Reflection One

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Reflection 1

Artifact one is an article that was published on YouTube entitled “True story about teenage
pregnancy” written by Wnews Video This article shows that The
issue of teenage pregnancy worldwide is viewed as a major social and medical problem.
Studies have shown that teenage mothers are more likely to suffer many adverse medical
outcomes, both during and after pregnancy. This article has influenced me that if your child gets
pregnant while still being a teenager you should always support them.

The second artifact was chosen from a YouTube video titled “pregnant at 18” by Kyrah LaKisha This shows that getting pregnant at a young age and Having to
balance motherhood and education simultaneously appears to be an overwhelming experience
for teenage mothers that can affect your education limiting opportunities for future employment
and perpetuating the cycle of poverty. This topic has taught me that being pregnant at a young
age is bad for your education.

My third and final artifact is from a YouTube video titled “Teen pregnancy poem” by Shanitah This shows getting pregnant while your still a teen makes you
feel guilty and stress yourself which may cause health problems, like high blood pressure and
heart disease. This artifact as influences me that while your pregnant do not stress yourself
because it can affect you or your child.

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