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Tyndale-Biscoe & Mallinson Society


Test Series 4
Class: (X) 10 Max. Marks: 80
Subject: English Time: 3 Hour
Q1. Read the following poem and answer the questions given at the end of the poem:
When will the bell ring, and end this weariness?
How long have they tugged the leash, and strained apart
My pack of unruly hounds! I cannot start
Them again on a quarry of knowledge they hate to hunt,
I can haul them and urge them no more.
No longer now can I endure the brunt
Of the books that lie out on the desks; a full threescore
Of several work that they have offered me.
I am sick, and what on earth is the good of it all?
What good to them or to me, I cannot see
So shall I take
My last dear fuel of life of heap on my soul
And kindle my will to a flame that shall consume
Their dross of indifference, and take the toll
Of their insults in punishments? – I will not……
a) What is the tone in the opening lines of the poem?
b) What are the pupils regarded as?
c) Why has the teacher failed to ‘haul them and urge them’ anymore?’
d) Identify the metaphor used in the poem.
e) Give the antonym of ‘weariness.’ [1x5=5]
Q2. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow the passage
In life, every man has twin obligations--- obligations to his family, to his parents, to his wife and
children; and he has an obligation to his people, his community, his country. In a civil and humane
society, each man is able to fulfill those obligations according to his own inclinations and abilities. But
in a country like South Africa, it was almost impossible for a man of my birth and colour to fulfill both
these obligations. In South Africa, a man of colour who attempted to live as a human being was
punished and isolated. In South Africa, a man who tried to fulfill his duty to his people was inevitably
ripped from his family and his home and was forced to live a life apart, a twilight existence of secrecy
and rebellion. I did not in the beginning choose to place my people above my family, but in attempting
to serve my people. I found that I was prevented from fulfilling my obligations as a son, a brother, a
Father and a husband.

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a) What “twin obligations” does Mandela mention?
b) How is a humane society able to fulfill those obligations?
c) Why is it impossible in South Africa to fulfill those obligations?
d) Give the synonym of ‘punished’.
e) What is the antonym of ‘inevitably’. [1x5=5]
Q3. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following the passage:
All through the life, we experience various occasions when decision making become necessary. A
number of them present themselves in difficult forms and at crucial points. Most of the verdict we take
will eventually figure and describe our track of lives. These are what we refer to as lessons of life.
Choices never present themselves in an easy way. In some instance we are always forced to pay a price
to achieve something. This implies that we are trading for an outcome we are seeking. However, Life
can then be said to be the conditional value of human affairs or individual’s manner of living, it is the
admiration of one’s condition, personality and behavior. It can be measured by the collective value of
each affair in distinctive class or type, and considering whichever way or the nature of living one
indulges in, either at the low level or high level or the good or evil etiquette of living. According to
Timothy Titcomb in his book “Lessons in life” he noted that there are so many outrageous things that
have been practiced in the family and moods are the excuses being given for such action, because
moods are the most indefensible things
a) What is referred to as lessons of life?
b) How can we measure the conditional value of human affairs?
c) What do you mean by the word “etiquette”?
d) “Lessons in life” book is written by?
e) Why are moods described as the most indefensible things? [1x5=5]
Q4. Insert the modals given below appropriately:
must, would, might, will
a) This is a hospital, and you__________ not talk loudly here.
b) I ___________ like to talk about the great freedom fighters on Independence Day.
Q5. Insert suitable article in the following sentences:
a) We saw ________ lions in _______ safari.
b) Where’s _______ axe he just used?
Q6. Join the following pair of sentences by changing one of the pairs into a Relative Clause.
a) My brother has made a mark in the field of art and literature. My brother is living in France these
b) The manager spoke to the workers. Their work was below standard.
c) The fires caused widespread damage. They swept across much of Northern Kashmir.

