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Session (2019-23)



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I declare that I am the author of this thesis. This is the original copy of the thesis.

It is further declared that I have fulfilled all the requirements in line with the

quality assurance guidelines of the Higher Education Commission.

We understand that our thesis may be made electronically available to the public.

Name: Malik Abdul Baseer


iii | P a g e

The thesis entitled “Perception Of Students About Needs And Importance Of Physical Education And
Sports In Our Society” prepared and submitted by IQRA BIBI SESSION (2019 – 23) , in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of BS HPE (4 years) in the Department of Health and
Physical Education, Government Degree College for Girls No 1, D.I. Khan has been approved by the
Department of Evaluation Committee for award of degree of HPE (BS).

Supervisory Committee Signature

SHAGUFTA SULIMAN(Supervisor) Supervisor

Madam Shumaila Saeed
Assistant Professor Department of
Health and Physical Education
Govt College No.1 for Girls Dera Ismail Khan

External Examiner

Head of the department

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 Introduction 1

1.1 Background of the Study 1

1.2 Statement of Problem 5

1.3 Research Questions 5

1.4 Objectives 6

1.5 Significance 6

1.6 Delimitation 6

Chapter 2 Literature Review 7-15

Research Methodology 16
Chapter 3
3.1 Research Design 16

3.2 Population 16

3.3 Sample 16

3.4 Sampling 16

3.5 Questionnaire 16

3.6 Data Collection 17

3.7 Statistical Analysis 17

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 18

4.1 Being strong physical education and sport is important to me 18

vi | P a g e
4.2 Physical education and sport make physical development in 19

individual of society

4.3 I feel contented after physical activity 20

4.4 To stay physical active the physical education and sport is 21

important in society

4.5 Physical activity is an important priority in my life 22

4.6 Physical education is an important subject in college curriculum 23

4.7 Involvement in physical activity is more beneficial to one’s social 24

development compared to involvement in other activities

4.8 Physical Education should be offered at all levels of education 25

4.9 Physical education is as important as other subjects 26

4.10 Physical Education should be made a necessary and compulsory 27

subject for students in primary schools

4.11 Physical activity is an important contributor in alleviating my daily 28


4.12 Sport is an important for children of our society 29

4.13 Lifelong healthy living is directly related to one’s physical activity 30


4.14 An active person is more mentally alert compared to those who are 31

less active

4.15 Exercising the correct way enables one to acquire good posture 32

and build throughout one’s life

vii | P a g e
4.16 A healthy lifestyle is necessary to keep our physical and mental 33

states functioning at their optimum

4.17 Exercising is the best way to ensure one looks young and vibrant 34

4.18 Most adults gain sufficient exercise from their daily activities 35

4.19 A healthy lifestyle requires participation in physical activity 36

regardless of gender and ethnic background

4.20 There is a scientific basis for the benefits of carrying out physical 37


4.21 Perception difference of male and female students regarding need 38

and importance of physical education and sports in our society

Chapter 5 Summary, Findings, Conclusion And Recommendations 39

5.1 Summary 39

5.2 Findings

5.3 Conclusions 43

5.4 Recommendations

5.5 Suggestions 44


viii | P a g e

I, the author of this thesis, would like to express my sincere appreciation to all those

who contributed to the successful completion of this project. In particular, I would

like to thank the following peoples.

I express my gratitude to my supervisor Faisal Islam for his encouragement, support,

and technical guidance in completing this Project. His advice and encouragement

during the preparation of this thesis are sincerely appreciated.

Malik Abdul Baseer

viii | P a g e

This anticipates is devoted to each one of those individuals who never let the light of
idealism to recognize even in difficult times. To the individuals who give up their
solaces to set honorable guidelines. To the individuals who are confident that their
endeavors for positive attitude are addressed one day by Almighty. To the individuals
who have a love for humankind.

ix | P a g e

1.1 Background of the Study

Physical education has many benefits and advantages but the foremost aim of

physical education is the development of a person. Firstly, physical education

improves the health and fitness of a person through various activities and not only

that, it also maintains these trials throughout the lifetime of the person. It also

provides vast knowledge about various communicable and health hazard diseases and

physical education provide efficient ways to keep these diseases at bay. Physical

education brings in more alertness of mind and concentration as they are an essential

and vital part of any physical activities and also helps in reducing the reaction time of

a person.

Physical education also promote emotional and mental development by helping in

overcoming stress, anxiety, tension and various other emotional related problems. As

a result a person feels less exhausted and happier. It also helps in improving and

promoting leadership qualities in a person. A person comes across various participants

and when they meet and interact, it helps in improving the social skills and also gets

rid of shyness or any fear of communication with people. As a result a person feels

more self-confident and can easily tackle any problem, thus helping in building up

socialization (Letagina, Perova & Orlova, 2019; Parpiev, 2021).

Physical education enhances the characters of a person and making them fit

for a society and enables them to face hardship, endure defeat and take proper

decisions and risks, which is very much needed in today's competitive world. It also

brings in a sense of fraternity, sportsmanship, co-operation, sympathy, courtesy,

loyalty and many more among fellow participants. Many people also believe that

physical education has the ability to develop the human body in good proportions

(Quennerstedt, 2019).

People are mostly unaware about all these advantages and hold many misconceptions

regarding physical education and neglect the very benefits of it. Many parents believe

that physical education has only to do with playing games and sport and there is no

emotional development of the child, which is so very wrong. It is true that there are a

lot of physical activities but parents are unable to understand that these activities

actually sharpens the mind of their child and helps them to be more confident and

active. People also believe that physical education is just a waste of money and time.

