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(Through Network Security and wireless communication)

Presenting By: PRAVEEN PATNAIK (III/IV) contacts: 9985922159 N.KISHORE (III/IV) contacts: 9848884746


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This paper describes ongoing work toward a remote robotics research site which allows repeatable remote experimentation on multiple mobile robots by means of wireless networks.The Network Security is an important concern here for safe controlling of Robots. Our system consists of small mobile robots hosting on-board workstations. The robots provide facilities for sensing and moving obstacles, inter-robot positioning and communications, and user input. The workstations allow the user to control the robots using common languages in a familiar environment, while also providing an interface to mass-market peripherals (secondary storage and vision), network access (telnet, FTP, mail, and HTTP), and robust multitasking. We believe that this work provides a foundation for future efforts toward new paradigms for remote research and user interaction with taskable hardware (e.g., colonies of application-specific robots). We envision applications in such domains as agriculture, environmental monitoring, and deep-space exploration.Apart from these this paper completely give a format of robot presentation for one who is really being interested in working of robotics.The communication between the robot and P.C will be the main subject for controlling entire roboti structure.However,there are many other interfaces for the sake of same application.But making the work witj blue-tooth will bring enthusiasm in many of us,since we are much aware of it. Thus my project involves Wireless Communication,Network Security ,ArtificiallIntellegence.Fin ally upon all the above actions our final

destination will be reached by controlling a robot by means of camera interface and wireless communications.

2 3 4

rate 115.2 kbps , and even, odd, or no parity Maximum operating range of up to 30 meters (98 feet) 9 pin RS232 connector Required voltage of 5V -13.6V


1 2 Remotely control a robot using a camera interface and wireless communication Teach the robot to follow a path specified through the camera interface.

Robot Capabilities:
1 2 3 4 1 2 Two motors Two 4.96 cm wheels One pivot wheel Two rotation sensors Green tracking material Java Programmable Lego Brick (RCX) Bluetooth

Web Camera Capabilities:

1 2 3 4 5 120 x 160 resolution Mounted 2.5 m (8.25 ft) above ground Viewing area of 2.1 x 1.9 m (6.9 x 6.3 ft) Average of 10 fps Programmatic access through C+ + API

Blue Tooth capabilities:

1 Serial communication with 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, max data transfer

Range of HSV values for green pixels were determined.

8. Navigation of the robot. Java RotationNavigator class was used to control robot movement through rotation sensors and motors Provides ability to rotate 360 degrees and travel specified distances

Process In Brief:
*The following sequential process will be followed for the entire project: 1. 2. 3. 4. Robot Capabilities Web Camera capabilities Blue-tooth capabilities. Past Progress Summary. Tracking the robot Robot movement and code Communication

9. Calculation Of the angle and distance. if(y != 0) distance = abs(y/sin(angle)) else distance = abs(x/cos(angle 10. Communication between the PC and robot using bluetooth. BL-830 (female) connects to RS232 of PC BL-819 (male) connects to signal converter on robot 2400 bps data transfer rate Odd parity One 9-Volt battery Serial communication (sends 1 unsigned byte at a time) 11. The intermediate results. 12. The Final Stretch. 13. SMOLES model. 14. Inside The Components. 15. Robot Orientation and correction.

5. Taking images from the camera 6. HSV values are used to track the robot on image. HSV values were calculated from RGB values of a pixel Each pixel of image is scanned looking for specific HSV ranges Crosshair placed where ranges found

7. Color analysis for pictures. Green CD case used for color tracking on robot

16. Teaching the robot to follow a path. User clicks are stored in a vector Pointer is used to access coordinates of click.

17. Explanation Through Flow Chart. 18. Finalizing the result.

Flow Chart for Remote Control of Robot through Camera Interface:

Flow Chart for Execution of Protocol:


There by,I conclude that it is an emergent technology at present in the field of ARTIFICIALLINTELLEGENCE and WIRELESSCOMMUNICATUIONs, and there can

be done still many more like Two-WayCommunication, in the same area with same application.

1. News Paper, 2. Browsing, 3. Journal-An Intriduction Artificiall Intellegence(CSI).


4. News Paper, 5. Browsing, 6. Journal-An Intriduction to Artificiall Intellegence(CSI).

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