Review Arikel 2-22138048 - Nisa Vebriani

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Dosen Pengampu:

Prof. Asmar Yulastri M.Pd.,Ph.D


Nama : Nisa Vebriani

NIM. 22138048


Judul The Effect of Entrepreneurial Motivation and
Entrepreneurial Characteristics on the Performance of
Traditional Snack Entrepreneurs in Assisted Micro-
Enterprises by the Cooperatives and MSMES Office in
Medan City Through Competence as an Intervening
Link Artikel

Jurnal International Journal of Research and Review

Volume, Nomor, Halaman Vol. 9; Issue: 8; Hal. 582-609
Tahun 2022
Penulis Cita Ningsih Hidayat , Ritha F. Dalimunthe , A. Rahim
Reviewer Nisa Vebriani
Tanggal 14 Februari 2023

This study aims to investigate the impact of

Tujuan Penelitian entrepreneurial motivation variables and entrepreneurial
characteristics on the performance of traditional snack
entrepreneurs on micro-enterprises assisted by the
Cooperatives and MSMEs Office in Medan City, with
competence as an intervening variable.
The problem that occurs in the decrease of
Subjek Penelitian / entrepreneurial performance is the phenomenon of
Pembahasan training activities that concentrate more on digital
financial management and business licenses, resulting in
a lack of competence in digital marketing. The
compulsion to be an entrepreneur due to the lack of
available jobs affects motivation for entrepreneurship
and has the characteristic of an innovative personality. A
quantitative descriptive method is used in this sort of
study. This study is an associative approach with
primary and secondary data acquired via a series of
questionnaire statements, interviews, and documentation
studies. This study used a Likert scale for measurement.
This study's population included 94 people. The sample
in this study consists of 94 micro-entrepreneurs
developed by the Cooperatives and MSMEs Office in
Medan City who are at least 18 years old and building
members who have been building members for at least
two years. Researchers obtain data by distributing
surveys using total sampling or saturation sampling
approaches. Techniques for data analysis include
descriptive statistical analysis and path analysis using
Smart PLS software.
Hasil Penelitian Entrepreneurial motivation (X1) has a positive effect
on competence (Z), with a band coefficient value
(original sample) of 0.359 and is significant, with P-
Values = 0.019 < 0.05. Entrepreneurial characteristics
(X2) have a positive influence on competence (Z), with a
band coefficient value (original sample) of 0.403, and
are significant, with P-Values = 0.011 < 0.05.
Entrepreneurial motivation (X1) has a positive effect on
entrepreneurial performance (Y), with a path coefficient
value (original sample) of 0.277 and is significant, with
P-Values = 0.037 < 0.05. Entrepreneurial characteristics
(X2) have a positive effect on entrepreneurial
performance (Y), with a path coefficient value (original
sample) of 0.328 and is significant, with P-Values =
0.027 < 0.05. Competence (Z) significantly mediates the
relationship between entrepreneurial motivation (X1)
and entrepreneurial performance (Y), with P-values =
0.043 < 0.05. Competence (Z) significantly mediates the
relationship between entrepreneurial characteristics (X2)
and entrepreneurial performance (Y), with P-Value =
0.028 < 0.05.
Competence (Z) has a positive effect on entrepreneurial
performance (Y), with a band coefficient value (original
sample) of 0.354 and is significant, with P-Values =
0.034 < 0.05. The R-Square value of entrepreneurial
performance (Y) is 0.576, which means entrepreneurial
motivation (X1), entrepreneurial characteristics (X2),
and competence (Z) can explain 57.6% of
entrepreneurial performance (Y). The RSquare value of
competence (Z) is 0.377, which means entrepreneurial
motivation (X1) and entrepreneurial characteristics (X2)
can explain competence (Z) by 37.7%.
According to the study's findings, entrepreneurial
motivation and characteristics positively and
significantly affect competence. Entrepreneurial
motivation and entrepreneurial characteristics directly
Kesimpulan and positively impact entrepreneurial performance.
Competency positively and significantly influence
entrepreneurial performance. Then, competence,
entrepreneurial motivation, and entrepreneurial
characteristics positively and significantly affect
entrepreneurial performance through competence.
. This research anticipated to serve as a resource for
entrepreneurs, particularly traditional snack micro-
entrepreneurs in Micro Enterprises Assisted by the
Novelty Cooperatives and MSMEs Office in Medan City. In
terms of fostering self-creativity and innovation for
performance and competencies possessed as capital to
adapt to a range of future business trend conditions
Due to the limitations of this study, it is recommended
that future researchers complete it by including other
Komentar Reviewer factors that were not tested in this study, such as
entrepreneurship education, management skills, self-
efficacy, family environment, and creativity. This study
focuses only on entrepreneurial motivation,
characteristics, competence, and entrepreneurial
performance of Cooperatives and their members.
Judul A Study on the Influence of Entrepreneurial
Competence Characteristics on the Sustainability of
Entrepreneurs -Focused on the Mediating Effects of
Entrepreneurial Mentoring
Link Artikel