Parents put more pressure on studies and complete neglects games and sport. As a

result the children become lazy, inactive and unable to compete with the world and

are left behind. Physical education actually helps the child to concentrate more on

studies and remain healthy and fit. People also feel reluctant to spend money on

physical education and most believe there is no opportunity or future in physical

education. But they are so very wrong, a good sportsman always earn a lot of money.

Physical education is not wastage of money, rather is a way of making more money

(Opstoel et al., 2020).

Today we all know the necessity of physical activity. Physical education and

sports has a very prominent role in modern society to be physically active. It is

important to an individual, a group, a nation – Indeed the world to involve in physical

activities, and stay healthy. Like every education, physical education too bears an

ancient history. It´s sources exhibits nature of man prevailing economic, industrial,

religious and cultural conditions of all the people. Its purposes illustrate the dominant

ideas of the contemporary time and the place. Some of the sources of physical

education are very old. The ancient culture of India, Egypt, Babylonia, Assyria, Persia,

Greece, Carthage and Rome also give evidence of use of physical education to alert

youth in work like activities. There are many instances where physical education

indicates its importance and influence the history of many nations. Greek physical

education, however, in its training of the young especially in its great athletic festival in

Olympia, Corinth, Delphi, and Argolis has been a great source of inspiration and

practical method. Many Civilized and advanced societies have always realized the need

for the physical education of its members, except during the middle age in Europe when

asceticism in the early Christian church set a premium on physical weakness in the vain

hope that this was the path to spiritual excellence (Granero-Gallegos, 2012).

The association between Physical activity and society has various theoretical

concepts. On an informal stage, there are numerous people who claim to have finished

diverse successes associated with educational achievement due to formative sports

stories. From the output of research, there is considerable evidence that sports

participation positively relates to academic achievement among students. The sports

participation is an important setting in the lives of students. Over 47 million students

participate in organized sports (Ewing & Seefeldt, 2002).

Since sports area meaningful context in which many young people participate,

youth sports team’s may be a viable way in which to promote better development in

society. Research results suggesting the value of consciously designed sports

programs for positive student society development Fraser-Thomas, Côté & Deakin,


Positive youngsters’ development refers to the purchase of capabilities and

competencies needed for best teenagers’ improvement that maintains into adult hood.

These contributions include cognitive, social, emotional, and intellectual

competencies, such as confidence, character, or perseverance. Participation in team

sports provide various importance for student society and cognitive development,

including a high level of enjoyment and challenge, ample opportunities to develop

positive relationships, and fulfilling a need to belong. The association between sports

participation and academic achievement may be a byproduct of this phenomenon.

Over the past few decades, the field of Physical Education has experienced

rapid growth and change. Hence it is essential to understand and update the

knowledge about Physical Education and all its related areas. Blowing the whistle and

getting the class to do thirty push-ups and press-ups might be the traditional

perception of Physical Education lessons. But now extensive and deep scientific

research has been conducted, which is still being pursued. Various technologies have

been modified with the modern ones. Keeping in view the importance of Physical

Education, the government of Pakistan has appreciated its significance and has taken

steps to enhance the status of Physical Education and Directors of Physical Education

(DPEs’) in the colleges. Physical Education has recently been introduced at secondary

level in North West Frontier Province (NWFP). Several institutions of Physical

Education are working at government and at private levels to enhance the status and

impact of the subject, in theory and practice (Trudeau & Shephard, 2008).

The importance of Physical Education was seen as a key for improving

students’ behavior, achievement, self-esteem and the development of social skills,

including teamwork and leadership skills. High quality Physical Education enhances

the philosophy of a school; it is motivating further students at the same time in

improving their health and well-being (U.S. Department of Health and Human

Services. The 1996 Surgeon General report stated, performing regular Physical

activity is not only useful in maintaining quality life, but it also averts the disease and

early death (USDHHS, 1996). According to Lee (2014), it has been accepted and

emphasized by the Surgeon General report, that Physical Education plays an

important role in the developing/enhancing the Health and Fitness of the Nations’

Youth. Further the report says that the Schools and Colleges are the only major

institutions that provide the quality physical activity to satisfy the needs of the most

children and youth.

Physical Education is not only for leisure but it contributes in the overall

development of human body. Therefore, the person who wants to choose it as career

should possess the competencies, knowledge, and attitudes to do a good job. They

should accept the challenges and responsibilities that go with their positions. At

present Pakistan lacks sufficient number of these types of professionals. It is

imperative to establish a well-defined standard to allow only qualified individuals to

become members of the profession (Belch, Gebel, Mass, 2001).

1.2 Statement of Problem

Physical education is very much needed in today's active world where people

hardly find any time for themselves. It is a very broad concept which has many known

benefits and merits. Physical education enhances the characters of a person and

making them fit for a society and enables them to face hardship, endure defeat and

take proper decisions and risks, which is very much needed in today's competitive

world It not only helps in bringing physical fitness but also in mental as well as

emotional development of a person through various medium of physical exercises

therefore, the aim of the study will be “Perception of Students about Needs and

Importance of Physical Education and Sports in our Society”.

1.3 Research Questions

Objectives of the study were:

Q1. What are the perceptions of students about need and importance of physical

education and sports?

Q2. Is there any significant difference between male and female students’

perceptions about need and importance of physical education and sports?

