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Karla Trejo sábado, 11 de febrero de 2023

Assignment #5

Karla Trejo sábado, 11 de febrero de 2023

Personal Reflection

Being honest, this task impressed me and I actually enjoyed it very much because at
rst I was a little skeptical about it but I must accept that I feel quite identi ed with how
they describe my personality, I really liked the part about strengths and weaknesses
since with that I can push myself to improve knowing I have to work a little more on
me. In addition, there were many things that I did not notice about my behavior before
but here in the test it made me realize about those little things in a positive way.

How do they make you a leadear?

Well, I would like to talk a little about my strengths and weaknesses. In strength it
stands out the part about being empathic, generous, open-minded, creative,
passionate and idealistic that is something that I love since I consider that a good
leader should have those qualities. On the other hand are the weaknesses in my case
are: being unrealistic, self-isolation, unfocused, emotionally vulnerable, desperate to
please, self-criticism and because of course I see the strengths and the ego rises up in
a certain way but when I turn to see the weaknesses it makes me feel worried and the


Karla Trejo sábado, 11 de febrero de 2023
one that worries me the most is the part of being an unfocused person and not
committing to the action to be performed, that in a way makes me a little afraid. On the
other hand, I am glad to know these results, as I mentioned above these are tools that
if you want you can improve them work on yourself and continue to grow that is what I
want for me to take those weaknesses and make them my strengths. A good leader
must be open to learning from their own mistakes and taking advantage of them to
transform them and set a good example for the team.


Lets talk bout friendships now. There’s a part that sticks to me that says “ People with
this personality type crave alone time, but they’re also vulnerable to loneliness ” wow,
right? I mean it makes me think about so many things that it is hard in my point of view
on what I am going through right know its the oposite cause I feel I have no body I
have no friends, and its truly lonely being in this side of the coin. I will love to share this
part “They long to feel accepted and well-liked, but they hate the idea of pretending to
be anyone but their authentic selves. And while they hesitate to draw attention to
themselves, they don’t want to be invisible, either ” This is where feel truly I identify I
dream of being accepted by a group of friends but it is di cult when you have to
pretend to be someone you are not to please others, I am not a fan of attracting
attention but I do not want to be irrelevant to others I want them to see me for who I
am and that they like me for that nothing else.


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