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Happy ever After

Jayden their sitting, smiling and laughing happily having lunch with his parents
even though he was so stressed and bewildered about all the studying he has to do
for his upcoming CSEC examination He was still so happy because while other
students where their struggling with their school based assessment that was due in
two days he has already finished and submitted his.
Their having a conversation with his mother she asked him if he had already
finished his social studies SBA that he had not yet completed because of some
misunderstandings Omg He yelled, covering his mouth with his palm. Jayden was
astonished and now terrified since he had completely forgotten that he had
submitted all of his SBA except for his social studies SBA.
Jayden hurried to his room and returned with his laptop and the books he required
to conclude his assessment, In a rage, shivering, and concerned about whether he
could finish this SBA and turn it in by the deadline He chose to walk outside under
a tree directly across from his house because he didn't want to stay inside and try
to finish it there.
After being there under the tree for two hours, he began to feel excited once again
when he realized that he could finish the assessment in the following 30 minutes
and it can be submitted before the deadline.
He began singing while completing the remaining portions of the evaluation because
he was so pleased, and when he realized he was done, he raised both of his hands
and was grinni gi ng so broadly that his mother had reminded him about it, and now
he has completed it and ready to submit.

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