Career Paths Module QA

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QA Session Notes 200914

These are my notes from Dr. Appel’s QA… nothing is gospel… talk to my lawyers…

 Explore areas of concentration during this first week. Here is the schedule:

 Don’t NEED to be in person for any actives during the first week. Just make sure to be
on Echo and Teams for group activities.
 All the blue boxes are like normal lecture: Echo live stream and in class options
 Inactive Cases are with your E2 groups on Teams:
o The only graded activities are the Interactive Cases with E2, and an end of the
week reflections

 After the first semester…

o Must attend one of these weeks each semester, but you can attend multiple if
you are interested. Sign ups are first come, first serve.
o Sign ups will open up during the first week of Spring M1 semester (next
o See the rest of the schedule below…

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