1.4 Research Objectives

1. To know the perceptions of students regarding need and importance of

physical education and sports.

2. To compare the perception of male and female students about need and

importance of physical education and sports.

1.5 Significance

The findings of the study will be helpful for teachers, students and head of

departments of higher education to know the need and importance of physical

education and sports in their daily life. The findings of the study may helpful for

district sports officer in order to organize sports activities among young individuals

for their emotional, moral, mental, and physical development.

1.6 Delimitation

The Study was delimited to male and female students of degree colleges of

district Dera Ismail Khan.



2.1 Physical Education

Physical education is very much needed in today's active world where people

hardly find any time for themselves. It is a very broad concept which has many known

benefits and merits. It not only helps in bringing physical fitness but also in mental as

well as emotional development of a person through various medium of physical

exercises. In today's competitive world, a person need to be an all-rounder and healthy

and Physical Education helps in fulfilling that dream. Physical education has many

benefits and advantages but the foremost aim of physical education is the

development of a person. Firstly, physical education improves the health and fitness

of a person through various activities and not only that, it also maintains these trials

throughout the lifetime of the person. It also provides vast knowledge about various

communicable and health hazard diseases and physical education provide efficient

ways to keep these diseases at bay. Physical education brings in more alertness of

mind and concentration as they are an essential and vital part of any physical activities

and also helps in reducing the reaction time of a person. Physical education also

promote emotional and mental development by helping in overcoming stress, anxiety,

tension and various other emotional related problems. As a result a person feels less

exhausted and happier. It also helps in improving and promoting leadership qualities

in a person. A person comes across various participants and when they meet and

interact, it helps in improving the social skills and also gets rid of shyness or any fear

of communication with people. As a result a person feels more self-confident and can

easily tackle any problem, thus helping in building up socialization (Yigitalievch,

Participation in regular physical activity improves health. It strengthens

cardiovascular function; reduces the risk of developing type diabetes, hyper tension,

and hyperlipidemia; and positively influences choices pertaining to nutrition and the

decision not to smoke (Trembley et al., 2000). The evidence linking physical activity

and health is stronger for adults than for children; however, the likelihood of being

active as an adult is influenced by habits established during childhood (19, 25). An

active lifestyle during childhood may also delay the onset of cardiovascular disease.

Berenson et al. (1998) found that fibrous plaque lesions develop during early child-

hood, and the extent of atherosclerotic development is related to blood pressure and

body-mass index. Other research indicates that risk factors for cardiovascular disease,

including obesity, hypertension, and elevated blood cholesterol levels, develop during

childhood (Bradley et al., 2013).

Many researchers have reported the powerful relationship that participation in

physical activity has with self-esteem (Din, 2005). In most elementary settings, the

development of self-esteem is a primary goal because it is considered to be an

underlying factor determining student motivation, persistence, and academic success.

Many children wish to be seen as competent in physical activity, especially within

their own peer group (4, 22), and thus achievement in the physical domain may have a

strong causal link to self-esteem. Indeed, Whitehead and Corbin concluded that

physical activity can positively influence physical self-esteem and facilitate the most

desirable forms of motivation. However, the research is unclear as to whether the

relationship between physical activity and self-esteem is related to better academic

results-furthermore, the influence of socioeconomic status and body-mass index on

the relationships among physical activity, self-esteem, and society has not been well

established (Papaioannou et al., 2008).

2.2 Importance of Physical Education

Physical activity is crucial to health as well as the development of a kid. Based

on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the speed of childhood obesity has tripled

over the past thirty years. Childhood obesity is able to result in a bunch of health

issues, both long-term and immediate. Not merely are kids that are obese as well as

adolescents already at higher risk for maladies like cholesterol that is high, high blood

pressure, pre diabetes as well as joint issues and bone, as adults they're additionally

far more prone to create severe ailments including heart disorders, some types and

stroke cancer types. Research likewise shows that obesity is able to have a negative

influence on one's self-esteem. As an institution where kids spend 8 hours of the day

of theirs, schools have an inherent duty to present an environment favorable to both

physical and mental efficiency. Through physical education and sports, adolescents

and kids are able to find out to enjoy a healthier lifestyle, prevent health issues and

create the confidence of theirs (Vale et al., 2011).

Physical education class ought to offer a daily serving of correct physical

activity. The U.S. Department of Human and Health Services recommends that

adolescents and kids (ages 6 17) get no less than one hour of physical activity one

day, with nearly all of the exercise concentrated about aerobics. A far more extreme

task like muscle as well as bone strengthening must be applied approximately three

times a week. Hence, you will find alternatives that are numerous with regards to

tasks in physical education class. Fundamental aerobic exercises like jumping jacks

and operating (whether in place or perhaps on a track) a great are starting point; also,

these fundamental pursuits are age suitable for the majority of kids grades k 12.

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Middle and elementary school kids may gain from active activities like hopscotch,

which requires learning, balancing, and jumping to take turns. This particular age

group would additionally gain from having fun equipment including hula hoops,

hacky sacks as well as jump ropes. High school pupils, on the additional hand, may

choose tasks for example cycling, aerobics dance, weight lifting, Yoga or Pilates.

These tasks are actually helpful both inside as well as outside of classroom walls. By

creating thorough physical activity as a usual component of one's education, pupils

know how to incorporate exercise into the lifestyles theirs. It will help maintain one's

self esteem and health (Vale et al., 2011).

