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Pulalun gets recognition: Quo vadis other sultans?

Zambo Today dot Com

saturday, january 14. 2006

Pulalun gets recognition: Quo vadis other sultans?

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We who have been writing a series on Sulu Sultanate issue know of several claimants to the throne. In a previous column I wrote: SULU SULTANATE NOW HAS SULTANS CHEAPER BY THE DOOZEN. These claimants surfaced only after we have written about their lost kingdom that must be restored. I described them as Rip Van Winkle who slept 20 times more years than Rip Van Winkle who slept only 20 years. It was only after we have written a series of columns that these sultans have awakened who now claim they are the real heir to the vacant throne. With Sultan Pulalon getting more recognition, quo vadis other sultans of Sulu Sultanate?

Sultan Sharif Ibrahim Ajihul Mohammad Pulalon is reportedly recognized by 22 government officials from ARMM (Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao), Binary half-tone gray scale mask and reticle design Zamboanga peninsula, and Sulu Archipelago. Sultan Pulalon was first and fabrication introduced to the public when he was proclaimed in Parang Sulu last October 19, 2003. After his proclamation, we did not hear anymore what he did to restore their lost kingdom. The same is true with other sultans who were proclaimed in Quiapo, Metro Manila and Zamboanga City. Even lately we don't know what he is doing to restore his lost kingdom. The same is true to other sultans. Hence quo vadis other Sulu sultans?
Gray Scale Photomasks

Two years after Sultan Pulalon was proclaimed and crown as paramount sultan of Sulu, another sultan (also paramount sultan) was crowned in the person of Dr. Ibrahim Q. Bahjin. Still another does not only claim he is the real sultan but the reigning sultan as well. Unfortunately he is establishing his residence in Taguig City. His younger brother also claims he is the incumbent sultan of Sulu. I need not mention the other claimants who were contented of just being proclaimed. We in the Sultanate of Sulu Restoration Movement don't support any. We are only interested in restoring this lost kingdom and for only one sultan. If it's Pulalun so be it. Hence our challenge to unite and quo vadis other sultans. We congratulate Sultan Pulalon for getting more recognition compared to other sultans. But out of the some 22 government officials from ARMM and Sulu, how many are also supporting other sultans who were proclaimed in Quiapo and Zamboanga City? When Sultan Dr. Ibrahim Q. Bahjin was proclaimed and crowned last February 13, 2005, we were told he got the support of the governor, vice governor, mayors, vice mayors, and religious leaders. We noticed when a sultan is proclaimed his supporters managed to get thousands in attendance. It appears politicians are playing politics with their sultanate. With Sultan Pulalun getting more recognition, quo vadis other sultans? After the 22 government officials who recognized Sultan Pulalun, will they support him in restoring their lost kingdom? Will they as government officials cut their umbilical cord from Imperial Manila? Will they stop participating in the political exercises of the Republic of the Philippines who has been exercising illegally sovereignty over them being an independent and sovereign state? Like the proclaimed and crowned sultans, will they be interested only in recognizing Sultan Pulalun but will not cut their umbilical cord with Imperial Manila? Quo vadis other sultans, are you interested in restoring your lost kingdom? The major aim of a sultan being recognized after his proclamation and coronation is to organize his government. He must proclaim independence and establish a provisional government. He must start getting support from friendly Islamic countries. He must be aware of the historical and legal basis for organizing, let alone restoring his lost kingdom. He must not seek recognition from Imperial Manila in restoring his lost kingdom. We in the Sultanate of Sulu Restoration Movement are interested to know. Meanwhile we urge all claimants to the throne to unite and recognize only one sultan. Hence quo vadis other Sultans of Sulu Sultanate?
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Posted online by Alfred Tan in Opinion_backup at 09:15

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I'm pleased to read your column and I agreed with your comments. As I am a student of history, I am surprised that it seemed many impostors and fake sultans have probably taken leave of their senses because in my knowledge of sultanates or kingdoms, only the sons of the sultan of sulu must ascend the throne and to be the lawful heir and successor of Sultan of Sulu & Sabah. Based on these and on historical records, the Sultan of Sulu & Sabah from 1947-1973 was HM Sultan Muhammad Esmail Kiram I (Sultan Esmail I). Sultan Esmail I was the one who transferred the Sovereignty of Sabah from the Sultanate of Sulu to the Philippines in 1962 and he gave the power of attorney to Pres. Ferdianand Marcos in 1969 to recover Sabah from the illegal occupation of Malaysia. On the death of Sultan Esmail I, his eldest son Sultan Mahakuttah Abdulla Kiram became sultan from 1974-1986. And on the death of Sultan Mahakuttah, many fake sultans install themselves without any lawful rights to be sultan of Sulu & Sabah. In 2006, the youngest son of Sultan Esmail I was crowned 35th Sultan and his name is HM Sultan Muhammad Fuad Abdulla Kiram I (Sultan Fuad I). So, if you are looking at true bloodline and succession with lawful rights as sultan, the true Sultan of Sulu & Sabah is, for me, Sultan Fuad I. You may also want to check on this website: #1 rizza on 2007-12-22 22:30 (Reply)

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