Oacc Y2K Bulletin (Ed.02) : The Alumni Purpose and Objectives

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Dear Colleagues
Please your suggestions and opinions are well received especially on the objectives of the Alumni and
programs line ups

The Alumni purpose and objectives:

Foremost is the Welfare of all members, to include all kinds of support, networking, social and activities
among ourselves that will foster unity and a Reunion Party organized in selected years.
2. Our alma mata which is the School: Oke afa Comprehensive College to include seeing to the welfare
of our pioneer teachers, principal, and the condition of the students and infrastructure.
3. The nos. 2 objectives will involve different and suggested programs of activities such as we may suggest
from time to time. Like G&C, Renovation, Scholarships for deserving students and under privileged. etc
4. Programs and Projects for the Alumni members: activities beneficial to the growth and existence of the
alumni will take place from time to time.
Such activities as suggested which includes a zoom meeting, football match, invitation to any member’s
occasions and events will be highly welcome and encouraged.

The Alumni Executive Structure

The Alumni currently have an executive body (Online admin excluded) headed by the President, Mr.
Akeem Oduyoye
Under his directives, this Whatsapp group was created and maintained.
Hence he has directed the sitting executive be dissolved at the end of this year 2023 and a fresh election
be conducted, where new executive members will be sworn in.
However when and where the election will be conducted is to be decided by the entire Alumni. Either
online or at the reunion to be planned for December 2023.
We thank you all for your support and cooperation, let’s continue to invite our colleagues and stay in

Best wishes.

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