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August 22, 2011

Battleground State Blues

Disappointment In Obamas Failed Policies Results In High Discontent In Critical 2012 States


Architects Of President Barack Obama's Economic Stimulus Efforts Had Hoped That As Government Spending Waned, The Private Sector Would Pick Up The Slack. That Isn't Happening And His Standing In Polls Is Suffering As A Result. (Nick Timiraos, Economy Sinks Markets, The Wall Street Journal,, 8/18/11) Only 26 Percent Of Americans Approve Of Obamas Handling Of The Economy. A new low of 26% of Americans approve of President Barack Obama's handling of the economy, down 11 percentage points since Gallup last measured it in mid-May and well below his previous low of 35% in November 2010. (Lydia Saad,
New Low Of 26% Approve Of Obama On The Economy, Gallup, 8/17/11)

Obama Earns Similarly Low Approval For His Handling Of The Federal Budget Deficit (24%) And Creating Jobs (29%). (Lydia Saad, New Low Of 26% Approve Of Obama On The Economy, Gallup, 8/17/11)

Florida 51 Percent OF Florida Voters Disapprove Of Obamas Job Performance. (Quinnipiac University Poll, 674 RV, MoE 3.8%,

50 Percent Of Florida Voters Say Obama Does Not Deserve To Be Reelected, Only 42 Percent Say He Does. (Quinnipiac University Poll, 674 RV, MoE 3.8%, 7/27-8/2/11) 52 Percent Of Florida Voters Dont Like Most Of Obamas Policies. (Quinnipiac University Poll, 674 RV, MoE 3.8%, 7/278/2/11)

Florida Has Long Been A Key To Winning The White House. Florida has long been a key to winning the White House. Obama defeated John McCain there in 2008. In the 2012 presidential race, Florida is an even bigger political prize with its 29 electoral votes -- far more than other battleground states such as Ohio, Missouri and Virginia. (Catalina Camina, Obama, Romney Tied In Florida, USA Today, 8/4/11) President Barack Obama's Numbers In The Key Swing State Of Florida Have Gone South In The Last Two Months. (Quinnipiac University Poll, 674 RV, MoE 3.8%, 7/27-8/2/11)
Paid for by the Republican National Committee. 310 First Street SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500 - Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.

Michigan Battered By Bad Economic News, More Michigan Voters Say The Country Is On The Wrong Track And That They're Unhappy With The Job Being Done By President Barack Obama. (More Mich. Residents Give
Obama Poor Job Rating, The Associated Press,8/19/11)

65 Percent Of Michigan Voters Give Obama A Negative Job Approval Rating. (More Mich. Residents Give
Obama Poor Job Rating, The Associated Press ,8/19/11)

Pennsylvania In Pennsylvania, Where Political Experts Say The Campaign Will Need A Win In 2012, Obamas Approval Rating Has Dropped To 35 Percent. President Barack Obama, who political experts say will need a win in Pennsylvania to retain the White House, dipped to 35 percent approval among the state's registered voters, according to a Muhlenberg College poll released Friday. (Colby Itkowitz, Dismal Poll Numbers For Obama
In PA, The Morning Call 8/19/11)

Just 23 Percent Of Pennsylvania Voters Think Obamas Economic Policies Have Helped. With unemployment hovering at 9 percent, Pennsylvanians seem pessimistic about the economy. Asked if Obama's policies have helped or hurt the economy, just 23 percent said helped, 41 percent said hurt and 32 percent said his policies haven't made a difference. (Colby Itkowitz, Dismal Poll Numbers For Obama In PA, The Morning Call

The Patriot-News: Perhaps Most Damning Are Persistent Indications Within The State Democratic Party That An Obama Victory Here Will Require A Revival Of Fervor And Party Unity Lost In The State Since Late In 2008. (Robert J. Vickers, President Barack Obama's 2012 Re-Election Hopes Hinge More Than Ever On Pennsylvania, The
[Harrisburg, PA] Patriot News, 8/10/11)