Jurnal Research in World Economy

Volume, Nomor, Halaman Vol. 11, No. 2; Special Issue, dan Hal. 12-21
Tahun 2020
Penulis Sung-Je Lee1 & Inchae Park
Reviewer Nisa Vebriani
Tanggal 14 Februari 2023

To investigated whether the founder's competency

Tujuan Penelitian characteristics influence sustainability through the
medium of start-up mentoring.
Subjek Penelitian / The study subjects were early founders, and the
Pembahasan survey was conducted as a survey method. The survey
items consisted of 62 questions including 12
demographics. The Likert 5-point scale was used for the
measurement. For the empirical analysis, frequency
analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, exploratory
factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis,
regression analysis, and mediation effect analysis were
performed using SPSS Ver. 22 statistical package.
The results of the study confirm that entrepreneurial
competence characteristics are partially mediated by the
characteristics of the technical capability and the
strategic thinking capability on the impact of
Hasil Penelitian sustainability, and through the research, the
organizational capability of entrepreneurial competence
characteristics are completely mediated on the impact on
the sustainability.
This study suggests the direction of the research that
the entrepreneurial mentoring will mediate the
relationship between the entrepreneur competency
characteristics and the sustainability of the start-up
company. As mentioned in the introduction, 70.8% of
Kesimpulan startups were closed within five years, and the reasons
for closure are very diverse. However, the study found
that the implementation of entrepreneurial mentoring,
taking into account the entrepreneur competency
characteristics, had a significant impact on the
sustainability of startups. As a result, hiring and utilizing
competent mentors that take into account the
entrepreneur competency characteristics can play an
important role in reducing the rate of closure and
increasing the sustainability of startups. If many start-up
institutions helping entrepreneurs implement
entrepreneurial mentoring that takes into account
entrepreneurial competency characteristics,
entrepreneurs could focus on their start-up activities with
more confidence. Therefore, through a detailed study of
entrepreneur competency characteristics, we want to
establish various entrepreneurial mentoring
methodologies that can be applied to the start-up
Novelty In order to secure the sustainability of start-ups,
mentors should conduct mentoring by understanding the
entrepreneurial competence characteristics. Mentoring
that does not fit the entrepreneurial competence
characteristics only forces the founder to regenerate time
and effort. Mentors should participate in entrepreneurial
mentoring with a sense of mission for the national
economy and job creation, and government support
policies should be tailored to the characteristics of
Komentar Reviewer This research is very good to be used as a reference
in further research to investigate whether the founder's
competency characteristics influence sustainability
through the medium of start-up mentoring.
Judul Reinforcing Business Resilience Through
Entrepreneurial Competencies During Pandemic
COVID-19: A Case of Indonesian MSMEs
Link Artikel

Jurnal International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship,

Social Science and Humanities
Volume, Nomor, Halaman Vol. 5, N0. 2, Hal. 89-107
Tahun 2022
Penulis Rozan Hanifan, Wawan Dhewanto
Reviewer Nisa Vebriani
Tanggal 14 Februari 2023