Sports are actually a helpful method to stay physically active outside of

school, though they have a number of other advantages also. Research at Michigan

State Faculty show which kids that take part in sports are likely to do much better in

school, and therefore are not as likely to participate in alcohol and drug abuse. Studies

also suggest that taking part in sports might improve a child's social skills by

marketing a feeling of belonging. A favorite sport like basketball, for example, has

advantages that are a number of. To play basketball is able to build muscle, enhance

stamina, boost hand eye coordination and produce concentration and self-discipline.

Along with the medical advantages of its, basketball has the benefit of becoming a

useful sport. It may be played all year round, both inside and outside. Players are able

to sign up for a team, play one on a single, or just training shooting hoops in the free

time of theirs. Tennis is yet another widely used powerful sport. Study shows that

tennis players seem to have improved cardiovascular health, bone health, less body

fat, as well as enhanced cardiovascular fitness. Because it requires predicting where

and when a ball will land, tennis helps create clear hand eye coordination skills also.

Taking part in a sport like competitive rowing is able to have the benefits of its,

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particularly for all those that like being around drinking water. Rowers receive a total

entire body workout, improved aerobic, flexibility, and strength muscle conditioning.

When taking part in events that are great, rowing entails teamwork; all of the

members should be synchronized to be able to move as being a device (Granero-

Gallegos et al., 2014).

Society is increasingly conscious of the significance of being physically active,

particularly in light of childhood obesity statistics. Multitudes of research show that

being proactive is actually crucial to the health of a person; it's right now the duty of

ours as a society to make use of that info. Physical education, as well as sports, are

important elements with regard to keeping kids healthy. Physical education class is

not compelling a pupil to climb a rope to the roof of the ceiling; it is about keeping

children active and instructing them the value of staying active. The pursuits that one

engages in during gym class instills values that the pupil is able to have with them

outside of the classroom. Sports, whether a part of a school program or perhaps not,

have continuing advantages that help children develop strength, have a proper body

mass, create social skills and develop self-esteem. By becoming a part of staff as well

as the achievements of its, pupils are able to produce an optimistic feeling of pride

and self-worth (Granero-Gallegos et al., 2014).

2.3 Role of Physical Education in Promoting Social Values among Youth

Physical education and sports play a vital role in promoting the social values among

the youth. Well as imparting important social values among the youth such as

fairness, self-discipline, solidarity, team spirit, tolerance and fair play (Bailey, 2005).

Interactions, fundamental in human co-existence (Kumar, 2017).

2.4 Physical Education Programme

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The physical education curriculum is able to provide youth with the correct

knowledge, behaviours, skills, and confidence to be physically active for life.

Additionally, physical education is actually the foundation of a school's physical

activity program. In exactly the same vein, participation in physical activity is actually

correlated with academic benefits such as enhanced classroom behaviour, memory,

and concentration. Based on World Health Organization (2001), it provides

improvement of physical conditioning and physical capabilities; encouraging the

pupils to keep on sports as well as physical activity; as well as giving leisure pursuits

(Kumar, 2017).

2.5 Improvement of Physical Abilities and Physical Conditioning

Physical education facilitates to create up and practise physical fitness entails

simple motor skills and gets hold of the competency to do different physical activities

& exercises. Health and fitness build psychologically sharper, actually comfy as well

as in a position to cope with the daily demands. Additionally, stamina, flexibility,

strength as well as coordination are the primary ingredients of health and fitness.

Additionally, to perform the physical workouts as well as sport, youth should be

created simple motor skills (Mellos et al., 2014).

2.6 Encouraging the Pupils to Continue Sports as well as Physical Activity

Teachers usually encourage the youth to contribute to physical activities and

sports and also academic education programmes. Additionally, they often immediate

& teach them, sports, as well as physical activity, are important component of

academic education. They've additionally instructed the youth; we can't feel balanced

development of human character with no physical education & sports. Additionally,

they've also to control a meeting in which discusses the parents of theirs about the

value of sports as well as physical activity and academic education. Additionally,

13 | P a g e
teachers must engage parent or maybe family members in physical activity, for

instance, by providing youth physical activity homework' which may be carried out

along with the parent's viz., family walks after supper or even playing in the park

(Armour et al., 2013).

2.7 Providing leisure activities

Institutions should concentrate on implementation of physical activity program

which facilitate making enjoyable participation to other youth in physical activity

program which supplies the youth with a set of ideas for active games as well as

activities and also the skills as well as fitness to enjoy them to be able to decrease the

stress, anxiety, drug abuses as well as obesity.

Marketing the Social Values among Youth Physical education & sports play a crucial

role to promote social values with the youth. Additionally, physical education is

actually viewed as a school subject, which facilitate to put together the youth for a

great way of life and concentrates on the general physical of theirs as well as

psychological growth, along with imparting very important social values with the

youth like fairness, self-discipline, solidarity, team spirit, fair play, and tolerance

(Kumar, 2017).

2.8 Lifestyle Development

Physical inactivity has been labeled as a significant risk factor for coronary

heart disorders, along with being connected with premature mortality and obesity. It's

not surprising, then, which PES programs - several of the several chances to promote

physical tasks amongst all kids - have been recommended as a cost effective method

to affect the coming generation of adults to guide physically active lives. The

14 | P a g e
mechanisms by which energetic adolescents start to be proactive parents are not clear.

