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试卷 ​①

● 正确地审题,抓住关键词/句
○ 所有关键词/句必须出现在作文里
● 建议不必, 主要还是原因
● 针对每个部分进行议论
● 引用名言
● 开头:提出立场
● Eg even if a question states that 网友热议, must talk about why it will go viral ie as long
as the question provides some form of context (现象要有原因)
○ Basically question every part of the question
● Smaller parts mentioned behind the question will usually relate to the bigger points, so
group them together
● Usually will not exceed 3 parts when broken down
● Clearly define 详写 and 略写 -> 突出重点
● 抄题目
● Break down into indiv bits + 反应 (我赞成/不赞成。。。)

● 启示: more of learning, 今后会怎样做
● 感受: more of feelings
● Whether 启示 or 感受,要至少¾ page
● 审题!!!
● 在表达人们的性格时,don’t just show-not-tell, 可以利用行为、表情、动作、周围人对他
○ 发挥人物性格
● 例如:让你明白了。。。。意思是你以前不明白
● Must 交代事件、地点、表情变化 etc (5W1H)
● 叙述事件发生的​时间、地点、人物、起因、经过、结果
● 向来:人生经验、教育


Created by H (2018). Modified 2019.

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