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Research Final Defense Script


Food loss and waste also exacerbates the climate change crisis with its significant greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint.
Production, transportation, and handling of food generate significant Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions. And when food
ends up in landfills, it generates methane, an even more potent greenhouse gas. Same goes with farms. The beef and dairy
cattle industry is one of the main contributors to global greenhouse gases. Methane makes up about half of the total
greenhouse gases this sector emits.
Christoph: A pleasant afternoon to everyone, especially to our Research Adviser, Ma’am Marian B. De Silva and to our
dear panelists
___________________________________________________________________________________. We are Team
Bayan of 10 - Faraday. I am Christoph Bago along with my co-researchers...
Stephanie Anne Esma, Aura Maru Penson, Frank Simon Rafael, Mark Lorence Hernandez, Aira Manlapig, Krisha Mae
Fajardo, Jhon Paul Lagdamin
And we are here to present our Research Investigatory Project entitled “Bio-methanation Eco-friendly Biofuel and Bio-
fertilizer Converter”.
As you can see on the screen, the chronological sequence of our presentation, starting with the Introduction. The
Introduction consists of Statement of the Problem, Scope and Limitation, Alternative and Null Hypothesis, Significance of
the Study and Definition of Terms. Followed by the Methodology, Risk and Safety Considerations, Results and
Discussion, Conclusion, Recommendations and Bibliography.
I’d like to introduce Stephanie Anne Esma as the reporter for the Introduction and Background of the Study.

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Stephanie: Thank you Mr. Bago...
Have you ever wondered what happens to your food waste once you have put it in your trash bin? Or are you familiar with
this picture?
Each year, about 1/3 of the food produced worldwide for human consumption – about 1.3 billion tons – ends up in the
garbage. According to the United Nations, that's 20% of methane emissions. The second big methane emitter comes from
cows, which is 10% of methane emissions is from their manure. This is because cattle have stomachs with four
compartments instead of one, they produce more methane as a byproduct of their digestive process.
Food waste is a major issue that’s happening continually on a global scale. Since many people tend to purchase food that
spoils before consumption, it’s vital to focus on managing food waste and engaging in sustainable practices daily.
Besides, throwing away more food than is consumed is detrimental to the planet. Food waste heavily contributes to the
emission of greenhouse gases. Food that is thrown out often goes to landfills. Unfortunately, landfills do not compost food
scraps. Every time food waste enters a landfill, it produces methane gas, which is very harmful to the environment.
Methane is responsible for more than 25% of the global warming we are experiencing today. Composting is an incredible
way to conserve food resources.

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This product entitled “Bio-methanation Eco-friendly Biofuel and Biofertilizer Converter” can tap, capture, and use those
landfill methane gas from the organic food waste and cow manure as a fairly clean energy source for generating biofuel
and biofertilizer, rather than leaking into the air or being dispersed as waste. Through the process of Bio-methanation or
Anaerobic Digestion microorganisms break down organic matter and produce methane with the absence of oxygen.
Let us hear from Frank Simon Rafael, presenting the Statement of the Problem.
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Frank (Statement of the Problem): Thank you Ms. Esma…

As researchers, we aim to know what problems we would face ahead of our investigatory project.
Specifically, it will seek to answer the following:
1. How can “Bio-methanation Eco-friendly Biofuel and Biofertilizer Converter” be described in terms of:
a. materials used
b. appearance
c. organic waste it can hold
d. time it takes to convert food waste into biogas and liquid fertilizer
e. cost-benefit analysis
2. What does the “Bio-methanation Converter” can digest to produce biogas?
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3. How does the “Bio-methanation Converter” work?
4. How does the “Bio-methanation Converter” help reduce effects of global warming?
5. How long does it take to see results from the liquid fertilizer produced?
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6. How may the growth of the plant with & without liquid fertilizer be described in terms of:
a. height
b. width of the leaves
c. number of leaves
d. weight of the harvest
e. color of the leaves
f. taste of the harvested fruits
7. Is the “Bio-methanation Converter” safe to use?
Problems stated in statement of the problem will be answered in results and discussion.

