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Republic of the Philippines


Hda. Estrella, Brgy. XIV, Victorias City, Negros Occidental
ED 209 Supervision and Instruction
November 19, 2022
10:00 am to 12:00 am

Name: MAY ANN C. VELOSO______________Course: ____MAED-EM______

1. As an Instructional Supervisor, how would you resolve and help Mr. Dapatnapo
considering the case scenario below. Analyze and support your strategy with the
principles, standards and practices in your school.
As an Instructional Supervisor, I will help Mr. Dapatnapo in his problems by:
 Model exemplary practice and lead Mr. Dapatnapo in enhancing current
practices in the planning and management of developmentally sequenced
teaching and learning process.
 Exhibit high-level skills and lead in setting achievable and challenging
learning outcomes that are aligned with learning competencies towards
the cultivation of a culture of excellence for all
 Provide advice to the teacher in the design and implementation of
relevant and responsive learning programs that develop the knowledge
and skills of learners at different ability levels
 Lead teacher in professional discussions to plan and implement strategies
that enrich teaching practice.
 Model exemplary skills and lead the teacher in the development and
evaluation of teaching and learning resources, including ICT, for use
within and beyond the school
 Take a leadership role in supporting the teachers’ engagement with
professional networks within and across schools to advance knowledge
and practice in identified areas of need.

2. Use a Descriptive Inquiry Method to address students’ behavior problem. Consider

the case of Gladys.
⮚ Grade 4 pupil of Bagay Elementary School.
⮚ She is frequently leaving her seat, which on occasion escalates into talking to or
bothering her classmates
⮚ Ignoring her behavior doesn’t work. On the other hand, paying attention to her
behavior and especially reprimanding her will cause Gladys to refuse and engage in
power struggles with the teacher.
⮚ Gladys preferred to stay in the classroom during recess
⮚ When given classroom activities like “draw what you feel” she’d like draw a
figure half man and half animal with horn
⮚ When she is in silent mode and someone touch her, her tendency is to shout as
loud as she can

Resolve the problem in 3 stages

First: The Reflection on a Word (gather descriptive words from other teachers-
Second: The recollection (Define your descriptive word)
• Third: The Descriptive Review of the Child using five headings:
1. Physical Presence and Gesture
2. Disposition and Temperament
3. Relationships with Others
4. Interests and Preferences
5. Modes of Thinking and Learning

First is I will call the attention of Gladys after class. Then I will talk to her one on
one about her behavior and I will asked if she fell uncomfortable with her current
situation. If she is hesitant and not answering my queries I will visit her parents and
guardian and I will talked to them about Gladys to fully understand her behavior. After
that I will see to it that I will provide her extra attention and care.

3. 3. Describe the school landscape/school climate to consider it as the dynamic

school for the 21st Century Education. As a 21st Century Teacher how can you cope
with the demands during this time of post pandemic (after 2 years)? Looking forward,
as a Supervisor, what learnings have you gained during the Covid 19 Pandemic in order
for you to achieve your Instructional Supervisory goal and now implementing the full-in-
person classes?

The 21st century education is one that responds to the economical, technological
and societal shifts that are happening at an ever increasing pace. It is an education that
sets children up to succeed in a world where more than half of the jobs they will have
over their careers. a 21st century education is about giving students the skills that they
need to succeed in the new world, and helping them to grow the confidence to practice
those skills, with so much information readily available to them;21 st century skills focus
more on making sense of the information, sharing and using it in a smart ways.

As a 21st century teacher, I must figure out on how to adapt my approach to

learning to fit the current learning context and design instructional strategies to fit the
new reality. That could mean finding ways to foster my knowledge and skills in learning
4. Can you consider Learning Action Cell (LAC) Session as Group Study Method (GSM)?
Why? What do you think is the importance of School Learning Action Cell (SLAC)?

Learning Activity Cell is a group study method because it engage a group of

teachers in a collaborative learning sessions to solve shared challenges encountered in
the school.
School Learning Action Cell is important because it aims to improve teaching-
learning process that will lead to improved learning among students, to nurture
successful teachers, to enable teachers to support each other to continuously improve
their content and pedagogical knowledge, practice, skills and attitudes.

5. Why Supervisors need to have the hard skills (Technical Skills) and the soft skills
(Interpersonal Skills)?

Supervisors need to have a hard skills and soft skill in order to have a better
management skills. Hard skills are needed to complete a task while soft skills can earn
respect from others. Soft skills are important in managing a group of people because
you’re responsible for leading, motivating and encouraging your team while hard skills
is to be able to lead and motivate the team to perform well.

6. Ms. Georgia is in the service for 15 years. Most of the school days, Georgia is absent
and when in school, she always stays in the canteen to capture what is happening
around. Some of her colleagues called her “Maritess” because of her actuations. As
Supervisor how can you perform your role as a Teacher, Counselor, and Consultant
(support your answer with Civil Service laws, Principle of Supervision, School
Standards/Regulations etc.)

As a supervisor, the least thing I could do is to call her attention and talk to her
privately in the office. I would discuss to her the different rules and regulations of the
school as well as the civil service laws to remind and awaken her to become better and
give her first memo which is warning. Then if she will continue her behavior I will
suspend her the next time around according to CSC existing policy and rules.

7. Based on the article “professional learning”, What makes the best teacher and the
best system? -10 pts

Best teacher’s qualities includes skills in communication, listening, collaboration,

adaptability, empathy and patience. Best teachers characteristics includes engaging
classroom presence, value in real world learning, exchange of best practices and a
lifelong love of learning.
A successful system clearly defines in measurable terms, expectations for what
students need to know and be able to do to succeed in school, workplace and in life. A
best systems focuses on students welfare as well as the teachers.

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