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In my reflection about the topics reported by the group two, it focuses on the public

disclosure, anti- graft and corruption and human rights. These three topics is of great importance

as learnings in my post- graduate study. I am going to ponder on the first topic regarding public

disclosure which is very essential to public employees as regards to their work ethics pertaining

to laws thereof. For me, public disclosure is transparency in nature that a certain employee

should be into. As a public trust, their duty plays a vital role for the people’s service. The former

is the value that a certain worker should have in common. This takes on the person about the

voluntariness on their work without aspiring for money heist but a heartily work for the common

good. Another thing is, it is a due for a certain employee to disclose their statement of assets,

liabilities and net worth in order have cordial trust that he / she performs well on the job taken.

Moreover, on the anti-graft and corruption, it is not good to commit bribery and of course

money involvement on the work just to sufficed the interest of the self. It is unethical in nature

because it is not recommended on the Ten Commandments about stealing. The latter will face

several charges on courts and it disobeys the standards set by the said commandment. Ethically

speaking, it is not good because stealing is the same with deception. It is a person’s ability to do

underground motives without the consent of getting the money out of human endeavors. In the

Bible, Judas the Traitor is of one example. He sells the humanity of Christ in an amount of thirty

pieces of silver as payment of blasphemy against God. In this lieu, Judas’ addiction to money

brought him to oppose the teachings of Christ. Nowadays, there are corruptions happened in

public and private sectors and institutions. Money becomes the growling image that each one of

us is up to.

In conclusion, human rights came into nature because of equality. For me, it is a way of

expressing the self without any hampered dignity. There are lots of human rights and one of that

is the right to education. Each one of the citizen is entitled to have an access to education and it

is the primary duty of the parents to send out their children to school through the help of different

departments and stakeholders. In private and public companies, there are rights also like the right

to have an access to work pertaining to labor and employment per se.

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