Iowa 52 Percent Of Iowa Voters Disapprove Of The Job Obama Is Doing As President, And Just 43 Percent Approve. Fifty-two percent of Iowa voters disapprove of the job Mr. Obama is doing as president, compared with 43% who think hes doing a good job, according to a poll taken earlier this month by The Tarrance Group, a Republican polling firm. Thats a pretty steep drop since 2008, when the president won the state, 55%-44%. (Patrick OConnor, Iowans Cool On Obama, Poll Shows, The Wall Street Journal, 8/11/11)

Perhaps More Troubling For Mr. Obama: Nearly Twice As Many Independent Voters Disapprove Of His Performance In Office Than Those Who Approve Of It, 61%-32%. (Patrick
OConnor, Iowans Cool On Obama, Poll Shows, The Wall Street Journal, 8/11/11)

50 Percent Of Iowans Think America Is On The Wrong Track. Iowans also remain pessimistic about the economy, even though the states 6% unemployment rate is well below the national average. The poll showed that 50% of Iowans think the country is headed in the wrong direction, compared with the 36% who think the country is on an upswing. (Patrick OConnor, Iowans Cool On Obama, Poll
Shows, The Wall Street Journal, 8/11/11)

President Obama Carried Iowa In 2008 With 54% Of The Vote. (Election Center 2008, CNN, Accessed: 8/11/11)


New York

2 Paid for by the Republican National Committee. 310 First Street SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500 - Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.

Obama Might Need To Start Taking A Few More Campaign Trips To New YorkAnd Not Just To Raise Cash. (Geoff Earle, NY Turns Negative On Bam, New York Post 8/12/11) 74 Percent Of New York Voters Think America Is Headed In The Wrong Direction. (Siena Research Institute Poll,
807 RV, MoE 3.1%, 8/9 8/14/11)

63 Percent Of New York Voters Give Obama A Negative Job Approval Rating. (Siena Research Institute Poll, 807 RV,
MoE 3.1%, 8/9 8/14/11)

Even Democrats Are Evenly Divided On Obamas Job Performance.His job performance rating is the worst its ever been. Even Democrats are evenly divided. For the first time since March, fewer than half of voters say they are prepared to re-elect the President, said Siena College pollster Steven Greenberg.(Siena
Research Institute Poll, 807 RV, MoE 3.1%, 8/9 8/14/11)

I Think That Confidence In Obama Has Slipped. People Feel Let Down, Said Michael Tobman, A New York City-Based Democratic Consultant And Former Top Aide To Sen. Charles Schumer. (Alex Isenstadt,
Candidate Bankes On Obama Disenchantment, Politico, 8/16/11)

There Are A Lot Of People That Have Had Buyers Remorse. Theres A Lot Of Unhappiness There, Said Evan Thies, A Democratic Consultant In The State. (Alex Isenstadt, Candidate Bankes On Obama
Disenchantment, Politico, 8/16/11)

New Jersey Obama Has A 44 Percent Approval Rating, Hitting A Record Low In A State He Won by 15 Points In 08. Only 44 percent of New Jersey voters approve of the job the president's doing in the White House, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll of Garden State voters. That's the lowest score for Obama in Quinnipiac polling in a state that he won by 15 percentage points over Sen. John McCain in the 2008 presidential election. (Paul Steinhauser, Poll: New Low For Obama In State He Won Big In 08, CNNs Political Ticker, 8/17/11) 52 Percent Of New Jersey Voters Disapprove Of The Job Obama Is Doing As President. (Paul
Steinhauser, Poll: New Low For Obama In State He Won Big In 08, CNNs Political Ticker, 8/17/11)

Among Independents, Just 39 Percent Approve Of Obamas Job Performance As President, While 57 Percent Disapprove. (Quinnipiac University Poll, 1,624 RV, MoE 2.4%, 8/9-8/15/11) 57 Percent Of Independent Voters Say Obama Does Not Deserve To Be Reelected. (Quinnipiac
University Poll, 1,624 RV, MoE 2.4%, 8/9-8/15/11)

3 Paid for by the Republican National Committee. 310 First Street SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500 - Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.

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