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Opinion – a belief expressed by a person.

Opinion Marking Signals – are usually found in the first part of a

sentence expressing a personal point of view with one’s perspective
and style that talks about a situation, idea, person, event or topic.
Types of Opinion-Marking Signals:
1. Expressing Personal Opinion
Signal words:
a. In my experience…
b. As far as I’m concerned…
c. I believe that…
d. I’d like to point out that…
Example sentences:
a. In my experience, books are better sources of ideas.
b. As far as I’m concerned, we should stay at home when we have
nothing to do outside to avoid getting exposed to corona virus.
c. I believe that empowering the youth is through social media
because most of them are using it as part of their daily routine.
d. I’d like to point out that we must follow the health protocols
implemented by the government to make their work easier.
2. Expressing General Opinion
Signal words:
a. Some people say that…
b. It is generally accepted that…
c. Many people say that…
Example sentences:
a. Some people say that women should stay at home to manage
the household very well.
b. It is generally accepted that we are now in the new normal way
of living due to the pandemic crisis.
c. Many people say that it is better to have a vaccine before we
freely go outside and be back to old ways.
3. Responding to Opinion (Agree vs. Disagree)
Signal words (Agreeing to an opinion)
a. Of course
b. You’re right
c. Yes, I agree
d. That’s a good point
e. Exactly!
f. That’s true!
g. I’d go along with that.
Signal words (Disagreeing to an opinion)
a. I don’t agree with you.
b. I’m sorry to disagree with you.
c. Yes, but do you think…
d. I’m not so sure about that.
e. That’s not the same thing.
Multimodal Texts
It is an instructional resource that incorporates various modes of
communication such as print or texts, audio, illustration, graphics,
storybooks, use of color and design. It is a combination of two or
more semiotic systems.
1. Linguistic: It comprises aspects such as vocabulary, generic
structure and the grammar of oral and written language.
2. Visual: It comprises aspects such as color, vectors and viewpoint
in still and moving images.
3. Audio: It comprises aspects such as volume, pitch and rhythm of
music and sound effects.
4. Gestural: It comprises aspects such as movement, speed and
stillness in facial expression and body language.
5. Spatial: It comprises aspects such as proximity, direction,
position of layout and organization of objects in space.

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