Next, we have Krisha Mae Fajardo to discuss the Scope and Limitations.
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Krisha (Scope and Limitation): Thank you Mr. Rafael
Upon conducting the study, limitations were discovered while making and using the product.
The product has two purposes, to turn food waste into biogas, and into liquid fertilizer. However, it can only hold 30 kg of
food waste and cow manure. Also, it can only digest organic waste like rice, vegetables & fruit peels, meat, cooking oil,
and any other “wet” waste, while it cannot digest waste like straw, grass, dry leaves, tree branches, sand, metal, and
plastic as those substances are not biodegradable and cannot produce microorganisms.
Furthermore, the gas tank shouldn’t be moved too often as it could disrupt the mixture inside that may cause combustion
and explosion. The container should be secured and sealed to prevent leakage that will allow the gas to release from the
tank. Moreover, the Gas Tank should not be full since it would not produce gas. Consistent temperature is a must to keep
it cool and to avoid hazardous chemical reactions.
Now, let us have Aira Manlapig to discuss the Hypothesis.

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Aira (Hypothesis): Thank you Ms. Fajardo
The purpose of this study is to determine whether or this product can be substantial and beneficial. The following
hypothesis was investigated in this study. Two forms of hypothesis were conducted, namely Alternative and Null.
First, Alternative
1. The biogas energy from cow manure is effective as an alternative source of fuel for cooking.
2. Biogas is more affordable as an alternative source of fuel than the commercial one.
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. 3. Biogas can reduce a host of social costs of cooking related to health, environment, and climate (including methane
4. Bio¬-slurry is an effective organic fertilizer that is environmentally friendly and has no toxic or harmful effects.
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Next, Null
1. The biogas energy from cow manure is not effective as an alternative source of fuel for cooking.
2. Biogas is more unaffordable as an alternative source of fuel than the commercial one.
3. Biogas cannot reduce a host of social costs of cooking related to health, environment, and climate (including methane
4. Bio-slurry is not an effective organic fertilizer and has toxic or harmful effects.

The Significance of the Study will be discussed by Aura Maru Penson.

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Aura (Significance of the Study): Thank you Ms. Manlapig.
We, researchers, aim to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed product, the "Bio-methanation Eco-friendly Biofuel
and Biofertilizer Converter," and show that it can provide economic, environmental, and social benefits. By using a Bio-
methanation Converter, we hope to show that organic waste can be effectively and efficiently converted into biogas,
which can then be used for electricity generation or as a substitute for natural gas. Overall, we hope to demonstrate that
the use of a Bio-methanation Converter can provide multiple benefits and can be an effective tool for sustainable waste
management and renewable energy production.
For the environment, the Bio-methanation Converter technology can reduce greenhouse gas emissions from landfills by
converting organic waste into biogas, reducing methane emissions and reducing dependence on fossil fuels.
For the fast-food owners, this study provides valuable information for them and other food service businesses looking for
ways to reduce their environmental impact, improve sustainability, and reduce waste disposal costs.
For the parents, they can use a Bio-methanation Converter to recycle food waste and convert it to biogas, which can help
them save on energy expenses and reduce waste disposal costs. This can also reduce the environmental impact of their
household, contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly lifestyle.
For the farmers, this study found that the Bio-methanation Converter can help them reduce their expenses for fertilizers
and improve the quality of their soil for better harvests. It can also convert agricultural waste into biogas, providing
farmers with a source of renewable energy.
For the citizens, by using a Bio-methanation Converter to turn food waste into biogas and liquid fertilizer, they can lessen
their environmental impact and help create an environment that is more sustainable.
For the government, they can use Bio-methanation Converter to reduce waste in landfills, provide renewable energy,
improve soil health, and promote sustainability, leading to a reduction in waste management costs and greenhouse gas
For the researchers, this study provides insights into how food waste recycling can play a significant role in saving the
world and making our lives easier. It can help researchers identify ways to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
Bio-methanation Converter and explore the potential of using them to recycle other types of organic waste. Additionally,
it can contribute to the development of policies and regulations that support sustainable waste management practices.
For the future researchers, this study provides a basis for future research in the field of food waste recycling and Bio-
methanation Converter to improve efficiency and effectiveness, promote sustainability, reduce waste, and mitigate the
impacts of climate change. Future research can focus on optimizing the design, operation, economic, social, and
environmental impacts, integrating food waste recycling with other sustainable waste management practices, and
providing a more comprehensive and sustainable approach to waste management.

