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Although working from home for all employees benefits where they have a flexible
time to work and do not have to commute daily. However, there are also disadvantages of it
where they faced challenges in terms of staying motivated. She mention that when you are not
working alongside your colleague or team, there is less communication within and will affect
the motivation of each other to be fully committed to certain things. And also, communication
becomes harder and some information that they wish to deliver to others might be different or
misinterpreted when comparing it with face to face meetings.

Next, the company and HR department has to get used to new policy in terms of travel
for work, meetings and working environment by following the SOP from the government to
avoid any penalties and fines. Ms Malar also mentioned that they also need to keep actively
ensuring all the employees are aware of the spread of virus by focusing on cleaning and
disinfecting the workplace. However, some departments such as manufacturing need to take
extra effort to prevent the spread of the virus because it required many employees on production
and processing lines. Next the company also needs to allocate budgets for personal protective
equipment for each department, especially the manufacturing department, hoping that it can
prevent or reduce the tendency of getting infected. .

As for the company strategies to solve the issue, Ms. Malar shared that her company
has to undergo retrenchment by terminating few of the part time employees in order to sustain
the company and reduce the amount of operation cost. Also they do not recruit any new
employees during the first few months of the pandemic to ensure no additional costs were
added towards the company so that it can sustain for a period of time with limited resources.

Next strategies is that the company places physical distancing and safe working
environment as a priority during the pandemic where they ensure that every employee must
take the responsibility to keep themself safe and ensure they follow the standard operating
procedure when contacting with someone.

She also mention that some of the manager level employees require travel to certain
regions for business purposes. Therefore, Ms, Malar said that they need to actively monitor the
latest travel guideline and meeting procedure determined by the government to ensure the
safety of each employee and also to avoid any unwanted penalty or compound towards the
company or employee itself.

And last, regarding the issue of working remotely and unmotivated when doing things.
Ms, Malar also created an internal communication channel for all employees to give any
suggestion or report about what they feel towards the organization and any improvement in
terms of management or employee welfare. Ms Malar said that after creating the channel, the
company gets to monitor and identify any issues that are affecting the productivity, customers,
market and take proper steps to counter the issue above.

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