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Brgy. Sta. Clara, Gen. Trias, Cavite
A.Y 2021-2022

Grade 12

Name: _________________________________ Date: _____________

Teacher: Mr. Virgilio D. Fabi Jr. Score: ____________

I. Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided before each number.

______ 1. Differences in rewards, rights, opportunities, and income between males and females are aspects of this
A. Sex roles B. Gender inequality C. Life chances D. Gender stratification.

______ 2.The following EXCEPT one are characteristics of human rights

A. Universal B. Interdependent C. Alienable D. Inherent

______ 3. To promote gender and empowerment, which actions may the government will take to address the
problems in discrimination and bullying?
A. The government may pass or approve a bill that addresses the
problem on racial discrimination.
B. The government may create a social campaign that promotes and
empowers every woman.
C. The government may give a livelihood program for the youth and
for people with disabilities.
D. All of the above.

______ 4. Capacity building is strengthened thru:

A. Interaction B. Participation C. Completion D. Submission

______ 5. It refers to the concept of human beings as having a universal natural right, or status, regardless of legal
jurisdiction or other localizing, such as ethnicity, nationality and sex.
A. Civil Rights B. Social Rights C. Human Rights D. Natural Rights

______ 6. Which of the following should initiate profiling?

A. Communities C. Statutory Agencies
B. Voluntary organization D. All of the above

______ 7. A process by which groups and/or communities become able to take control of their circumstances and
achieve their own goals, thereby being able to work towards maximizing the quality of their lives.
A. Advocacy B. Campaign C. Mobilization D. Empowerment

______ 8. It pertains to rights belonging to a person by reason of citizenship.

A. Civil Rights B. Economic Rights C. Political Rights D. Social Rights

______ 9. We all have the right to take part in the government of our country. Every grown-up should be allowed to
choose their own leaders. This right is called _______________.
A. Right to democracy B. Right to equality C. Right to freedom D. Right to Vote.
______ 10. Filipino citizens have the power to participate in the establishment or administration of government such
as right to vote and be voted upon as exercise of?
A. Civil rights B. Economic rights C. Political rights D. Social rights

______ 11. The independent government agency created by the Philippine Constitution to monitor state compliance
with the human rights standards is:
A. SandiganBayan B. Commision on Human Rights C. Tanod Bayan D. DOJ

______ 12. All except one are major issues affecting poor and marginalized communities:
A. C B. Bias C. Inequality D. Discrimination

______ 13. The following are implications of gender stereotyping except:

A. Double/multiple burden of women. C. Empowered women in all her undertakings in life.

B. The sexual/gender division of labor. D. Women lose their identity and capacity for development.

______ 14. A special form of discrimination that is especially problematic for women workers is
A. Sexual harassment C. Educational gap.

B. Denial of access to professional jobs. D. Higher level of unemployment.

______ 15.What is the main purpose of Needs Assessment in the development of the community?
A. Needs assessment is conducted to provide concrete data for policy planning purposes.
B. Practitioners are conducting a needs assessment to develop services attuned to the needs of the people.
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A or B

______ 16. It deals with the acquisition of needed resources in a timely-cost effective manner.
A. Resource mobilization. C. Social organization.

B. Material acquisition. D. Participatory Action

______ 17. How can you promote capacity building and positive change in the community?
A. Strengthen the abilities of members in a group to act on their own behalf to promote their well-being.
B. Inequalities of power shall be addressed on time.
C. Identify the limit the conditions which stop people from achieving their aspirations and meeting their
D. All are correct.

______ 18. The ultimate goals of community development can be grouped into the following categories, except:
A. Maximizing the people’s and communities’ fullest potentials and capabilities to help the society’s
owners of production maximize profit
B. Promotion and achievement of people’s and communities’ welfare and well-being
C. Strengthening and development of people’s and communities’ knowledge, skills, potentials, and
D. None of the above

______ 19. Community engagement, action, and development do not merely involve immersion with the
people in the community. One also becomes immersed and conscious about:
A. Self B. Family C. God D. All of the above
II. Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if otherwise.
________ 1. According to Roger Clarke, profiling is a method of systematic data searching.
________ 2. In the Philippines, partnership is a very recent strategy in development engagement.
________ 3. Examples of partnership include the Multi-Stakeholders Partnerships and South-South
________ 4. Community profiling is a method used to establish a better understanding and
description of the community in a specific geographical location and its community
members’ context and reality.

