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BPM User Manual for Sales Applicant- Version 1

Benson Tan
19 Sep 2018
1. Function of BPM System
2. Access & Key Definition
3. Apply Customer code/ Apply Customer code with
credit/payment term
4. Change Customer Data
5. Upgrade Role
6. Apply Credit/Payment Term (Existing Customer)
7. Change Credit /Payment Term
8. Checking BPM Application Status/History
9. Setting Substitution Rule(If you are out of office)/
Importance of “Put Back” Option
10. Common BPM email notification
1. Function of BPM System
1. Apply new customer code
2. Apply change of customer data in SAP
3. Upgrade customer code role
4. Apply new customer code with credit limit/payment term
5. Apply credit limit/payment term for existing customer
6. Change credit limit/payment term for existing customer

2. Access & Key Definitions
At all times, use internet explorer to access. Do not use Google Chrome/ Firefox
or other type of browser
1. BPM This is your BPM worklist that contains pending application for your
2. Delta_Taiwan You should select this option to access BPM application at all
3. To start application, please select:
a. Delta_ Taiwan
b. Sales & Distribution
c. Customer Application
Apply Customer code/ Apply Customer code with
credit/payment term
3. Apply Customer code/ Apply Customer code with credit/payment term
1. Click “ Apply a New Customer”

2. Click new form

3. Enter Sales General Data

a) Sales Enter your Citrix ID (Example: Benson Tan From Peru office. My
Citrix ID will be BENTANPE) otherwise please contact your local IT
support to check
b) Sales Manager Enter your sales manager Citrix ID
c) BG/BU/BD Head COHOGB (Colin Howe)
f) Delivery Plant: Same as company code
g) Sales office: Same as company code
h) Sales Organization: EK follow by country ( Example: Peru office. Sales
organization will be EKPE)
i) Channel 01
j) Division Either TS/DE/ID depends on sales segment
k) Inco-Term Agreed Incoterm with customer
l) Payment Term Agreed payment term with customer. Select the correct
SAP payment term code
m) Currency: Billing currency
Below is example of complete information

4. Customer Type:
a) Select “Customer” for apply code for external customer
b) Select “Inter Company” for apply code for intercompany

5. If Sold to/Ship to/ Payer/ Bill to code are the same

6. Please select below options and check “Credit/Payment Term” if you wish to
apply and fill in information for all tabs
7. If Sold to/Ship to/ Payer/ Bill to code are different
8. Please select below options and check “Credit/Payment Term” if you wish to
apply and fill in information for all tabs

9. If there is need to apply for different code based on different situation, please
check “ New apply” for new code needed or “same as” sold to code is same as
either ship to /payer/ bill to

Fill in complete customer name, address (Note: Information with * is

mandatory to fill in)

10. Fill in customer communication information ( Must fill in)

11. Customer- Tax Information (Optional)
12. Customer Industry- You can select the “Account Type”, “Industry 1” & “Industry
Code 1” that fits best for the customer. You can click on the square icon to select
.See below for example.

13. Attachment Allows applicant to upload application into the application

14. Click “Browse” to open your computer driver to select document “
15. Click “Upload” to upload
Note: You must attached supporting document such as customer’s business
registration certificate, Purchase order, all other documents to support this
application as well as ease for credit controller to perform credit check.

Fill in Credit/Payment Term

13 Fill in below mandatory fields
a) Effective Date Date of 1st delivery ( If you are unsure, please input
estimated date)
b) Credit Limit Required credit limit
c) Currency Currency of credit limit
d) Invalid date Invalid date (Put an estimated date that you need for the entire
period. If you are unsure, please input estimated date)
e) 1st Open term shipment schedule: Same as 13a
f) Sales Comment Fill in reason for credit application
14. Click “ Pre-check” for system to check all information are filled in with no errors

15. If data check are correct, below is the message you will see.

16. Click “Submit”

17. System will ask you to confirm. Select “Yes” to proceed. “No” to go back to draft
Change Customer Data
4. Change Customer Data
1. Under customer application option, select “Change Customer Data”
2. Enter customer code
3. Click “New Form”

