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Module: General Chemistry Laboratory 1

Experiment 6: Standardizing a Solution of Sodium Hydroxide

Aim: To determine the concentration of NaOH by titrating it with a solution of potassium

hydrogen phthalate.



1. Calculate the mass of sodium hydroxide needed to prepare 100 mL of a 0.10 M

(M= moles/ Liters; grams = M x L x molar mass)

Mass of NaOH= 0.40g

Na= 22.99
O= 16.00
H= 1.01
40.00 g/mol

40.00g x 0.10 x .100L = 0.40g

1 mol
2. Calculate the mass of KHP (KHC8H4O4) needed to react completely with 25.00 mL of a
0.1 M NaOH solution. Consider the reaction equation to be as shown
below. HP– (aq) + OH– (aq) → H2O (l) + P2- (aq)

molar mass of KHP = [1x 12.01 + 5x 1.01 + 1x 39.10 + 4x 16] g/mol

= 204.22g/mol

Molarity of NaOH = 0.1M

Volume of NaOH = 25mL
= 0.025L

Mols of NaOH reacted = volume x molarity

= 0.025L x 0.1M
= 0.0025 mols

HP-(aq) + OH-(aq) 🡪 H2O(l) + P2-(aq)

Mols of KHP = 0.0025 mol

KHP and NaOH= 1:1
Mass of KHP = mols x molar mass
= 204.22g/mol x 0.0025 mols
= 0.51055g
Mass of KHP needed = 0.5g

Data Tables 1& 2

Actual mass of NaOH(g) = 8.05313
Volume of solution (L) = 2.00
Trial Mass of KHP Initial Burette Final Burette Equivalence
(g) Reading (mL) Reading (mL) Point
1 0.4556 0.55 22.69 22.14
2 0.5065 0.42 25.07 24.15

1. Calculate the molarity (i.e. the target molarity) of NaOH you prepared based on the
actual mass and volume used.

8.05313g NaOH x 1 mol NaOH = 0.201 mol NaOH


0.201 mol NaOH = 0.101 M

2.00 L
2. Calculate the number of moles of KHP (KHC8H4O4) used to neutralize the NaOH
solution for both trials. DO NOT AVERAGE.
#mol = Mass in grams of substance
Molar mass of substance

Trial 1 = 0.4556
= 0.002 mol

Trial 2 = 0.5065
= 0.002 mol
3. Determine the number of moles of NaOH titrated based upon the reaction with KHP for
both trials.
Moles NaOH = moles KHP x 1 mol NaOH
1 mol KHP

0.002 x 1 mol NaOH

1 mol KHP
= 0.002 moles
4. Calculate the molarity (i.e. the actual molarity) of NaOH for both trials, based on your
titration data, i.e. moles and volume of NaOH. AVERAGE both molarities at this point.

Molarity of NaOH sol = moles NaOH

Liters used
Trial 1 = 0.101
= 0.005
Trial 2 = 0.101
= 0.004
Average molarity = 0.005

Exercise: Compare the actual molarity of your NaOH solution with that of your
target molarity. Suggest reasons for any difference (IF ANY). Account for this


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