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Please share with me, what do you feel during preparing your movie assignment?

does its affect you? What do you learn from the movie? How its benefit you?
Our group are given schizophrenia as our group assignment topic. Throughout the
process of preparing this movie assignment, I had learnt many things regarding
schizophrenia. It affect me in many ways which it relates to one of my relatives that I
assume she had schizophrenia. Years before I was enrolled in psychology course, I had
less knowledge about what kind of disorder that existed in this world, therefore one of
my relative has symptoms related to schizophrenia where during that time, I didn’t even
realize it until now. Normally, when talking about schizophrenia, the first thought or
impression that came towards a normal person mind is ‘craziness’ where it has no cure
for it. After successfully conducted this assignment, I gain better knowledge regarding
schizophrenia and what kind of symptoms that a person may possessed when having
schizophrenia which really manifest on my relatives if I recalled back. Although
schizophrenia cannot be cure fully, but medical treatment and therapy surely helps aid
the patient by maintaining or reduce the symptoms that a person has and prevent it from
relapse. The movie itself has taught me how to have a different perspective on viewing
on mental health disorder, but it also shows how a person will face stigma when he or
she has being diagnosed with disorder. Therefore, it surely benefits me in many ways
such as being more empathy towards people who are diagnosed with disorder because
they do wish to become a normal person similar to us but they cannot. It is okay to be
not okay and the society should spread the awareness regarding mental health problem
so that there are more people willing to take serious view and begin to show some
respect towards theses minorities.

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