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Q7. Change the form of narration:
a) It is said, “It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy that makes happiness.”
b) The swan replied, “I was the happiest bird around. But I think the parrot is the happiest bird as it has
two colours.”
c) She said to me, “I shall come here tomorrow.”
Q8. Edit the following passage:
Community service sensitize people to other’s needs and supports (a)___________
Inclusive development to the underprivileged (b)___________
Sections with society. Courses about social work prepares frontline (c)___________
Workers to takes up assignments in social welfare (d)___________
Organizations. Practical work including 50 hours of structured (e)____________
Internship to man projects. (f)____________
Q9. Complete the following dialogue:
Naveen : Mom, can I go to Rahul’s house to play chess?
Mother : (a)……………….. You have to finish your homework first.
Naveen : Please mom, I promise (b)………………. In the evening.
Mother : Ok then. When (c)………………….?
Naveen : In about an hour. But mom, my bicycle’s tyre has got punctured. Can
Mother : No, she needs it when she goes for her dance class.
Naveen : ( e) ………………………… class.
Mother : Ok. Take it. But (f)………………
Naveen : Sure mom. Thanks a lot, and bye.
Q10. You are Hamad/Dania, the Secretary of the History Club of Cambridge International School. Draft a
notice in not more than 50 words informing students of a proposed visit to some important historical sites in
your city. [3]
Q11. Read the following notes from the note-pad of Ms. Marry, the Manager of Exploration kids. As
her assistant, you have to draft a message on her behalf to other Employees of the company.

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● Meeting at 2:00pm in the manager’s office.
● Topic for Discussion: Low sale rates.
● Review of future projects.
● Measures to increase sales rate. [4]
Q12. Write a letter to the controller of District Transport Authority complaining against the auto rickshaw
drivers for charging excess fare.
Write a letter to the editor of an English Daily, making a plea to the common people to switch over
to solar energy to conserve electricity and limit electricity bills. [5]
Q13. Do any one of the following:
a) Write a short paragraph on “Artificial Intelligence (AI)”
● Computer-controlled robot
● Perform tasks
● Ability to reason
● Associated with humans
b) Write an article on “The Uses of Internet”, using the notes given below:
● Network of computers
● Worldwide communications
● Search engine
● Virtual classes
Q14. Read the extracts of the poems and answer the following questions: 20-30 words.
(Do any three)
a) How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love- false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face.

Explain “pilgrim soul” in the above lines

b) And bending down beside the glowing bars

Murmur, a little sadly , how love fled
And paced upon the mountains overhead
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.

Which poetic device has been used in this stanza by the poet? Explain it.

c) Loss of hope has darkened the evening of my life too

And clouds gathering in the mind shed tears as they pass
The evening of troubles, my companion, is also depressed
And takes me along, holding me by the arm.

What companion do you see in the above lines?

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d) Custard the dragon had big sharp teeth,
And spikes on the top of him and scales underneath.
Mouth like a fireplace, chimney for a nose
And realio, trulio daggers on his toes

Which poetic devices are used in the above lines? Identify and explain them.

e) ………..and looked out at young tress sprinting

The merry children spilling
Out of their homes, but after the airport’s security check,
Standing a few yards away

What do you mean by ‘young trees sprinting’?

Q15. Do any four of the following (40-60 words)
a) Why does Mrs. Bennet tell her daughters that they have an excellent father?
b) What does Anne write in her first essay
c) How did Mandela’s “hunger for freedom” change his life?
d) How did Griffin escape from the London store?
e) How does Antonio help Bassanio?
f) How does Mammachi stand out as an independent and resilient woman in the text?
Q16. Do any one of the following: (80-100 words)
a) Write a character sketch of Natalya.
b) What is the theme of the play ‘ The Proposal’
Q17. Do any one of the following: (80-100 words)
a) What did the old couple think about the master?
b) What was Rama Rao’s business? How did it collapse?
c) The course of the Loisel’s life changed due to necklace. Comment. [6x1=6]

Note: Model test papers to be done on loose sheets.

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