Nevertheless, research suggests that a selection of elements help the establishment of

physical activity included in leading a healthy lifestyle. There's a bit of research that

health-related actions learned in childhood tend to be maintained into adulthood. The

extent to which physical activity patterns are actually maintained over time is much

less clear. The Amsterdam Growth Study didn't find evidence of tracking of physical

activity from thirteen as well as twenty-seven years. Some other studies, nonetheless,

have discovered that youth activity carries on into later life. An evaluation of

longitudinal and retrospective studies found that physical activity as well as sports

involvement in childhood as well as youth belongs to a tremendous predictor of

eventually undertaking. Surprisingly, studies also show just how really inactivity in

youth path to adulthood, therefore exclusion from PES could be related to a legacy of

inactivity and related ill health in the years to come (Alexandr, Sergij & Olena, 2016).

2.9 Affective Development

There's currently pretty consistent proof that consistent exercise is able to have

a beneficial impact in the mental well-being of younger people as well as kids, though

the underlying mechanisms for detailing these consequences continue to be not clear.

The research is especially powerful with respect to children's self-esteem. Some other

associations with a consistent activity that have been reported include decreased

depression, anxiety, and stress. These lend support to the claim that well planned and

presented PES is able to add to the improvement of mental health in people that are

young. One particularly pertinent set of findings, in this regard, relates to the

improvement of perceived physical competence (Alexandr, Sergij & Olena, 2016).

2.10 Physical Development

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The physical health advantages of regular physical activity are well developed.

Regular participation in pursuits that are these kinds of is actually related to a better

and longer quality of life, reduced threat of an assortment of diseases, and lots of

mental as well as psychological benefits. There's additionally a big body of literature

showing that inactivity is actually among the most significant reasons for death,

disability, and diminished quality of life throughout the evolved planet. Research is

actually beginning to look suggesting a favorable connection between physical

activities as well as a multitude of elements impacting children's physical health, such

as diabetes, blood pressure, bone health, and obesity (Alexandr, Sergij & Olena,


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3.1 Research Design

Quantitative and descriptive research design and survey method were used to

administer questionnaires among respondents for the sake of data collection. The data

were collected from male and female students of degree colleges of Dera Ismail Khan

by using valid and reliable research instrument.

3.2 Population of Study

Population of the study was mainly comprised of all the male and students of

government degree colleges of district Dera Ismail Khan.

3.3 Sample

The sample of the study was consisted of 180 male and 180 students of

government degree colleges of district Dera Ismail Khan.

3.4 Sampling

The sample of the study was consisted of 360 male and female students of

degree colleges of district Dera Ismail Khan. Therefore, these students were taken by

using Simple random sampling technique.

3.5 Questionnaire

A five point Likert scale questionnaire was used for this particular study because

it is one of the simple method of data collection. The research instrument was consisted

of two parts. First parts of the tool covers demographic information of the respondents

whereas second part of the research instrument comprises of items related to needs and

importance of physical education and sports. The instrument was based on five options

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from strongly agree to strongly disagree (5-1).

Likert Scale Questionnaire

S.No Options Weight

1. Strongly Disagree 1

2. Disagree 2

3. Undecided 3

4. Agree 4

5. Strongly Agree 5

3.6 Data Collection

Research personally visited to government degree colleges of district D.I.Khan

for the sake of maximum data collection. The primary data of the study was collected

with the help of valid and reliable research instrument. The data from female colleges

was collected with the help of female relatives by guiding them properly. Similarly,

secondary data of the study was gathered from past studies, books, internet websites

and research articles.

3.7 Statistical Analysis

Gathered data was analyzed through simple percentage and independent

sample t-test by entering the data in SPSS matrix.

18 | P a g e
Table 4.1

Being strong physical education and sport is important to me

Item Gender SDA DA UD A SA Mean

Being strong physical Male 2 8 7 126 37

education and sport is 4.04
Female 2 15 9 100 54
important to me

140 126




20 8 7 9
2 2

The above table and graph indicates that both male (163) and female (154) students

favored that being strong physical education and sport is important to me


19 | P a g e
Table 4.2

Physical education and sport make physical development in individual of society

Item Gender SDA DA UD A SA Mean

Physical education and Male 6 7 12 102 53

sport make physical
development in Female 3 9 4 112 52
individual of society




60 53 52


20 12
7 9
6 4


The above table and graph indicates that majority of male (155) and female (164)

students favored that physical education and sport make physical development in

individual of society (Mean=4.10)

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21 | P a g e
Table 4.3

I feel contented after physical activity

Item Gender SDA DA UD A SA Mean

I feel contented after Male 12 15 7 6 140

physical activity Female 3 20 13 2 142


140 142





15 13
20 12
7 6
3 2

The above table and graph indicates that majority of male (146) and female (142)

students favored that I feel contented after physical activity (Mean=4.40).

22 | P a g e
Table 4.4

To stay physical active the physical education and sport is important in society

Item Gender SDA DA UD A SA Mean

To stay physical active Male 4 6 2 121 47

the physical education
and sport is important in Female 2 9 7 120 42


121 120




9 7
4 6
2 2


The above table and graph indicates that majority of male (168) and female (162)

students favored that to stay physical active the physical education and sport is

important in society (Mean=4.08).

23 | P a g e
Table 4.5

Physical activity is an important priority in my life

Item Gender SDA DA UD A SA Mean

Physical activity is an Male 6 4 11 44 115

important priority in my 4.48
Female 1 9 5 41 124


120 115




20 11
6 4 5

The above table and graph indicates that majority of male (159) and female (165)

students favored that physical activity is an important priority in my life (Mean=4.48).

