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On February 12th 2023 a burglary took place at Discount Lumber and tiles by seven armed men.

men unknown, it is reported that two people got injured. A 25-year-old woman and a 30-year-old man.
The men's tall expensive Lumber and tile costing about 300,000 Jamaican dollars.

The seven armed men dress in a black T-shirt and mask covering their face had pistols. It was told by two
of the unharmed people who were held hostage that the men entered the store and held them at
gunpoint along with 12 people including the employees of the store. They were told by the men to put
their hands in the air while kneeling to the floor. However, 38 year old man was injured along with a 25-
year-old woman it was said that the man was trying to call the police but was caught by one of the
robbers who shot him in the leg.

According to the CCTV footage of the store, the thieves Rob the store around 1:10 p.m., the busiest time
of the day. The seven armed men entered the store before attacking the security to guard posted at the
door and shutting the door of the store. Upon seeing the camera and destroying the CCTV data off the
camera. It was then that while they were held hostage by three of them the other four proceeded to
take out the tiles out of the store. It was spotted by one of the hostages that that the men took the tiles
and place them in a red pickup truck. The thieves were in the store for about half an hour when they
decided it was time to leave after they took what they wanted.

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