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New León

Student: Fernando Jair Almaguer Tovar

Registration: 1972091

Teacher: Mónica González Moreno

Introduction.................................................................. 4
Brand and brand details............................................................................. 5
Compliance…………………………………………………… …… 5
Marketing............................................................... 6
Sketch........................................................................ 7
Company body.................................................................................................. 7
Table of employees......................................................................................... 8
Social networks...................................................................................... 9
Market to which the company is directed........................ ...... 9
Legal issues...................................................................................................... 13
Legal Solutions........................................................................................ 14
Conclusion............................................................... 16
Bibliographic references............................................. 18

As students of the maximum

house of studies in
conjunction with our faculty
Main mission is to create a
company of high recognition
and as mentioned by our
distinguished faculty, create a
company of quality and
international prestige to face
environment with a sense of
inclusive social responsibility.
Our main vision is governed by
national and international
prestige where each of our
collaborators is responsible
for the
promotion of innovation,
transforming knowledge and
encouraging entrepreneurship
improvement of our products,
creating with social
responsibility and human
sense all
and each of our days for
activities of the day.
Some of our values that
govern our institution are key
to the development of our
mark, respecting the plurality
of thought and tolerance that
must be maintained among
On the other hand, the
priority values are those
related to science,
professionalism and
civics for the production and
dissemination of knowledge.
The main values we can
find are:
1. Responsibility: positive
characteristic of people able
to commit and
act correctly.
2. Ethical behavior: it must
have as a premise that
everything we do as it is
mentions our institution must
manifest the positioning and
compliance of the
principles and values that
regulate the activities of
occupations and the world of
3. Justice: properly manage
the distribution and equal
opportunities for a
dignified and just life.
4. Equality: refers to the
condition or circumstance of
having the same nature,
quality, value or form.
5. Truth: The Discovery of
What Truth Is
As students of the highest house of studies in conjunction with the faculty our
main mission is to create a company of high recognition and as mentioned by
our distinguished faculty, to create a company of quality and international
prestige to face the environment with a sense of inclusive social responsibility.
Our main vision is governed by the national and international prestige where
each of our collaborators is responsible for the promotion of innovation,
transforming knowledge and promoting entrepreneurship and improvement of
our products, creating with social responsibility and human sense each and
every one of our days for activities of the day.
Some of our values that govern our institution are key to the development of
our brand, respecting the plurality of thought and tolerance that must be
maintained among all. On the other hand, the priority values are those related
to science, professionalism and civics for the production and dissemination of
knowledge. The main values that we can find are:
1. Responsibility: positive characteristic of people able to commit and
act correctly.
2. Ethical behavior: it must have as a premise that everything we do as it is
mentions our institution must manifest the positioning and compliance of the
principles and values that regulate the activities of occupations and the world
3. Justice: properly manage the distribution and equal opportunities for a
dignified and just life.
4. Equality: refers to the condition or circumstance of having the same nature,
quality, value or form.
5. Truth: the discovery of what truth is.
1. Responsibility: positive characteristic of people able to commit and act
2. Ethical behavior: it must have as a premise that everything we do as
mentioned by our institution must manifest the positioning and compliance
with the principles and values that regulate the activities of occupations and
the world of work.
3. Justice: properly manage the distribution and equality of opportunities for a
dignified and just life.
4. Equality: refers to the condition or circumstance of having the same nature,
quantity, quality, value or form.
5. Truth: the discovery of what truth is.

Each of these values, mission, vision and ethical activities are fundamental in
the operational development of our company and our school, existing in order
to improve as professionals and citizens.
Among what we will observe and analyze in the following report are concepts
such as:
Brand, is the social identifier of the goods and services offered by a company
and differentiates it from the competition.
Compliance, or Corporate Compliance is a set of procedures and good
practices adopted by organizations to identify and classify the operational and
legal risks they face and establish internal mechanisms for prevention,
management, control and reaction to them.
Budget, in economics, refers to the amount of money that is needed to meet a
certain number of expenses necessary to undertake a project. In this way, it
can be defined as an anticipated figure that estimates the cost that will entail
the realization of this objective.
Marketing, is a concept used to mean the set of activities and processes
carried out, to fortify and improve the positioning of companies in their
respective markets.
Organizational chart, is the graphic representation of the organizational
structure and human capital of an organization, which shows the reporting line
of all positions and employees, as well as the relationship between the
different departments. Its objective is to give clarity to all employees so that
they have a clear picture of the current structure of the organization, allowing
to identify their role within it and detecting the strengths or areas of
Social networks, which are digital platforms formed by communities of
individuals with common interests, activities or relationships (such as
friendship, kinship, work). Social networks allow contact between people and
function as a means to communicate and exchange information.

