Alternative Delivery System

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Alternative Delivery System

Using Web-based Teaching

Alternative Delivery Systems

-are management systems used in Inclusion classrooms that provide support for students and maximize learning
while being presented with the core curriculum.
- uses success-oriented presentations and the elements of collaboration and school based coordination in its

to develop many creative ways of working together for the benefit of all students.

-enhancing student learning;
-reducing repetitive teaching tasks;, and;
-provides improved instructional materials.

Types of Alternative Delivery Systems

-Synchronous Teaching
-Asynchronous Teaching
-Blended System

Synchronous Teaching
In this approach, all participants can join an interactive environment in real-time at different places while
communicating online and learning collaboratively.

Technologies for Synchronous Teaching

Internet Classroom sites
Adobe Connect (virtual classrooms)
Call Video conferencing
Internet chat

Virtual Learning Environment allows learners and those engaged in education and teaching to free themselves from
the limitations of time and space, and carry out learning interactions in a flexible timeframe and at “ virtual sites”
that are not physically tied to one another.

Asynchronous Teaching
In Asynchronous Learning the Facilitator prepares the courseware materials before the course takes place.
The learner is free to decide when he wants to study the courseware.

Threaded Discussion boards
Web-based Training

Advantage of Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning

1. Allows for immediate feedback (more interactive).
2. Productive discussions (quick exchange of ideas).
3. Eliminates the sense of isolation that some online learners might experience.
Real-Time Discussion
Real-Time Collaboration
Cost Effective
Facilitator can gauge understanding of concepts
Motivation to complete assignments course

Anytime-anywhere learning
Access materials when convenient
Opportunity to research answers
Can express thoughts without any interruptions

Time zone (might cause scheduling conflict)
2. Technical glitches might cause interruption in online meetings.
3. Costs associated with software, hardware, and bandwidth required for synchronous connections can be more
expensive than an actual face-to-face class.

Computer technology has made people and information sources of information universally “accessible” and
“available” at any place and at any time.

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