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15. Classification based on Satisfaction of customers towards service of motorcycles: Q.13.

a Are you satisfied with the service done in showrooms ? Table 15

Response No. of respondents Percentage Yes 45 75 No 15 25 Total 60 100

Chart 15.1 Chart 15 reveals that customers satisfaction on service towards their motorcycle.


Chi Square Analysis

Chi-Square test are conducted to test wheather two or more attributes are associated or not. It describes the magnitude of the discriptancy between theory and observation. Chi-square can only be used if the experimental data or sample observation are independent of each other. The data collected must be drawn at random from the universe or population they use the folloeing formula for calculating the value of chi-aquare. X^2= (O - E)^2 E Where O = observed frequency E = expected or theoretical frequency The degree of freedom is calculated from the frequency table called contingency table by using the formula d. f = (C-1)*(R-1) Where, c = no. of cell frequencies in columns; r = no. of frequencies in rows. Chi Square data is done for owing motorcycle and owing Bajaj motorcycle. 1.Null Hypothesis(H0) : There is no significant relationship between owingmotor cycle and owing Bajaj motorcycle.

Alternative Hypothesis (H1) : There is a significant relationship between owing motorcycle and owing Bajaj motorcycle. Sample Size is 120 Factors Owing MotorCycle Owing Bajaj MotorCycle Total

Yes 53 40 93 No 7 20 27 Total 60 60 120 Chi Square Table :

O E O-E (O-E)2 (O-E)/E 53 46.5 6.5 42.25 0.9 7 13.5 -6.5 42.25 3.1 40 46.5 -6.5 42.25 0.9 20 13.5 6.5 42.25 3.1 Sum is 8.0 Therefore the sum of tables is 8.0 Degree Of Freedom = (r-1)*(c-1) =(2-1)*(2-1) = 1 Significance Level at 5% Calculated Value = 8.0 and Tabulated Value = 3.84 Therefore Tabulated value is lesser than Calculated Value Hence therefore Null Hypothesis (H1) is accepted and (H0) is rejected. Chi Square data is done for aware of free service and satisfaction towards free service 2.Null Hypothesis(H0) : There is no significant relationship between aware of free service and satisfaction towards free service Alternative Hypothesis (H1) : There is a significant relationship between aware of free service and satisfaction towards free service

Sample Size is 120

Factors Aware of Free Service Satisfaction Towards Free Service Total

Yes 55 45 100 No 5 15 20 Total 60 60 120 Chi Square Table : O E O-E (O-E)2 (O-E)/E 55 50 5 25 0.5 5 10 -5 25 2.5 45 50 -5 25 0.5 15 10 5 25 2.5 Sum is 6 Therefore the sum of tables is 6.0 Degree Of Freedom = (r-1)*(c-1) =(2-1)*(2-1) = 1 Significance Level at 5% Calculated Value = 6.0 and Tabulated Value = 12.59

Therefore Tabulated value is greater than Calculated Value Hence therefore Null Hypothesis (H0) is accepted and (H1) is rejected.

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