4. Enter Sales General Data

n) Sales Enter your Citrix ID (Example: Benson Tan From Peru office. My
Citrix ID will be BENTANPE) otherwise please contact your local IT
support to check
o) Sales Manager Enter your sales manager Citrix ID
p) BG/BU/BD Head COHOGB (Colin Howe)
s) Delivery Plant: Same as company code
t) Sales Organization: EK follow by country ( Example: Peru office. Sales
organization will be EKPE)
u) Payment Term Agreed payment term with customer. Select the correct
SAP payment term code
Below is example of complete information
5. Customer Type:
a) Select “Customer” for apply code for external customer
b) Select “Inter Company” for apply code for intercompany

6. Make the required changes under customer area

1. Attachment Allows applicant to upload application into the application
2. Click “Browse” to open your computer driver to select document “
3. Click “Upload” to upload
Note: You must attached supporting document such as customer’s business
registration certificate, Purchase order, all other documents to support this
application as well as ease for credit controller to verify information accuracy
before approval

1. Click “ Pre-check” for system to check all information are filled in with no errors

2. If data check are correct, below is the message you will see.

3. Click “Submit”
4. System will ask you to confirm. Select “Yes” to proceed. “No” to go back to draft
Upgrade Role
5. Upgrade Role
1. Under customer application option, select “Upgrade Role”
2. Enter customer code that you wish to apply for upgrade from ship to code to another
3. Click “New Form”

4. Enter Sales General Data

v) Sales Enter your Citrix ID (Example: Benson Tan From Peru office. My
Citrix ID will be BENTANPE) otherwise please contact your local IT
support to check
w) Sales Manager Enter your sales manager Citrix ID
x) BG/BU/BD Head COHOGB (Colin Howe)
aa) Delivery Plant: Same as company code
bb) Sales office: Same as company code
cc) Sales Organization: EK follow by country ( Example: Peru office. Sales
organization will be EKPE)
dd) Channel 01
ee) Division Either TS/DE/ID depends on sales segment
ff) Inco-Term Agreed Incoterm with customer
gg) Payment Term Agreed payment term with customer. Select the correct
SAP payment term code
hh) Currency: Billing currency
Below is example of complete information

5. Customer Type:
c) Select “Customer” for apply code for external customer
d) Select “Inter Company” for apply code for intercompany
6. In Upgrade to field , select and confirm if you wish to upgrade ship to code to
sold to

7. Attachment Allows applicant to upload application into the application

8. Click “Browse” to open your computer driver to select document “
9. Click “Upload” to upload
Note: You must attached supporting document such as customer’s business
registration certificate, Purchase order, all other documents to support this
application as well as ease for credit controller to verify information accuracy
before approval

5. Click “ Pre-check” for system to check all information are filled in with no errors

6. If data check are correct, below is the message you will see.

7. Click “Submit”
8. System will ask you to confirm. Select “Yes” to proceed. “No” to go back to draft
Apply Credit/Payment Term (Existing Customer)
6. Apply Credit/Payment Term (Existing Customer)
1. Under customer application option, select “Apply Credit/Payment Term”
2. Enter customer code that you wish to credit limit/payment term
3. Select either one of the options:
a) Credit Limit only- For apply credit limit only
b) Payment Term only- For apply payment term only
c) Credit limit and payment term – For apply credit and payment term together
4. Click “New Form”

5. Enter Sales General Data

ii) Sales Enter your Citrix ID (Example: Benson Tan From Peru office. My
Citrix ID will be BENTANPE) otherwise please contact your local IT
support to check
ll) Division Either TS/DE/ID depends on sales segment
6. Under Sales –Company Code Data, fill in company code correct (Mandatory to
fill in)
Below is example of complete information
7. In credit customer section
a) Enter Bill to code of customer
b) Enter Payer code of customer

8. In credit limit section

a) Effective Date Date of 1st delivery ( If you are unsure, please input
estimated date)
b) Credit Limit Required credit limit
c) Currency Currency of credit limit
d) Invalid date Invalid date (Put an estimated date that you need for the entire
period. If you are unsure, please input estimated date)
e) 1st Open term shipment schedule: Same as 8a
f) Sales Comment Fill in reason for credit application

9. Attachment Allows applicant to upload application into the application

10. Click “Browse” to open your computer driver to select document “
11. Click “Upload” to upload
Note: You must attached supporting document such as customer’s business
registration certificate, Purchase order, all other documents to support this
application as well as ease for credit controller to perform credit check.