________ 5. The typical gender order through which many societies in the world operate on is
matriarchy, a form of social organization in which females dominate over males.

________ 6. Participatory development uses local decision-making and capacities to steer and
define the nature of a development intervention.
________ 7. An advocacy campaign is a series of long-term strategic activities undertaken together
by alliances.
________ 8. This is done in order to increase the chances of persuading a target decision-maker,
policymaker, or a group in authority to change the status quo and bring about positive
changes in people’s lives

________ 9. To be able to influence the legislators or government officials to enact laws and
policies that would benefit the interests of the urging group is called negotiating.
________ 10. Advocacy is all about helping the poor, vulnerable, and marginalized.
________ 11. Participation is not a prerequisite and necessary to empowerment.
________ 12. Poor, vulnerable, and marginalized people need to be empowered so they can become
self-reliant and would not be solely dependent on external interventions.
________ 13. Empowerment is a short-cut process and by-product of community engagement.
________ 14. In choosing a type of partnership, it is vital to assess first the diversity and landscape
of a community or sector to strategically boost its developmental capacity.
________ 15.A partnership is agreed upon by parties in different levels of commitment and actions.
________ 16. In community engagement, there is no universal way of building partnership.
________ 17. Partnerships promote better governance and management based on the interplay and
empowerment of local stakeholders in the implementation of a more sustainable and
more inclusive solutions for the communities.
________ 18. Taxation power refers to the power to formulate, legislate, and implement laws or
policies for the general welfare of the people, especially on health, safety, morals,
order, and the well-being of the community
________ 19. Governance is the action and process of governing by maximizing the powers of the
state by establishing, strengthening, and sustaining direction, policymaking, and program

III. Matching type. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided before each
Topic: Advocacy Techniques or Skills

A. Negotiating B. Debating C. Conscientizing D. Lobbying E. Petitioning

_____ 11. To make the target audience more aware on and more sensitive to a certain issue

_____ 12. To be able to come to terms with decision-makers in reaching an agreement

_____ 13. To be able to write a formal document requesting a right or benefit from a person in
power or a group in authority

_____ 14. To be able to engage in an argument and discuss opposing points to adversaries of the
advocacy cause

_____ 15. To be able to influence the legislators or government officials to enact or modify
legislations, policies, and programs that would benefit the interests of the urging group

Topic: Local Governance and Decentralization

A. Local Governance B. Devolution C. Deconcentration

D. Debureaucratization E. Democratization

_____ 11. This power pertains to the managerial and organizational creativity and capacity of
LGUs to govern

._____ 12. It is essentially putting the essence and practice of governance in the context of a

_____ 13. It is the process of opening more opportunities for people’s participation in local

_____ 14. It is a political decentralization of power where authority from the central or national
government is transferred to the different political territories of the country.

_____ 15. It is the process of transferring public activities.

III. Enumeration.
_____________________________ 1.
_____________________________ 2.
_____________________________ 3. Five (5) Stages and Levels of Participation
_____________________________ 4.
_____________________________ 5.
_____________________________ 6.
_____________________________ 7.
_____________________________ 8. Five (5) Types of Partnership
_____________________________ 9.
_____________________________ 10.
_____________________________ 11.
_____________________________ 12.
_____________________________ 13. Five (5) Empowerment Components
_____________________________ 14.
_____________________________ 15.
_____________________________ 16.
_____________________________ 17.
_____________________________ 18. Five (5) Human Rights
_____________________________ 19.
_____________________________ 20.

V. Essay. Rubrics: Arguments – 3 ; Concrete example - 1

1.) Anti terror law and Human Rights.
2.) Name the best Advocacy you know and why?

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