Next, we have Stephanie Anne Esma to discuss the Definition of Terms.

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Stephanie (Definition of Terms): Thank you Ms. Penson…

For better understanding, here are some technical terms or words that are important to this study.
Christoph (Methodology): Thank you Ms. Esma.

Now, let us proceed with the Method section or the Methodology.

But first, let us define what Methodology is.
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Methodology is the philosophical framework within the study is conducted. This chapter of research describes research
methods, design in details highlighting those used throughout the study, justifying the researchers’ choice through
describing the advantages and disadvantages of every approach and design taking into account its practical applicability to
the study.
The Methodology consists of 4 parts. The Gathering of Materials, Formation of the Product, Testing and Analyzing, and
the Finished Product.
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Let’s start with the Gathering of Materials.
To create the converter, you will need a Steel Gas Tank which will serve as the container for the cow dung and food waste
mixture. A Ball Valve that functions as the on-off switch and controls how much biogas to release. A Rubber Hose that
serves as the pathway for the biogas to reach the storage and the gas stove. A T-3-Way Connector Joiner that became a
link between the hoses and serves as the most important part of the hose assembly. An Inner Tire Tube that functions as
biogas storage. Epoxy to attach the ball valve to the tank. And lastly, Hose Clamps to ensure that the hoses were
connected firmly and will not cause any leakage. These materials are needed in order to make the converter.

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The second part is the Formation of the product.

These are the steps taken by the researchers in assembling the container.
The Ball Valve was attached on the upper part of the Gas Steel Tank using Epoxy.
While waiting for the epoxy to dry, the cow manure was mixed with water.
Then the food waste, specifically fruit peels, mainly banana peels, was chopped, and crushed using food processor.
After the preparation for the mixture, the cow manure and the crushed fruit peels was mixed together and was transferred
to the container.
After filling the container with the mixture, the Bio-methanation Converter was painted with black paint to prevent
sunlight from penetrating.
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On the other hand, these are the procedures performed in making the hose assembly.
A 121 cm hose was attached with the ball valve connected to the container.
After the hose was attached, another hose, an 18 cm one was affixed to the Inner Tire Tube and the other end of it was
bound with the right-side end of a T-3-Way Connector Joiner.
The other end of the hose connected to the ball valve was also joined to the “T” end of the Connector.
A 118 cm hose was linked with the remaining side of the connector.
And the other edge of it was connected to a single burner stove.
All ends of the hoses were secured using hose clamps.
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The third part of Methodology is Testing and Analyzing. This part discusses the tests that the converter has undertaken to
ensure its functionality.
Test 1: Check if the biogas that the “Bio-methanation Eco-friendly Biofuel and Biofertilizer Converter” will produce is
flammable and can cook.
- As you can see on the screen, the biogas produced by the "Bio-methanation Converter" can be used as a fuel for
cooking because it is flammable.
Test 2: Using a timer, record how long the produced biogas can cook.

Test 3: A controlled experiment will be set up to determine if there is a difference in how long biogas can cook compared
to LPG.

Test 4: Check if the food cooked using the produced biogas is edible and will not cause any harm to people.
- When biogas is used for cooking food, the resulting food is safe to eat because the biogas combustion process
does not introduce any harmful chemicals or toxins into the food. Biogas cooking is a clean and sustainable
alternative to traditional fossil fuel-based cooking methods, which can release harmful pollutants into the air and
contribute to climate change.

