Work Discussion

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Response to data security risk vulnerability and its occurrence.

Institution Affiliation

Name of the student


The software developer who contributed to the data security threat of being leaked with a high
likely hood of occurrence would have employed some methods like; using automation to effectively
monitor the potential risk and code analysis. The CIOs and IT persons in any firm also should have
adopted labeling and masking, centralizing identity management of sensitive data for a product. This
would help prevent the risk of actual occurrence that leads to the high cost of dealing with the issue.

I would recommend an approach towards managing or mitigating the risk where, upon
occurrence, personnel should be consulted on matters of reducing and addressing the problem, how to
identify vulnerability and its cost, and the creation of awareness to prevent future occurrence (Khan Et
al., 2021). Management of sensitive information is broad for example, many organizations and
companies must capture data lineage indicating who, where, when, and how the data changes. The use
of data integration and management platforms that have built-in data lineage capabilities by these firms
is crucial.


Khan, F., Kim, J. H., Mathiassen, L., & Moore, R. (2021). Data breach management: An integrated risk
model. Information & Management, 58(1), 103392.

(Khan Et al., 2021).

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