Next, I am going to present all the topics that until now I have mentioned in
this my Learning Integrator Product.
Brand and details of my brand
Brand: "Fercho's" Buffet restaurant where customers decide what to eat
Company name: Fercho's S.A., this because I am looking for partners
Slogan: "The customer is not always right"

1. Creation of the team: Find experts in the field who can make this an
effective compliance that protects us from possible future sanctions.
2. Risk analysis: We must investigate the risks we face as an organization
and the crimes to which we could be exposed, which we consider to be
fraud through the website that can be impersonated by us.
3. Definition of protocols: In case there is any inconvenience in the food
people to present evidence and simply complain to the waiters so that if
in any case that happens they will return their money
4. Elaboration of a code of ethics: The values of our organization are
responsibility, ethical behavior, justice, equity and honesty, among the
partners and employees must maintain an environment of respect and
harmony, as well as always have a good deal with customers.
5. Establishment of a disciplinary regime: Sanctions should be applied
depending on the severity of the person if they get sick and with the
6. Implementation of an internal complaints channel: Customers will have
a section in which people can either complain or have suggestions
towards the restaurant.
7. Development of training programs: Each employee must know each of
these standards
8. Audit and follow-up: Carry out checks of the restaurant from time to
time to detect errors and if possible fix it as soon as possible.
9. Plan certification: It is best to go to an authorized external company for
the certification of the accomplice's plan.

Budget for creation

The budget to start the restaurant is 500,000 since we must take into account
that it will be a rented place in a key place as in some square, there are about
30,000 rent per month. The suppliers would be about 50,000 because as it will
be buffet they will be more things and more expensive.

My marketing is mainly based on social networks such as tik tok, Instagram,
Facebook, etc. You could also rent large posters in key points of the city. But
since at present there are more social networks and free (unless you want the
same application to promote them) it would be better, since you can save a lot
of money.

Sketch the business location:

Create the organization chart of your company:

Organisation chart


Purchasing Sales Human Resources

address Management Management

Generate a table of employees with positions, with positions, functions and


Guarantee the efficiency,

productivity and overall
Directorate- $0
1 General
performance of said
company, ensuring the
proper functioning of this.

2 Branch Manager It is $4000

for the
search for
the best
for the
and orders
He is responsible for
finding the best supplies
and suppliers for the
company, manages
authorized purchase
requisitions and exchange
Person in charge of
Sales Manager
3 supervising and directing
the activities of the

People in charge of making

4 Cooks
the food for the customers.

Manage activities such as

5 Resources
job design, recruitment,
employee relations,
Manager performance management,
training and development,
and talent management.

Example of social network

Justify the use of selected social networks

Digital or social media

advertising is a great way to
new active customers on
social networks, because we
can offer promotional content
diversify through some apps
and websites. This type of
advertising is targeted,
which means we can reach
our target market more
directly (in our
case, men and women from
22 to 40 years old who have
an interest in style tools,
adaptability and/or work
environment) and some
potential clients, providing us
with various data,
such as: demographics,
customer interests and habits
of the people who see and
interact with our ads, which
generates more sales revenue.
Digital or social media advertising is a great way to gain new active customers
on social media, because we can offer promotional content by diversifying
through some apps and websites. This type of advertising is targeted, which
means that we can reach our target market more directly and some potential
customers, giving us various data, such as: demographic data, customer
interests and habits of the people who see and interact with our ads, which
generates more sales revenue.
The way we want to attract more people or potential customers (through
social media) is through where we want to reach them. What is desired is that
the people who are also connected with us so that also through the page they
can send us suggestions of the place, it is also desired that they can click on our
profile, and they can choose what they want to eat that day and go to our
establishment and go to eat something that they could see on our page and
they wanted to go and go with all the desire of the world to eat with us and
take one of the best experiences you can or have had in some other buffet.
We chose Instagram since it is currently one of the largest social networks in
the world, and is mostly used by young people, and young people themselves
can help us to keep our establishment growing since it is easier to share our
social network, since right there they can see what we sell and they can
communicate to more people in our place simply by sharing the link of our
page that they will send directly to our Instagram and location within the same
Instagram page.

