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Cebu-Bohol & Samar-Leyte Chapter


Date: November 21, 2021

Time: 7:54 pm

Facilitator: Marielle Janine M. Brozo Note-taker: Micah Jemimah S. Bulante

1. Renel | ASoGK
2. Nerio | ASoL
3. Kiem | SoGK
4. May | ASoG
5. Jo | SoL
6. Kae | ASoA
7. Micah | SoR
8. Cha | ASoR

Agenda Item: Chapter Policies

Discussion: Council members placed their grounds as to retain or remove the No Caps lock Rule and ended the
decision with a voting. For the new nickname format, a suggestion was presented by Ms. Jo (SoL) followed by
a votation whether to accept or decline the suggestion to be the new format. Group chat name will be referred to
as Visayas Chapter.

Retainment of NCR:
Agree- 6
Disagree- 2

New Nickname Format:

Aye- 7
Nay- 0

Conclusion: Majority of the present council members agreed on the retention of NCR and the newly suggested
format to be the new nickname format. Group Chat name is now Visayas Chapter.

Format example:
For councils:
Position | Nickname age | Cebu, Bohol, Samar, Leyte | House [Violation, Visitation]
SoL | Lec 24 | Cebu | 💜 [⚠️✈️]

For members:
Nickname age | Cebu, Bohol, Leyte, Samar | House [ Violation, Visitation]
Kandila 20 | Cebu | 💜 [🚫✈️]
Agenda Item: Member Records

Discussion: Ms. Micah (SoR) raised concern on the records team manpower and the new sheet format with the
new members from PNC. Ms. Kaerynth (ASoA) raised the use of the current record room for the storing of new

Conclusion: For the records team manpower, hiring of 2 new assistants will be conducted and no new format
given for the sheets (wait for further announcements). Agreed on using the current record room with the
Admission team.

Agenda Item: Activities and Games

Discussion: Ms. May (ASoG) suggested English day as one of the daily activities and changing the activities
from Monday to Friday. Retention of Tagalog Martes Activity as raised by Ms. Jo (SoL). Interactive activities
may include group activities where merit points will be given.

Conclusion: New sets of Activities for Monday to Friday (to be discussed on a different meeting).

Adjournment: 9:48pm

Minutes submitted by: Micah Jemimah S. Bulante

Cebu-Bohol & Samar-Leyte Chapter

Date: November 28, 2021

Time: 7:50 pm

Facilitator: Marielle Janine M. Brozo Note-taker: Micah Jemimah S. Bulante

1. Niryu | ASoL
2. Micah | SoR
3. Akima | SoAr
4. Jo | SoL
5. Kiem | SoGK
6. Kae | ASoA
7. Cha | ASoR

Agenda Item: Activities and Games

Discussion: Activities for the chapter is divided to 3 types, the major activities will be held in the Visayas
Group page, the mini activities will be held in the group chat and unplanned games/activities will be held in the
CBLS official game room. Unexpected games should submit a proposal and to be approved by the council. The
mini activities are rumbled in a week. There is a proposed calendar of activities indicating the scheduled
activities for a month. Activities related to the language policy such as Tagalog Martes will be retained.

Suggested Activities:
1. Rebus/Anagram/Word Game
2. This or That
3. Fun Facts
4. Give me a song

Note: Other suggested activities and the final decision of activities will be submitted on Tuesday, November 30,

Agenda Item: Main Group Chats and Number of Group Chats

Discussion: The previous main group chats of CBLS Chapter and PNC will be utilized as the group chats for
the Visayas Chapter. There will be 2 main group chats for the merged chapters. As for the members in each
group chat, the council conducted a voting whether to randomize the members through spinning wheel or let the
members choose.

Randomize the members in each group chat
Conclusion: The Council agreed to randomize the members of each group chat.

Note: The records team will provide the list of names for the randomizing of members that will happen on
Wednesday, December 1, 2021.

Agenda Item: Council Hiring and Member Orientation

Discussion: The hiring of new council members will be announced 1 week after the merging. The orientation of
members will be conducted when everything is settled.

Meeting Adjourned: 9:52 PM

Minutes Submitted by: Micah Jemimah S. Bulante

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