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● 正对主要信息
● 提供具体的个恶人观点
● 举出相关的例子/论据
● Try addressing 正面 and 反面
● Don't rush to finish quickly — you should still aim for old pronunciation and clear
● Don’t use too much statistics - when used explain significance and how it strengthens
your point
● Use more ‘techniques’ in your speaking eg 反问/设问
● Group points together to form an overarching view
○ Base some points off those mentioned in the video + your own
● At the end of your statement always reiterate your point
● Observe graphics as well - they may give clues or additional points

● 强调态度
● 详尽和明确地解释观点
● 充分的理由证明观点
● Smoke (用各种方法来争取时间,例如这道问题非常喜欢值得我们思考,我认为。。。)
○ This may not seem like much but those extra few seconds may be what you need
to finish forming your points
● 如果不明白问题中的关键词可以问老师 (but you should still confirm with your school if
this will affect your grade)
● 如何解决问题 : 让人先明白/认识问题 -> 行动
● 试举例说明:(seems obvious but your answer should be based around examples) 从亲
● 原因:内因外因
● 建议:知行合一
● 后果:个人、家庭、社会、自然等等

Created by H (2018). Modified 2019.

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