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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Schools Division of Sorsogon
Irosin District II
Irosin North National High School


I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
Explain the relationship between population growth and carrying
capacity. S10LT-IIIi-42 (Based on MELCS)
1. Determine the 3 economic values of biodiversity.
2. Investigate the factors of population growth and carrying capacity to
the ecosystem.
3. Construct ways on how to protect our biodiversity .
II. Subject Matter:
a) Topic: Ecosystem: Biodiversity
b) References: Grade 10 Science (DepED)
c) Materials: Pictures, Visual Aid and Jumbled letters
d) Values Integration: Love of nature
e) Strategies: 4A’s Approach (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application)
III. Procedure


A. Preparatory

1. Routine
a. Prayer
Let us all stand for the opening
prayer. Carmela , kindly lead
the prayer.

b. Greeting:
Good morning , Dear Students
! I congratulate you early this
day for being present in my None , Ma’am.
c. Checking of attendance:
Is anyone absent today?

d. Motivation:
Direction: Arrange the jumbled
letters to form a word. The
picture attached will guide you
to find the correct word.

Student: Diverse of life forms.


Teacher: What do you see in Student : BIODIVERSITY!

the picture?

Good ! What word can be form

in the jumbled letter that is
anchored in the picture?

Very Good. For today’s topic ,

we are going to talk about

I will group you into three.
Group 1: The picture of biodiversity.

Explain the importance of

biodiversity in their own views.

Group 2: The picture of population


Identify the factors of population

growth in the ecosystem. (Personal

Group 3: Picture of Human abused to


Give suggestions to minimize the

negative human action to the

It’s time to discuss your answers with

your team.

2. Analysis

The teacher will gather the work of Group 1 representative:

the students and will check the
understanding which is anchored in Biodiversity provides functioning
today’s topic. ecosystems that supply oxygen,
clean air and water, pollination of
plants, pest control, wastewater
treatment and many ecosystem

That is correct! Now , let us proceed Group 2. Factors of population

to the second group. growth.
1. Birth rates
2. Death rates
3. Immigration
Very good! later today we are going 4. Emigration
to expound more about this topic.
Okay, move on to the group 3.
Group 3.
1. Plant trees
Those are great way to conserve 2. Proper waste disposal
mother earth. Give yourselves a 3. Reuse, reduce, Recycle and
round of applause. Recover

3. Abstraction

What is biodiversity? Student: Biodiversity is a term that

describes how varied living things
are in a specific area.

Student: Abolutely YES. Organisms

Do organisms part of our are part of biodiversity and may be
biodiversity? economically and ecologically
valuable. The product of organisms
are source of food, medicine,
clothing, shelter and energy. These
organisms are also important in
maintaining balance in the
ecosystem as they performing their
specific roles.
Very Good! Let us proceed to the
three economic value.

The Three economic Value:

1.Direct economic value- The

species is considered to have direct
economic value if their products are
sources of food.

Would you please give me an

Student : Some medicines being
example of this? used nowadays have formulations
extracted from plants and animals.
 Vinblastine and vincristine are
two chemicals that have been
extracted from rosy periwinkle
and are used in chemotherapy
for Hodgins’s disease and
some form of cancer.
 Vitex Negundo (lagundi) for
cough syrup production.

2. Indirect Economic Value- a

species has an indirect economic
value if there are benefits produced Student : Certain species maintain
by the organism without using them. the chemical quality of natural
bodies of water, prevent soil erosion
Who can give an example? and floods , cycle materials in the
soil and absorb pollutants.

Very Good!

3. Aesthetic Value- a lot of species

provides visual or artistic enjoyment. Student : Forested landscape
Student : Calming beauty of a
Who could give an example? natural park.

Biodiversity is very important

because it sustains through the flow
of energy the food web on earth and
contributes to environmental stability.
Stability of an ecosystem can be
described as the resilience to
withstand the changes that may
occur in the environment.



This is the latest population growth

only in the Philippines. For this year,
Student: A population is a group of
the population of the Philippines is
organisms of the same species that
112.5 Million.
live in a certain area.
(Aral.Pan discipline)
Student: Natality rate or Birth Rate
What is a population?
– the number of births in a
Mortality Rate – the number of
Would you please share factors why organisms that are dying in a
the population go up and down? population.

Student: Density-independent
limiting factors that can stop a
population from growing.
Very Good ! Who else?
Density-Dependent limiting factor
– come into play when a population
reaches certain number of

Correct ! Let us study this graph.

Student: Exponential Growth-

What do you observe in the graph? when resources are unlimited,
populations exhibit exponential
growth, resulting in a j-shaped
Logistic Growth- when resources
are limited , populations exhibit
logistic growth, population expansion
decreases as resources become
LIMITING FACTORS THAT scarce, and it levels off when the
DEPEND ON POPULATION carrying capacity of the environment
DENSITY is reached, resulting in a S-shaped
1. Diseases and parasites
2. Competition for resources
3. Predation
4. Emigration

4. Application
Direction: Find a partner and kindly
answer the questions.

1. What will be the consequences if

the population keep on growing?

2. As a youth, how will you protect

our ecosystem?” Express your
answer based on your Multiple
intelligences (Howard

I. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the blank
provided at the right side of the test.
1. It is a term that describes how varied living things are in a specific area.
a. Ecosystem b. biodiversity c. organism

2. A community of organisms that live, feed and interact with the

environment. ___
a. Ecosystem b. biodiversity c. organism

II. Enumeration.
3-5. The three economic value.
III. Essay: Express your thoughts and emotions towards this statement given
by , “The world has everyone’s need, but not for everyone’s greed”-Gandhi.

Checked by:
Mr. Angel Escoto
Noted by:
Teacher III
Mr. Joelando A. Cailing

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