germans hands and they
wanted to punish Germany greatly.

On the other hand, President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson had
differing motivations. He wanted to make a peace settlement and establish a
peace-keeping organisation. USA didn’t really suffer because of Germany so
their motivation wasn’t negative towards Germany.

David Lloyd George who was the prime minister of Britain wanted Germany
to recover financially so they could pay Britain the reparations. Both of the
countries were in a pretty bad economical situation and David Lloyd George
wanted his country to be rich again with the money he wanted to make
Germany pay back to him.

All of the members of the Big Three had different motives which was
the reason that the Treaty of Versailles didn’t stay successful for long.
The big three did not get everything they wanted because they allowed
other people to make the decisions. Finally, the negotiations were
always going to be a compromise, that is what happens when two or
more people try to come up with a decision.

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