24 | P a g e
Table 4.6

Physical education is an important subject in college curriculum

Item Gender SDA DA UD A SA Mean

Physical education is an Male 2 8 7 126 37

important subject in 4.04
Female 2 15 9 100 54
college curriculum





60 54


8 7 9
2 2

The above table and graph indicates that majority of male (163) and female (154)

students favored that physical education is an important subject in college curriculum


25 | P a g e
Table 4.7

Involvement in physical activity is more beneficial to one’s social development

compared to involvement in other activities

Item Gender SDA DA UD A SA Mean

Involvement in physical Male 0 6 7 74 93

activity is more beneficial

to one’s social
development compared to Female 1 15 11 96 57
involvement in other


100 96

80 74




35 37


6 7
0 1

The above table and graph indicates that majority of male (167) and female (153)

students favored that involvement in physical activity is more beneficial to one’s

social development compared to involvement in other activities (Mean=4.07).

26 | P a g e
Table 4.8

Physical Education should be offered at all levels of education

Item Gender SDA DA UD A SA Mean

Physical Education Male 5 3 4 25 143

should be offered at all 4.67
Female 3 5 2 33 137
levels of education










The above table and graph indicates that majority of male (168) and female (170)

students favored that physical Education should be offered at all levels of education


27 | P a g e
Table 4.9

Physical education is as important as other subjects

Item Gender SDA DA UD A SA Mean

Physical education is as Male 0 0 0 75 105

important as other 4.46
Female 0 0 0 119 61




80 75




0 0 0 0 0 0

The above table and graph indicates that all male (180) and female (180) students

favored that physical education is as important as other subjects (Mean=4.56).

28 | P a g e
Table 4.10

Physical Education should be made a necessary and compulsory subject for

students in primary schools

Item Gender SDA DA UD A SA Mean

Physical Education Male 2 8 7 126 37

should be made a

necessary and
compulsory subject for Female 2 15 9 100 54
students in primary





60 54


20 8 9
2 2

The above table and graph indicates that majority of male (163) and female (154)

students favored that physical education should be made a necessary and compulsory

subject for students in primary schools (Mean=4.04).

29 | P a g e
Table 4.11

Physical activity is an important contributor in alleviating my daily stress

Item Gender SDA DA UD A SA Mean

Physical activity is an Male 0 0 0 139 41

important contributor in
alleviating my daily Female 0 0 0 142 38






60 51


0 0 0 0 0 0

The above table and graph indicates that all of male (180) and female (180) students

favored that physical activity is an important contributor in alleviating my daily stress


30 | P a g e
Table 4.12

Sport is an important for children of our society

Item Gender SDA DA UD A SA Mean

Sport is an important for Male 12 15 7 6 140

children of our society Female 3 20 13 2 142


140 142





12 15 13
7 6
3 2

The above table and graph indicates that majority of male (146) and female (142)

students favored that sport is an important for children of our society (Mean=4.40).

31 | P a g e
Table 4.13

Lifelong healthy living is directly related to one’s physical activity level

item Gender SDA DA UD A SA Mean

Lifelong healthy living is Male 4 6 2 122 46

directly related to one’s 4.08
Female 2 9 7 119 43
physical activity level







9 7
4 6
2 2


The above table and graph indicates that majority of male (168) and female (162)

students favored that lifelong healthy living is directly related to one’s physical

activity level (Mean=4.08).

32 | P a g e
Table 4.14

An active person is more mentally alert compared to those who are less active

Item Gender SDA DA UD A SA Mean

An active person is more Male 0 6 8 134 32

mentally alert compared
to those who are less Female 2 4 0 134 40

140 134 134





40 32

6 8
2 4
0 0

The above table and graph indicates that majority of male (166) and female (174)

students favored that an active person is more mentally alert compared to those who

are less active (Mean=4.10).

33 | P a g e
Table 4.15

Exercising the correct way enables one to acquire good posture and build

throughout one’s life

Item Gender SDA DA UD A SA Mean

Exercising the correct Male 1 5 9 40 125

way enables one to

acquire good posture and 4.56

Female 6 6 4 31 133
build throughout one’s


140 133





40 31

6 5 6 4

The above table and graph indicates that majority of male (165) and female (161)

students favored that exercising the correct way enables one to acquire good posture

and build throughout one’s life (Mean=4.56).

34 | P a g e
Table 4.16

A healthy lifestyle is necessary to keep our physical and mental states

functioning at their optimum

Item Gender SDA DA UD A SA Mean

A healthy lifestyle is Male 1 7 8 135 29

necessary to keep our

physical and mental 4.05

Female 1 1 1 154 23
states functioning at their


160 154

140 135





40 29
20 7 8
1 1 1 1

The above table and graph indicates that majority of male (164) and female (177)

students favored that a healthy lifestyle is necessary to keep our physical and mental

states functioning at their optimum (Mean=4.05).