Test 5: Verify if there is a difference between the taste of the food cooked using biogas and the food cooked using LPG.
Test 6: A controlled trial will be set up to determine the effects of the liquid fertilizer on the growth of the plants.
- The trial involved a group of plants that received the liquid fertilizer, and a control group of plants that did not
receive the liquid fertilizer. By controlling for other factors that could influence plant growth, such as the amount
of sunlight, water, and nutrients the plants receive, the trial will help isolate the effects of the liquid fertilizer on
plant growth. At the end of the trial, the growth of the plants in both groups was compared to determine if there is
a significant difference in growth between the plants that received the liquid fertilizer and those that did not.

And the last part of the Methodology is the Finished Product, which is the “Bio-methanation Eco-friendly Biofuel and
Biofertilizer Converter”, that can turn food waste and cow manure mixture into biogas and liquid fertilizer. Observations,
experiments, and actual testing methods were made to avoid problems and improve the quality of the product.
Before proceeding with the Results and Discussion, here is Mark Lorence Hernandez to present some Risk and Safety
Considerations that must be followed in order to avoid accidents while using the product.

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Mark Lorence (Risk and Safety Considerations):
To ensure safe execution of this study, here are some Risk and Safety considerations to be followed
1. Whenever handling waste materials, take the appropriate precautions by wearing personal protection equipment.
2. Make sure that the tank is sufficiently ventilated.
3. Ensure that the piping is airtight and tested before use.
4. Ensure that the digester is placed on a flat, level surface to avoid damaging the converter.
5. Be cautious of getting burns on turning on the cooking stove.

For the results and discussion, again here is Christoph Bago.

Christoph (Results and Discussion): Thank you Mr. Hernandez
This chapter of the study presents, analyzes, and discusses all the facts and information gathered in an orderly manner
regarding the production of the Bio-methanation Eco-friendly Biofuel and Biofertilizer Converter.

1. How can “Bio-methanation Eco-friendly Biofuel and Biofertilizer Converter” be described in terms of:
a. materials used
b. appearance
c. organic waste it can hold
d. time it takes to convert food waste into biogas and liquid fertilizer
e. cost-benefit analysis

