The Person I Admire Is Margaret Hamilton

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The person I admire is Margaret Hamilton. The Woman Who Took Us to the Moon.

Margaret Hamilton was the first female NASA engineer who made it possible for man to land on the
Moon in 1969. She led the team who developed the software for the Apollo moon missions and for the
Skylab space station in the 1960s and 70s. It was her code that helped get us to the moon… and back!
Also, it was she who coined (cointd) the term: Software Engineering. The software that she designed for
NASA marked a before and after in the history of computing, since she was able to distinguish
(distinguieh) which tasks were important and which were not, a revolution at the time. In addition, the
program allowed calculations to be made during the mission and had an error detection system capable
of notifying the astronauts in case of an unexpected event (iveent).

For centuries, women have had a large share in technological advances (advancees); discoveries in
science, physics or chemistry, however, their names have been made invisible (inviesibol) by society
(sosaety) since most of these attributes have been granted to men without considering that many
women contributed to great advances. Margaret Hamilton, alongside the other unsung female heroes of
her time, opened doors and created opportunities for young women in STEM.

When Hamilton began in this role to develop for the Apollo missions, she was the only woman writing
complex computer programs, and she hired a few more for her team”, but at the end it was male-
dominated. This is a fact of the software engineering discipline that remains true to this today. Women
are certainly outnumbered in the field, but due to the handwork and perseverance of women who code
everywhere, this fact is changing.

Hamilton's life and professional career is a great inspiration to me for having stood out in an all-male
environment and becoming, despite the obstacles, one of the most important figures in the history of
NASA, she teaches me to don’t give up, to keep trying, since like her I dedicate myself to computer
programming, in which I always try to stand out and be very good in that in order to leave my mark on
the world and contribute to the improvement of it. But above all, as she said, I want to inspire women to
do what they want and what they are capable of doing.

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