35 | P a g e
Table 4.17

Exercising is the best way to ensure one looks young and vibrant

Item Gender SDA DA UD A SA Mean

Exercising is the best Male 3 5 0 142 30

way to ensure one looks 4.09
Female 1 3 2 141 33
young and vibrant


142 141





40 33

3 5 3
1 0 2


The above table and graph indicates that majority of male (172) and female (173)

students favored that exercising is the best way to ensure one looks young and vibrant


36 | P a g e
Table 4.18

Most adults gain sufficient exercise from their daily activities

Item Gender SDA DA UD A SA Mean

Most adults gain Male 5 7 9 17 142

sufficient exercise from 4.59
Female 2 12 13 11 142
their daily activities







20 12 11
7 9 7


The above table and graph indicates that majority of male (159) and female (142)

students favored that most adults gain sufficient exercise from their daily activities


37 | P a g e
Table 4.19

A healthy lifestyle requires participation in physical activity regardless of gender

and ethnic background

Item Gender SDA DA UD A SA Mean

A healthy lifestyle Male 4 6 2 139 29

requires participation in

physical activity 4.08

Female 2 9 7 120 42
regardless of gender and

ethnic background





40 29

20 9
4 6 7
2 2

The above table and graph indicates that majority of male (158) and female (162)

students favored that a healthy lifestyle requires participation in physical activity

regardless of gender and ethnic background (Mean=4.08).

38 | P a g e
Table 4.20

There is a scientific basis for the benefits of carrying out physical activity

Item Gender SDA DA UD A SA Mean

There is a scientific basis Male 6 4 11 56 103

for the benefits of
carrying out physical Female 1 9 5 124 41







20 11
6 4 5

The above table and graph indicates that majority of male (159) and female (165)

students favored that there is a scientific basis for the benefits of carrying out physical

activity (Mean=4.48).

39 | P a g e
Table 4.21

Gender N Mean S.Std t-value P-Value

Male 180 4.0807 .20048

1.482 .141
Female 180 4.0163 .23885

Perception difference of male and female students regarding need and

importance of physical education and sports in our society.

The above table indicates that that there is no significant difference between the views

of male and female students regarding importance of physical education and sports in

our society. Here P. value is .141 which is greater than .05 which shows that there is

no significant difference between the views of male and female students. Both male

and female students agreed that the physical education and sports are important

aspects in our society.

40 | P a g e
5.1 Summary
The aim of the study was Perception of Students about Needs and Importance

of Physical Education and Sports in Our Society. The main objective of the study was

to compare the views of male and female about need and importance of physical

education and sports. The Study was delimited to male and female students of degree

colleges of district Dera Ismail Khan. Quantitative and descriptive research design

and survey method were used to administer questionnaires among respondents for the

sake of data collection. The data were collected from male and female students of

degree colleges of Dera Ismail Khan by using valid and reliable research instrument.

Quantitative and descriptive research design and survey method were used to

administer questionnaires among respondents for the sake of data collection. The data

were collected from male and female students of degree colleges of Dera Ismail Khan

by using valid and reliable research instrument. Population of the study was mainly

comprised of all the male and students of government degree colleges of district Dera

Ismail Khan. The sample of the study was consisted of 180 male and 180 students of

government degree colleges of district Dera Ismail Khan. The sample of the study was

consisted of 360 male and female students of degree colleges of district Dera Ismail

Khan. Therefore, these students were taken by using Simple random sampling

technique. A five point Likert scale questionnaire was used for this particular study

because it is one of the simple method of data collection. The research instrument was

consisted of two parts. First parts of the tool covers demographic information of the

respondents whereas second part of the research instrument comprises of items related

41 | P a g e
to needs and importance of physical education and sports. The instrument was based

on five options from strongly agree to strongly disagree (5-1). Research personally

visited to government degree colleges of district D.I.Khan for the sake of maximum

data collection. The primary data of the study was collected with the help of valid and

reliable research instrument. The data from female colleges was collected with the

help of female relatives by guiding them properly. Similarly, secondary data of the

study was gathered from past studies, books, internet websites and research articles.

Gathered data was analyzed through simple percentage and independent sample t-test

by entering the data in SPSS matrix. It was also concluded that no significant

difference was found between the perceptions of male and female students about need

and importance of physical education and sports in our society. Both the gender

believed that physical education and sports play an important role for physical and

overall development of individuals in our society.

5.2 Findings
Findings of the study were:
1) The result indicates that both male (163) and female (154) students favored

that being strong physical education and sport is important to me


2) The result indicates that majority of male (155) and female (164) students

favored that physical education and sport make physical development in

individual of society (Mean=4.10)

3) The result indicates that majority of male (146) and female (142) students

favored that I feel contented after physical activity (Mean=4.40).

42 | P a g e
4) The result indicates that majority of male (168) and female (162) students

favored that to stay physical active the physical education and sport is

important in society (Mean=4.08).

5) The result indicates that majority of male (159) and female (165) students

favored that physical activity is an important priority in my life (Mean=4.48).

6) The result indicates that majority of male (163) and female (154) students

favored that physical education is an important subject in college curriculum


7) The result indicates that majority of male (167) and female (153) students

favored that involvement in physical activity is more beneficial to one’s social

development compared to involvement in other activities (Mean=4.07).

8) The result indicates that majority of male (168) and female (170) students

favored that physical Education should be offered at all levels of education


9) The result indicates that all male (180) and female (180) students favored that

physical education is as important as other subjects (Mean=4.56).

10) The result indicates that majority of male (163) and female (154) students

favored that physical education should be made a necessary and compulsory

subject for students in primary schools (Mean=4.04).

11) The result indicates that all of male (180) and female (180) students favored

that physical activity is an important contributor in alleviating my daily stress


12) The result indicates that majority of male (146) and female (142) students

favored that sport is an important for children of our society (Mean=4.40).

43 | P a g e
13) The result indicates that majority of male (168) and female (162) students

favored that lifelong healthy living is directly related to one’s physical activity

level (Mean=4.08).