Justify the market your company is targeting:

All audiences of all ages, Nuevo León

Define the problem:

Within the city of Nuevo Leon there are many buffets that people can go to
without any problem, but no buffet is as good as ours. Since most of those
establishments have many hygiene problems in their food.
We guarantee that the food will be 100% healthy without any problem of
animals inside the food or simply locally.
What also differentiates us from other buffets is that the food we have left
over will be reused for homeless people and animals (dogs, cats) who have
something to eat.
Analyzing the situation: The city of Nuevo León is one of the most important
cities in all of Mexico, it is the second city that contributes the most money to
the country every year (GDP). This year Nuevo León has surpassed Mexico City
(the capital of Mexico) with more foreign investment throughout the year and
Nuevo León became thanks to that the first city with more foreign investment
in the country and with greater growth in job creation with more than 70,000
new jobs, again surpassing Mexico City and becoming the first place both in
foreign investment and in job creation throughout the country.
This only shows that Nuevo León is one of the cities in which you can invest,
since apart from being the number one in job creation and foreign investment,
it has one of the richest municipalities in all of Latin America and it would not
be so complicated to find partners interested in investing in a business as
promising as ours, taking into account that the point where it is located is a
great point to invest since it is in view of almost everything, since the place is
located in a place where many people
pass, since it is located in Santa Catarina
towards saltillo, place where thousands of
people pass per day and it is easy to locate
and see the place from a considerable
point away in the one you can see the sign
where we are located.
Get specific data of the problem: I did a small survey in the faculty of public
accounting and administration (FACPYA) of if they bought in our buffet
establishment and 60% of people said that if they would do it since the idea of
reusing the food that remains or envelope and give them to people and
animals that are homeless have something to eat every day. The rest of the
people did not want to since they are somewhat far from the place, but if it
were not for that they would do it without any problem.

Interpreting data: Analyzing the data, and reviewing the surveys, I realized
that I didn't put the buffet prices in the same survey.
The buffet is a bit pricey as all the ingredients are of high quality and will be
100% safe and certified with which they are high quality products.

Solving the problem: With our establishment "fercho's" all workers, we can
ensure and guarantee the quality that New Yorkers deserve as they are and we
deserve to be treated, with the best quality of a great buffet, and that is what
we are 100% sure of.
Explains 7 legal problems that usually have the businesses of the turn you

1. Sanctions by the authorities: One of the main authorities with which

companies have legal and tax problems are the administrative authorities.
These problems can range from a penalty for non-payment of contributions,
audits in which the taxpayer does not even have the basic information to
present it properly or even more extreme cases such as court orders that force
you to liquidate your company.

2. Supplier non-compliance: When we plan our business, one of the first

actions is to find the right suppliers. As for this, it is common that we face
problems with suppliers, for example, that they do not deliver their product or
service or that they do not do it on time, or that it is of a different quality and
quantity than those agreed.

3. Customer complaints: During the execution of your business activities it may

be the case that one of your customers is dissatisfied with the product or
service received.

4. Customer default: Customer default can cripple your business, by not having
the cash flow needed to continue your activities.

5. Workers' demands: The worker can initiate a labor lawsuit against his boss
for any type of breach of the provisions of the employment contract. From a
labor lawsuit for unjustified dismissal, for non-payment of wages or lack of
tasks, to a labor lawsuit for harassment or discrimination, among other issues.

6. Tax fines: It is an economic sanction, provided for in the law, imposed by the
tax authorities on taxpayers when they do not voluntarily or spontaneously
comply with their tax obligations or for complying with them incorrectly.

7. Problems related to the use of trademarks and patents: The trademark is the
set of visible signs that distinguish your products or services from others of the
same species, while the patent is the registration that is made of your
inventions with industrial application. In this case, you could face other
companies trying to use your brand or inventions illegally.
It explains 7 possible legal solutions that can help solve these problems.

