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Crop Production 2

Applied Field Crops

Midterm & Final Examination

Name: Demlleij M. Activa Date: Feb. 2,2021

Year/Section: BAT-3A Permit Number: N/A

Instructor: Mr. Nickson Zolina Score:

I.multiple choice. II.matching type

1.B. 11.RELAY CROPPING. 21.A. 26.J

2.C. 12.B. 22.C. 27.G

3.B. 13.B. 23.C. 28.I

4.D. 14.B. 24.C. 29.D

5.A. 15.C. 25.A. 30.F

6.A. 16.A. 31.A

7. C 17.C. 32.

8.C 18.D. 33.H

9.A. 19.B. 34.C

10.A. 20.C. 35.B


Given:RR :90-30-60

Fertilizer materials: ammonium phosphate 21-0-0

Superphosphate. 0-18-0

Muriate of potash. 0-0-60

Cost per bag:ammonium phosphate 550/bag

Superphosphate. 550/bag

Muriate of potash. 825/bag


Amt. Of superphosphate

30 = 166.67kg/ha×10000m2 =166.67 kg
.18 10000m 2 /ha
Amt. Of P in 166.67 kg of superphosphate. RR:90-30-60
166.67 kg × .18 = 30. 30 .

Amt. Of MOP
60 =100kg/ha×10000m2 = 100 kg
.60 10000m2 /ha
Amt. Of K in 100 kg of MOP. RR:90-0-60
100 kg × .60 = 60. 60

Amt. Of ammophos
90 = 428.57kg/ha×10000m2 = 428.57 kg
.21 10000m 2/ha
Amt. Of N in 428.57 kg of ammophos. RR:90-0-0
428.57 kg× .21 = 90. 90 .
Superphosphate : 166.67 kg ÷ 50 kg/bag = 3.3 bags
Muriate of potash: 100 kg÷ 50 kg/bag = 2 bags
Ammonium phosphate: 428.57 kg÷ 50kg/bag= 8.6 bags

Superphosphate: 3.3 bags × 550/bag = 1,815
Muriate of potash: 8.6 bags × 825/bag= 7,095
Ammonium phosphate:2 bags ×550/bag=1,100


1.principles of IPM
 Use of chemicals based on needs
 Utilization of economic threshold level
 Use of resistant varieties
 Enhancement of biological agents
 Knowledge of cultural practices
2.factors considered in selecting crop variety
 High yielding
 High quality in terms of nutrient composition and eating quality
 Resistance to pests and diseases
 Adaptable to local conditions
 Viable
 Genetically pure
3.primary concerns of INM
 Sustenance of soil fertility
 Efficiency of fertilizer usage
 Sustainability productivity

1.We need to consider the factors in selecting crop variety to be planted to attain great profit with less
expenses in raising the crop.

2. Relay cropping is best since it enable you to generate an income before and/or after the main crop is
harvested which allows you to generate an unending cycle of income.g.e.relay cropping of ampalaya and

3.INM is different from the other nutrient management since it considers the sustainability and
improvement of soil while satisfying the needs of the plant throughout it's growth and development
through applying good cultural practices in water management,weed control,crop rotation and the use
of both synthetic and organic fertilizers.

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