14) The result indicates that majority of male (166) and female (174) students

favored that an active person is more mentally alert compared to those who are

less active (Mean=4.10).

15) The result indicates that majority of male (165) and female (161) students

favored that exercising the correct way enables one to acquire good posture

and build throughout one’s life (Mean=4.56).

16) The result indicates that majority of male (164) and female (177) students

favored that a healthy lifestyle is necessary to keep our physical and mental

states functioning at their optimum (Mean=4.05).

17) The result indicates that majority of male (172) and female (173) students

favored that exercising is the best way to ensure one looks young and vibrant


18) The result indicates that majority of male (159) and female (142) students

favored that most adults gain sufficient exercise from their daily activities


19) The result indicates that majority of male (158) and female (162) students

favored that a healthy lifestyle requires participation in physical activity

regardless of gender and ethnic background (Mean=4.08).

20) The result indicates that majority of male (159) and female (165) students

favored that there is a scientific basis for the benefits of carrying out physical

activity (Mean=4.48).

44 | P a g e
21) The result indicates that that there is no significant difference between the

views of male and female students regarding importance of physical education

and sports in our society. Here P. value is .141 which is greater than .05 which

shows that there is no significant difference between the views of male and

female students. Both male and female students agreed that the physical

education and sports are important aspects in our society.

5.3 Conclusion
it was concluded that both male and female students were agreed that being

strong physical education and sport is important to me, physical education and sport

make physical development in individual of society, I feel contented after physical

activity, to stay physical active the physical education and sport is important in

society, physical activity is an important priority in my life, physical education is an

important subject in college curriculum, involvement in physical activity is more

beneficial to one’s social development compared to involvement in other activities,

physical Education should be offered at all levels of education, physical education is

as important as other subjects, physical education should be made a necessary and

compulsory subject for students in primary schools, physical activity is an important

contributor in alleviating my daily stress, sport is an important for children of our

society, lifelong healthy living is directly related to one’s physical activity level, an

active person is more mentally alert compared to those who are less active, exercising

the correct way enables one to acquire good posture and build throughout one’s life, a

healthy lifestyle is necessary to keep our physical and mental states functioning at

their optimum, exercising is the best way to ensure one looks young and vibrant, most

adults gain sufficient exercise from their daily activities, a healthy lifestyle requires

45 | P a g e
participation in physical activity regardless of gender and ethnic background and there

is a scientific basis for the benefits of carrying out physical activity.

It was also concluded that no significant difference was found between the

perceptions of male and female students about need and importance of physical

education and sports in our society. Both the gender believed that physical education

and sports play an important role for physical and overall development of individuals

in our society.

5.4 Recommendations
 A comprehensive strategy has to be devised so that sedentary behavior could

be decreased in young people and young generation could be stimulated to

participate more in physical activities and stop doing minimum physical

activity and bring positive and healthy change in their life styles which will

eventually help a lot to fight against the obesity epidemic. In this process

parents would have to perform a pivotal role by becoming role models for

children by changing their life styles because children follow their parents in

all spheres of life.

 Schools and other educational institutions should come forward and start

intervention programs and should invite experts and consultants to teach

children about healthy eating habits and physical activities.

5.5 Suggestions
 The current study was delimited to male and female colleges of district Dera

Ismail Khan. The future researchers may be conducted the same study in other

districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

 The future researchers may be replicated the same study at school and

university level in KP for broader generalization of results.

46 | P a g e
 The same study may be replicated in other provinces of the country.

 The study may be replicated to see the impact of physical activities on

students’ physical and mental health.

 The other researchers may be carried out the study by taking other

stakeholders i.e. parents, sports man, principals etc.

 The future researchers may be replicated the study by taking the interviews of

stakeholders about benefits of physical activities and sports among youth.

 The same study may be conducted by taking some other variables like, self-

confidence, self-esteem, self-efficacy, mental development and physical


 The current study was carried out in the form of quantitative therefore future

researchers may be carried out the same study by using mixed method

approach across the country.

47 | P a g e

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51 | P a g e





Gender Male Female


Please Tick the best one of the following

5 Strongly Agree
4 Agree
3 Undecided
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree
S.No Statements 5 4 3 2 1

1 Being strong physical education and sport

is important to me

2 Physical education and sport make physical

development in individual of society

3 I feel contented after physical activity

4 To stay physical active the physical

education and sport is important in society

5 Physical activity is an important priority in

52 | P a g e
my life

6 Physical education is an important subject

in college curriculum

7 Involvement in physical activity is more

beneficial to one’s social development

compared to involvement in other activities

8 Physical Education should be offered at all

levels of education

9 Physical education is as important as other


10 Physical Education should be made a

necessary and compulsory subject for

students in primary schools

11 Physical activity is an important

contributor in alleviating my daily stress

12 Sport is an important for children of our


13 Lifelong healthy living is directly related to

one’s physical activity level

14 An active person is more mentally alert

compared to those who are less active

15 Exercising the correct way enables one to

acquire good posture and build throughout

one’s life

16 A healthy lifestyle is necessary to keep our

53 | P a g e
physical and mental states functioning at

their optimum

17 Exercising is the best way to ensure one

looks young and vibrant

18 Most adults gain sufficient exercise from

their daily activities

19 A healthy lifestyle requires participation in

physical activity regardless of gender and

ethnic background

20 There is a scientific basis for the benefits

of carrying out physical activity

54 | P a g e

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