1. Sanctions by the authorities: In this sense, it is essential to take into

account these obligations at all times, not only when there is already a
problem. A very good practice, in order to avoid this type of situation, is
the correct design of a tax strategy by the hand of your lawyers and
accountants that fully adapts to your business and that the
corresponding obligations are perfectly attended and organized. The
knowledge of the tax obligations of your company is a topic that must be
taken very delicately and give it the relevance it deserves, remember
that any time you do not know how to comply with them, advising with
experts, whether internal or external, is the best option.
2. Non-compliance of suppliers: Due to situations such as those mentioned
above, it is important to sign a contract prepared by a specialist, in
which the characteristics of the product or service are detailed, in order
that you have a clear basis to be able to claim compliance or even sue.
3. Customer complaints: Due to the possible dissatisfaction of customers, it
is best to close your relationship with the client through a contract. The
need to make a contract with customers depends on the turn of our
business: it is not required to sell a salad, but it is indispensable if your
product has a high cost, as ours can be considered.
4. Non-payment of customers: To prevent non-compliance of your
customers you must perform two actions: analyze if your client is worthy
of credit and draw up a contract. If, despite this, the client does not pay
you, you must make the judicial or extrajudicial collection. It should be
noted that the success of a lawsuit will depend on the elaboration of the
appropriate contract.
5. Workers' demands: The search for employees should be carried out by
people who can determine the characteristics of the position, however,
when hiring them, this should be a task of your lawyer, because the way
it is done can save you a lot of time and money in case of labor lawsuits.
In this way, labor management (hiring, dismissals and lawsuits) must be
carried out by a lawyer for companies. It can depend on you ending an
employment relationship without responsibility for your company or
that you do it by paying a lot of money.
6. Tax penalties: Your company's tax strategy should be designed by your
accountant, with the participation of your lawyer. The coordination
between the two can avoid being fined, for example, for not filing your
tax returns, not registering your tax obligations or your tax domicile.
7. Problems related to the use of trademarks and patents: If you carry out
the respective demarcation and patent registrations, you could avoid
future problems in this area. To formalize the procedure you must go to
the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI), which is the public
body in charge of administering the intellectual property system in
Thanks to this activity (Learning Integrative Product) I was able to know how
difficult it is to start doing a company, restaurant as in this case.
Thanks to this Integrative Learning Product, we were able to acquire
knowledge related to everything that includes creating a company under the
perspective of the legal framework, this we mean that it complies with a
certain set of legal standards, as we saw it previously, compliance, which is a
set of procedures and good practices adopted by organizations to identify and
classify the operational and legal risks they face and establish mechanisms
Internal prevention, in this same aims to establish the principles and general
bases, because of this, we can see that our company adopted various of these
measures, in accordance with the provisions of the legal framework of
To protect ourselves legally against any situation, in addition, we observed as
we progressed, that various fundamental concepts were used when forming a
company, such as: the brand, the details of it, the logo that we will use, the
company name, the slogan, so that consequently we would address marketing
issues, going through the budget for creation, what audience we want to
reach, the business location, then going through concepts where the
operations of the company are more thoroughly specified, where we see the
organizational chart of the company, the positions and their functions, as well
as the salaries of the employees, resuming marketing, we talk about the social
networks that we will use and the justification of our decision, then a
justification of the market to which we are directed, in which we carry out a
brief investigation to demonstrate the viability of the company's project, finally
we address seven legal problems that businesses usually have with their
possible solutions.
All the above, was seen in order to prevent situations that will come to present
that style, because when you start a company, you have no experience at all
with legal circumstances, in which they often come to present, some examples
are: tax fines, lawsuits by workers, that is why you must be prepared to face
this type of situation.
NL leads FDI capture nationwide with $1.448 billion dollars in the second quarter of 2022 |

Government of the State of Nuevo León. (s. f.-b). Retrieved October 10, 2022, from


NL leads FDI capture nationwide with $1.448 billion dollars in the second quarter of 2022 |

Government of the State of Nuevo León. (s. f.-b). Retrieved October 10, 2022, from



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