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3/1/23, 3:26 PM BP Reviewer Rating Recommendation and Mitigation Action (Preview)

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66 Han Htun Oo 04:18

Time to complete

Basic Information on Supplier

1. Supplier legal entity name



2. Country where SUPPLIER legal entity is based *


3. Contact person in PURCHASER organization requesting the assessment *

Naing Naing Oo

4. Specific sourcing process/RFQ or sourcing project relevant for SUPPLIER assessment (N/A if not
applicable) *

To purchase new Genset (20KVA/13KVA & 8KW)

5. SUPPLIER products and services relevant for this risk assessment *

Supply & Service of the Diesel Genset of 20KVA/13KVA & 8KW

6. List existing SUPPLIER contracts with PURCHASER (N/A if not applicable) *

N/A… 1/5
3/1/23, 3:26 PM BP Reviewer Rating Recommendation and Mitigation Action (Preview)

7. ABC and SCP documents signed? *



8. If ABC/SCP signed. Please upload here.

Zar Ni Bo ABC Update_Naing Naing Oo_Han Htun Oo.pdf

Zar Ni Bo SCP (002)_Naing Naing Oo_Han Htun Oo.pdf

9. Has all information requested from supplier and sourcing project team been received? *



Risk Rating

10. Recommended Risk Rating *

Insignificant risk




High risk to reconsider supplier qualification

Basis for Risk Rating: Risks assessed/ Sources checked and findings
Risks covered - Company Registration, Financial, Ownership, Anti-Corruption, Sanctions, Political risk, Security, Privacy, Sustainability

11. Database check: company registration & financial, and ownership - please note any relevant findings *

Company Registration 166474884, Registration status: registered/Valid , Checked Beneficial owners.… 2/5
3/1/23, 3:26 PM BP Reviewer Rating Recommendation and Mitigation Action (Preview)

12. Database check: Politically Exposed Persons ("PEP's"), sanctions, negative media - please note any relevant
findings *

No match is found against sanction, PEP and special interest categories of adverse media for the beneficial owners-

13. Enhanced IDD / external IDD reports - Please indicate level of external IDD report ordered, if any, and any
relevant findings *

not recommended

14. Initial Supplier Security responses and any other relevant security information provided - please note any
relevant findings or comments *

Check details security concern in Other Information.

15. Initial Supplier Privacy responses and any other relevant privacy information provided - please note any
relevant findings or comments *

sourcing category manager advised that no personal data will be involved.

16. Initial Supplier Sustainability responses and any other relevant sustainability information provided- please
note any relevant findings or comments *

ABC-SCP Signed

17. Main factors for risk rating *

ABC's not signed

Financial is missing

Weak financials

Risk-payment entity

Lack of basic company information

Interacts with public/government officials on behalf of PURCHASER

Politically Exposed Persons

On-going integrity allegation

On-going integrity incident

Possible Privacy risk

Possible Security risk

No negative findings

Other… 3/5
3/1/23, 3:26 PM BP Reviewer Rating Recommendation and Mitigation Action (Preview)

Mitigation Actions

18. Are mitigation actions recommended?



19. Recommended Mitigation actions *

Please indicate recommended mitigation actions

EcoVadis 360 evaluation

Ensure payment to credible entities

Involve Privacy

Involve Business Security

Obtain supplier clarification

On-going Monitoring

Supplier or sourcing project team to provide additional information

Supply Chain Sustainability audit

Supply Chain Sustainability inspection

Supply Chain Sustainability training

Sign ABC



20. Contract Owner is responsible for ensuring mitigation actions are done. Please recommend the function(s) for
Contract Owner to contact regarding the mitigation actions *
Please select

Supply Chain Sustainability team


Contract Owner's line organization


No mitigation actions are required

Other… 4/5
3/1/23, 3:26 PM BP Reviewer Rating Recommendation and Mitigation Action (Preview)

21. Additional Information

Please add any additional comments

Please note that we have not checked any security related matters to buy and set up diesel generator in the field and safe delivery of the product till
the end user in this due diligence process. HSSE and Security team are required to make sure for the security and safety of the product delivery and
set up till final destination before accepting from the vendor. Thank you.

22. Additional Information

Please add any additional documents… 5/5

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