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How to Write an Email


After this lesson, students will be able to:

• Write short emails to friends, coworkers, and professors

• Use appropriate language when writing emails to different audiences

Parts of Email:


Types of Email:


Please indicate the parts and types of email of each of the following:

Dear Professor Smith,

Hi Grace,

To whom it may concern,


Hi Kim,

In regards to the upcoming pilot program, I have listed below the tasks and
deadlines that need to be completed.

Further to our last discussion, I would like to bring to your attention the following

Following our phone conversation, I am sending you…

I am writing in regards to our next assignment.

I hope you had a good weekend :)

I am writing to ask you for a favor.

How have you been?

I look forward to your reply.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.

Thank you, in advance, for your time.

Have a great weekend!

Happy holidays!

Reply ASAP.



Thank you,

Best regards,
Kind regards,




Dr. Alana Russel

Assistant Professor
Department of Linguistics
Clark University
Good or bad emails?

I. Read the emails and answer the questions below about each one.

1. What is the relationship between the writer and the recipient?

2. What is the purpose of the email?

3. Identify each part of the email

- Greeting

- Opening sentence

- Closing sentence

- Sign off

- Signature

Email 1

Hi Jane,
Please update me on the status of the project timelines?

Last week you mentioned that you were waiting for Sam to send you the development timeline
and that you were working on communication and planning documents (including timelines) for
the project. I am planning for the project in Asia Pacific and need these dates to initiate
discussion with the countries. The pilot will be a topic of discussion on our weekly status calls
next week.

Your assistance in getting this information as soon as possible is appreciated.


Email 2

Dear Mr. Walters:

It was very nice to speak with you today about the sales position at the ABC Organization. The
job seems to be an excellent match for my skills and interests. The self-confident and aggressive
characteristic requirements you described needed for this position confirmed my desire to work
with you.

In addition to my experience, I will bring to the position assertiveness and the skills to motivate
others to work cooperatively as a team.
I appreciate the time you took to interview me. I am very interested in working for you and look
forward to hearing from you regarding this position.

Robert Flint

Email 3

Hi Chris,

I hope your semester is going well.

I am writing to invite you to your uncle’s birthday party next Friday at 7 p.m. He’s turning 50,
can you believe it? We are having a big party with family and friends at our house.

We hope you can make it.


Aunt Jackie.

Email 4

Hey Steve,

Do you have a copy of the instructions for tomorrow’s homework? Send it to me ASAP. I lost


Email 5

Dear Professor White,

I am writing to ask you a question about our next assignment. I understand that the deadline for
the assignment is May 1. What time would you like us to turn it in?

Thank you in advance.


Jack Costa
Email 6

To: Robert Alexander

From: Roz
Subject: Session on how to apply for scholarships

Dear Prof. Robert,

Hope this email finds you well.

We will be receiving a mission from the University of Michigan that support students to find scholarship
across the world on 26-27 Sept 2022. I would like to seek the department’s support to organize an
information session on 27 Sept 2022 at 10:00 AM. We will need a data-show and connectivity during the
session. Below is a description of the information session that can be shared for communication purposes.

The session will last approximately 1 hour with additional time to answer any question you may have about
university applications to other countries.

I remain available should you require further information.

Kind regards,

Roz Alexander

International Relation Department

University of Duhok
Bad Emails

I. Read the emails and identify what is not appropriate.

Email 1

Subject: homework
Hey Kim,

I was absent today. I drank too much beer last night so this morning I was throwing up. I also had
diarrhea. The bathrmm was terrible. My rommates hate me now. LOL! Sorry. Send me the homework
today. Koji

Email 2

Subject: please!!!!

how’s it going? did you have a good day today? yes? good. let’s see…hmmm….. i have a favor to ask. i
hope you wont say no, hehehe. can I give you my homework on monday instead of tomorrow? i really
wanna go to Chicago to meet up with my boyfriend ;) i haven’t seen him for 6 months, i am so
excited!!!!!!!!!!!!! please don’t say no Kim!!!!

Email 4

Subject: Rashid

Dear Kim, I will come to your office tomorrow. We will talk for 3O minutes, IT’S VERY VERY
Your Student, Rashid
for writing formal emails

Email Dos
1. Write a clear subject title that states the purpose of the email
2. Write a quick and respectful greeting
3. Identify yourself- full name
4. Use polite language, especially when asking for something (please, can you,
would you, do you mind, thank you etc)
5. Be direct.
6. Be clear about why you are writing this email.
7. Include all the important information that the recipient needs- dates, times,
topics, assignments,
8. Proofread for spelling and grammar
9. Capitalize

Email Don’ts
1. Don’t leave the subject line blank
2. Don’t use emoticons
3. Don’t use ALL CAPS
4. Don’t use more than two exclamation points (!)
5. Don’t write like you are having a conversation
6. Don’t go into detail about very personal information
7. Don’t use reduced modal forms (wanna, gonna, couldja)
8. Don’t use very informal language (slang)
Email Phrases


Reason for writing I’m writing in connection with……. Just a short note…….
I am writing with regard to……. I´m writing about….
In reply to your email, here are……. Here’s the….you
Your name was given to me by……. wanted.
We would like to point out that……. I got your name from
Giving information I’m writing to let you know that……. Just a note to say……
We are able to confirm that……. We can confirm that..
I am delighted to tell you that……. Good news!
We regret to inform you that……. Unfortunately,…..
Asking for Can you tell me a little more
Could you give me some information about…….
information about…….
I would like to know……. I’d like to know…….
I´m interested in receiving……. Please send me…….
Requests I’d be grateful if you could……. Please could you…?
I wonder if you could……. Could you…….?
Do you think I could have……. Can I have…….?
I’d appreciate your
Thank you in advance for your help.
help on this.
Promising action I will……. I’ll…….
I’ll investigate the matter. I’ll look into it.
I’ll get back to you
I will contact you shortly.
Offering help Would you like me to…….? Do you want me to?
If you wish, I would be happy to……. Shall I…….?
Let me know if you’d
Let me know whether you would like me to…….
like me to…….
Final comments Thank you for your help. Thanks again for…….
Do not hesitate to contact us again if you require any further Let me know if you need anything
information. else.
Just give me a call if
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
you have any questions

Close I am looking forward to……. Looking forward to……

Give my regards to…….. Best wishes to…….
Best wishes…….. Speak to/See you soon
Regards Bye

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