In order to identify the best approaches to foster

Tujuan Penelitian entrepreneurship, this study aims to understand how
entrepreneurship education impacts the development of
entrepreneurial skills and behaviors in students.
Subjek Penelitian / The majority of MSME profiles involved in this study
Pembahasan are 1-3 years old (47.27%), the number of workers is less
than five people (57.27%), working in the food and
beverages sector (50%), have total assets between 50 to
500 million IDR (51.36%), and have total revenue
between 300 million to 2.5 billion IDR (39.55%). These
profiles are consistent with the previously described
MSMEs definition in Indonesia.
While the majority of respondents in this study are
company owners (80.91%), female (54.55%), aged 19-30
years (57.73%), and have a high school education or less
(37.27%). This data shows that most MSMEs owners in
Indonesia are young women without higher education. In
addition, according to the data, there are not many
MSMEs actors in West Java that aged more than 41 years
and have high education.

Hasil Penelitian Through purposive sampling, a sample of 220

Indonesian MSME actors get involved in this study. PLS-
SEM procedure through a two-stage approach was used
to test the proposed model. The results show that
entrepreneurial competencies significantly impact
business resilience in Indonesian MSMEs. It was also
found that dynamic capabilities and innovation
ambidexterity partially mediated those relationships.
This study contributes to entrepreneurial
competencies literature by proposing a novel conceptual
framework that shows a relationship between
entrepreneurial competencies and business resilience. All
hypotheses from this study were accepted with a
statistical t-value above 1.96 and a p-value lower than
0.05. Based on the acceptance of these hypotheses, we
can conclude that entrepreneurial competencies
significantly affect Indonesian MSMEs' resilience during
the COVID-19 pandemic, likewise with organizational
dynamic capability and innovation ambidexterity, which
have also been proven to affect business resilience
substantially. On the other hand, entrepreneurial
competencies are also proven to affect organizational
dynamic capability and innovation ambidexterity
significantly. So that the two variables are proven to
mediate the relationship between entrepreneurial
competencies and business resilience; this means that
entrepreneurial competencies also contribute to the
organization's ability to be dynamic and innovative,
which are critical for building a resilient business
climate. From all the EC dimensions included in this
study, organizational, opportunity, and relationship
competencies have the highest relative importance among
the other five EC dimensions. This means that Indonesian
MSME actors must focus primarily on these three
competencies to survive in a harsh and uncertain business
environment. The Indonesian government must also
evaluate and ensure that business practitioners in
Indonesia already have sufficient competencies so that
they can continue to compete.
Kesimpulan The results show that entrepreneurial competencies
significantly impact business resilience in Indonesian
MSMEs. It was also found that dynamic capabilities and
innovation ambidexterity partially mediated those
relationships. From these results, this study suggests that
business practitioners should become more aware of their
competencies to survive in this uncertain world. In
addition, the government must re-educate and ensure that
all middle and lower entrepreneurs have appropriate
competencies to continue to compete.
this study builds a novel conceptual framework that
determines the influence of entrepreneurial competencies
Novelty on business resilience in the Indonesian MSMEs context.
Several mediator variables were also included in the
conceptual model: dynamic capability and innovation
This research has positive implications that can help the
Komentar Reviewer Indonesian MSMEs ecosystem deal with many resilience
issues, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic era.

Hanifan, R., & Dhewanto, W. (2022). Reinforcing Business Resilience Through Entrepreneurial
Competencies During Pandemic COVID-19: A Case of Indonesian MSMEs. International
Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities.
Hidayat, C.N., F. Dalimunthe, R., & Matandang, A.R. (2022). The Effect of Entrepreneurial
Motivation and Entrepreneurial Characteristics on the Performance of Traditional Snack
Entrepreneurs in Assisted Micro-Enterprises by the Cooperatives and MSMES Office in
Medan City Through Competence as an Intervening Variable. International Journal of
Research and Review.
Lee, S., & Park, I. (2020). A Study on the Influence of Entrepreneurial Competence
Characteristics on the Sustainability of Entrepreneurs -Focused on the Mediating Effects of
Entrepreneurial Mentoring. Research in World Economy, 11, 12.

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