12. Click “ Pre-check” for system to check all information are filled in with no errors

13. If data check are correct, below is the message you will see.

14. Click “Submit”

15. System will ask you to confirm. Select “Yes” to proceed. “No” to go back to draft
Change Credit/Payment Term
7. Change Credit/Payment Term
1. Under customer application option, select “Change Credit/Payment Term”
2. Enter customer code that you wish to changecredit limit/payment term
3. Select either one of the options:
a) Credit Limit only- For change credit limit only
b) Payment Term only- For change payment term only
c) Credit limit and payment term – For change credit and payment term together
4. Click “New Form”

5. Enter Sales General Data

c) Sales Enter your Citrix ID (Example: Benson Tan From Peru office. My
Citrix ID will be BENTANPE) otherwise please contact your local IT
support to check
f) Division Either TS/DE/ID depends on sales segment
6. Under Sales –Company Code Data, fill in company code correct (Mandatory to
fill in)
Below is example of complete information
7. In credit customer section
a) Enter Bill to code of customer
b) Enter Payer code of customer

8. In credit limit section

a) Original Payment Term: Current SAP payment term.
b) Payment Term New payment term for customer. Note: This field cannot be
entered if you select “ credit limit only”
c) Effective Date Date of 1st delivery ( If you are unsure, please input
estimated date)
d) Original Credit Limit Enter current credit limit in SAP (You can access YSC9
in SAP to check the credit limit. In YSC9, enter company code and customer
code to check)
e) Credit Limit Required credit limit Note: This field cannot be entered if you
select “ Payment term only”
f) Original Currency Currency of current credit limit.
g) Currency Currency of credit limit Note: This field cannot be entered if you
select “ Payment term only”
h) Invalid date Invalid date (Put an estimated date that you need for the entire
period. If you are unsure, please input estimated date)
i) 1st Open term shipment schedule: Same as 8c
j) Sales Comment Fill in reason for credit application
9 Attachment Allows applicant to upload application into the application
10 Click “Browse” to open your computer driver to select document “
11 Click “Upload” to upload
Note: You must attached supporting document such as customer’s business
registration certificate, Purchase order, all other documents to support this
application as well as ease for credit controller to perform credit check.

12 Click “ Pre-check” for system to check all information are filled in with no errors

13 If data check are correct, below is the message you will see.
14 Click “Submit”
15 System will ask you to confirm. Select “Yes” to proceed. “No” to go back to draft
Checking BPM Application Status/History
8.Checking BPM Application Status/History
Under customer application option, select “Display Customer Application”
Recommended Option as follow:
1. Enter customer application form number Or
2. Enter Creator Citirix ID
My favorite option is using “Advanced” option and enter Customer code which will
provide specific application related to the customer I want to check
After entering the options, click “Start Search”

You will able to view the application status as per below screen. In details , please click
on Application form number
Setting Substitution Rule
(If you are out of office)
Importance of “Put Back” Option
8. Setting Substitution Rule (If you are out of office)
1. In BPM worklist screen, click on the square box
2. Select “ Manage Substitution Rule

3. “Pop out” screen, click “create rule”

4. In nominee field, enter your colleague covering your duties Citrix ID and click select
5. Another “Pop out” screen will appear for you to confirm your colleague Citrix ID
6. Click “Apply” to confirm
7. Select either 2 options “Receive My Task” or “Fill in for me”
8. Click “Next”

9. If you select “ At once”, it means subsitution rule takes effect immediately

10. If you select “ON” you need to input the start date of subsitution rule
11. Click “Save” to confirm

12. In below screen and rule activation shows “Successful”

13. When you return from vacation, please follow step 1 & 2 instruction to come back to
this screen below and select “Turn off”
Note: You must select “Turn off” after return from vacation otherwise you will not
receive BPM notification and your covering colleague will keep on receive your
BPM cases
9. Importance of “Put Back” Option
When you had viewed the BPM application and you do not intend to take any action to
review/approve/reject the application.
Please select “Action” and “Put Back” so that your co-worker have the same authority is
able to take action on your behalf
You can also choose to perform immediate delegate of the task by selecting “ Action” &
Delegate” to i

You can also choose to perform immediate delegate of the task by selecting “Action” &
Enter your colleague Citrix ID and message for your colleague why this application is
delegate to you.
Common BPM Email Notification
1. Application was returned to applicant

2. Application needs my approval

3. Application is final approved

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