Table 1 shows all the materials and its quantity to create the “Bio-methanation Converter.”
- The materials used to create the converter are a 40L Steel Gas Tank, 2 pcs of ¼ Ball Valve, 5/16 Rubber Hose,
¼ T-3-Way Connector Joiner, 700 x 20 cm Inner Tire Tube and 5 pcs of Hose Clamps. These materials are used
to create the converter.
Table 2 shows how the “Bio-methanation Converter” looks like.
- The Steel Gas Tank is color black and is 50 cm in height and 25 cm in width. It is 34 kg in total with the cow
dung and food waste mixture inside.
Table 3 shows the content and ratio of organic waste and water used in the production of biogas and biofertilizer inside
the “Bio-methanation Converter.”
- The mixture inside the container is made up of 11 kg cow dung, 12 kg of water, 5 kg banana peels, and 1 kg of
other kitchen and organic waste.
Table 4 shows how long it will take for the storage bag to be completely full.
- Based on the findings of our study, the storage bag, which is the inner tire tube took 1 day to be completely filled
with biogas.
Table 5 shows the cost of each materials used in constructing the “Bio-methanation Eco-friendly Biofuel and Biofertilizer
Converter.” It was concluded that the product costs Php 1,160.00, while it was actually Php 823.00.
- Oral
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2.What does the “Bio-methanation Converter” can digest to provide biogas?
- Biogas can be produced using any type of organic waste. Raw materials such as cow dung (animal manure),
banana peel (food waste), agricultural waste, and other organic materials that are beneficial can be used to provide
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3.How does the “Bio-methanation Converter” work?
- When the organic waste (cow manure and wet kitchen waste) rots and decomposes, the microorganisms grow
oxygen-free and break down and produce methane. This process is called bio-methanation or anaerobic digestion.
This process occurs inside the digester, and after the conversion process, the methane gas rises to the top of the
digester. A tube is connected to a burner that can be used for cooking and can be turned off and on as needed.
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4.How does the “Bio-methanation Converter” help reduce effects of global warming?
- Biodegradable wastes are ubiquitous: they derive from multitudes of human social and economic activities.
Greenhouse gasses emissions from the decomposition of food waste and other organic wastes contribute to
climate change by releasing gases into the atmosphere. The “Bio-methanation Eco-friendly Biofuel and
Biofertilizer Converter” is designed for capturing and harnessing gases that are made up of methane and carbon
dioxide that can lead to mitigation of global warming and climate change.
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5. How long does it take to see results from the liquid biofertilizer produced?
Table 6 shows the time it took to see the effects of the liquid biofertilizer produced by the “Bio-methanation Eco-friendly
Biofuel and Biofertilizer Converter.” from the seeds planted.
- As you can see from the presentation, the plant on the left is the Pechay with the fertilizer and the plant on the
right is the controlled group. It is very visible that the growth of the Pechay with fertilizer is much faster than the
growth of the plant without fertilizer.
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6. How may the growth of the plant with & without liquid fertilizer be described in terms of:
a. height
b. width of the leaves
c. number of leaves
d. weight of the harvest
e. color of the leaves
f. taste of the harvested fruits
- The height of the plant with fertilizer is 20 cm. It has 5-6 leaves and has a width of 7 cm. The Pechay with
fertilizer weighs 700 g per pc and has a dark green color and tastes like the normal Pechay. On the other hand, the
height of the plant without fertilizer is 15 cm. It has 4 leaves and has a width of 5 cm. The Pechay without
fertilizer weighs 600 g per pc and has a dark green color and also tastes like the normal Pechay.
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7. Is the “Bio-methanation Eco-friendly Biofuel and Biofertilizer Converter” safe?
- The system’s operation is safe and secure, and the “Bio-methanation Eco-friendly Biofuel and Biofertilizer
Converter” is properly designed. However, it does produce methane, a combustible gas that is hazardous to
breathe, thus it is vital to use the proper gas-using precautions and adhere to a predetermined operational method.

Now, let us hear from Aura Maru Penson, the Conclusion.

Aura (Conclusion): Thank you Mr. Bago.

Poor waste management can result in environmental pollution, health problems, and greenhouse gas emissions, which is a
serious issue. Biogas is a renewable energy source that can be used as a fuel source for electricity, cooking, and heating. It
is produced by anaerobic digestion, which breaks down organic waste and converts it into methane and carbon dioxide. In
addition to producing beneficial byproducts like fertilizer, this can lessen the negative effects of waste disposal on the
environment and public health.
Upon conducting the study, the researchers conclude that:
1. By using the Bio-methanation Eco-friendly Biofuel and Biofertilizer Converter, citizens can produce their own reliable
and alternative renewable source of energy. This can reduce their dependence on traditional sources of energy, such as
fossil fuels, which are finite and contribute to climate change.
2. We rely on locally sourced materials, purchased from hardware stores and other suppliers in the immediate vicinity, for
constructing the Bio-methanation Eco-friendly Biofuel and Biofertilizer Converter.
3. This research provides proof that biogas is a practical and efficient option for cooking, making it a good substitute for
traditional cooking gas.
4. The use of the "Bio-methanation Eco-friendly Biofuel and Biofertilizer Converter" can provide a sustainable method of
reducing greenhouse gas emissions by capturing methane from hazardous waste and animal manure and converting it into
valuable biofuels and biofertilizers.

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Jhon Paul (Recommendations): Thank you Ms. Penson
Based the findings and conclusions of this study, the researchers have come up with the following recommendations:
1. For the researchers, they could use a bigger container so that more organic waste can be put and more gas can be
2. Figure out how biogas, a non-fossil fuel, can be the greatest clean energy upgrade option for automobiles.
3. To increase the functionality of the project perform experimental studies on how the organic waste will be beneficial.
4. Create a device, such as a prototype biogas generator, that will operate when linked to the digester.
5. Figure out how the biogas may be utilized to generate power.

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