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Product Design

Lab Session # 7

In this lab session, you have been asked to develop at least two interesting 3D objects using the concepts
of origami (i.e. the art of paper folding). This lab-session will enable you to visualize complex objects in 3D
but make them using a 2D building material (i.e. paper). It will also develop your psychomotor skills. The
following YouTube Channel is going to help you out in developing the skill.

What’s needed:

 Paper sheets appropriate for origami (03)

o Generally, the origami paper is a handmade thin sheet, and ranges between 20 to 50 gsm.
The original paper is made from a variety of different plant fibers. But, you can use any
sheet available to you.
 Laptop/mobile devices to access the reference videos/documents

The Tasks

We have divided the activity in two sub-activities, as detailed below:

First Hour:

 Make your paper planes;

 Once done, we will fly them from the balcony/corridor of 2nd floor and see whose plane glides the

You must retrieve your paper-plane from the lawn. We must keep it clean!

Second Hour

 Now, make a complex object. The object should be 3D, and must have multiple folds to
extract/make the shape. I should not suggest any shapes here, but make sure that your object is
complex and represents your age.


1. Paper plane
2. Complex 3D object
3. The construction sequence in your final lab report

Assessment Rubrics:

1. The quality of folds, edges and corners of paper plane

2. The distance of gliding, as tested from the balcony/corridor of 2nd floor
3. The quality of folds, edges and corners of complex 3D shape/object
4. The complexity of 3D shape/object
5. Articulation of learning out of this activity

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